Got bad news today


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Cog: let me ask you this: did your doctor also talk to you about losing some of your extra pounds? How about modifying your diet? How about getting more exercise? Did he mention you should cut down on salty foods?

If you don't like taking meds all the time, many health problems can be rectified by changing your lifestyle.

I liked your comment "i'm pretty fat but not obese".....


New member
Sep 22, 2004
tboy said:
Cog: let me ask you this: did your doctor also talk to you about losing some of your extra pounds? How about modifying your diet? How about getting more exercise? Did he mention you should cut down on salty foods?

If you don't like taking meds all the time, many health problems can be rectified by changing your lifestyle.

I liked your comment "i'm pretty fat but not obese".....
Tboys med will solve the problem alone. You got yourself this way and you will have to make some adjustments to correct it along with the meds. They aren't magic pills.


Active member
Yeah my doc told my to cut down on the salt. Not easy for a salt tooth (some have a sweet tooth, i got salt) But i've already started. He said to eat more fruits and veggies and cut out the fat and red meats. He told me to stop exercising for the mean time till i get my BP back to normal then i can start up again. Everybody's right, i gotta lose about 30-40 pounds. That would be an attainable goal for my b-day in the spring.

Thanks to all. Its good to know that i'm not the only one suffering from this affliction. I know that high BP has almost no symptoms, which is why they call it the silent killer, but how did you guys find out about it? Was it through a medical exam or did something tip you off?


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Was it James Dean who said ?

"live hard, die young, and have a good lookin' corpse"

I'm 48, take two BP meds, once a day aspirn, Liprodil for Hi cholestral, some other drug for an enlarged prostate, efflexor for depression(but getting off it as it is extremely hard to lose weigh while on this drug), use an inhaler, and am probably addicted to percocets.

Plus major psoriasas.

You pussy....

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
incognito said:
Went to my doctor and he told me that my blood pressure is way high. Gave me a perscription of Diovan. It s an angiotensin 2 AT1 receptor blocker. Basicaly blocking the hormone and lowering my BP. I also have a BP monitor to measure the BP and record it to give to my doctor for study. I'm totaly depressed now. I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.

Does anyone else have any experience to what i'm going through? I need advice and guidance cause i started to think that my life is over. :(

If it makes you feel any better... I am older than you & never had a physical. If there is something wrong.. I would rather not know about it.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Papi Chulo said:
If it makes you feel any better... I am older than you & never had a physical. If there is something wrong.. I would rather not know about it.

LMAO in typical guy fashion:rolleyes: And do you think this could be the reason that on average men die sooner than women?

I'm actually surprised your doc told you to stop exercising (or did he tell you not to start yet?). Not to insult you or anything but if he told you to lose 30 - 40 pounds that's significant. Hell, that's a 1/4 my total body mass.

As for tell tale signs of High BP, one sure sign is rosecia (don't know how to spell it) but a redness around the face and neck when any strenuous activity is performed. I'm not talking about the NHLers when they come off a shift on the ice, that's dehydration. I'm talking if you bend over to pick up a bag of groceries and your cheeks get all red when you straighten up.

Gerald Ford

New member
Dec 27, 2006
MuffinMuncher said:
Oh you big drama queen! :p

You're life isnt over. High blood pressure can be controlled with a combination of diet and medication, and most of the time you can go about your life with a minimum of inconveniece or change. Educate yourself. Get facts. Talk to a cardiologist. Then start living life to its fullest.

btw... every time you wrote BP I thought of Blue Pearl.
MuffinMuncher has issues.

My friend used to be a colleague of MuffinMuncher, now he watches Michelle Wie hi lites in a basement appartment.

I am Gerald Ford. I am not Michelle Wie.


Active member
tboy said:
I'm actually surprised your doc told you to stop exercising (or did he tell you not to start yet?). Not to insult you or anything but if he told you to lose 30 - 40 pounds that's significant. Hell, that's a 1/4 my total body mass.

As for tell tale signs of High BP, one sure sign is rosecia (don't know how to spell it) but a redness around the face and neck when any strenuous activity is performed. I'm not talking about the NHLers when they come off a shift on the ice, that's dehydration. I'm talking if you bend over to pick up a bag of groceries and your cheeks get all red when you straighten up.
See, i haven't gone to the gym for over a month and i asked him if it was ok to resume my trips to the gym adn he said not yet, not until my BP comes down. He didn't specifically tell me to lose 30-40 pounds, I want to lose 30-40 pounds. He just told me i was fat. :p


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Sorry, but stop being such a wimp. The only bad thing about high blood pressure is not knowing about it and it resulting in a heart attack. Now that you do , do something about it. Lose the weight, take your pills, get a stress test and then exercise.
In other words fix it and stop whining about it. Geez.

This thing is a hell of a lot easier to fix than just about anything else such as:
Heart desease
Hepatitus etc etc

Now stop talking about it and do something.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
papasmerf said:

when you hit my high of 228/120 call me. In the mean time stop drinking and begin a better diet.

Take your meds and switch to water

Shit Papa, with that kind of blood pressure you would make ideal Bear bait.

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
Take your meds. Make some lifestyle changes. Get it under control. Make sure you see your doctor regularly. You'll be fine.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
incognito said:
Went to my doctor and he told me that my blood pressure I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.

Does anyone else have any experience to what i'm going through? I need advice and guidance cause i started to think that my life is over. :(
I have family history of hypertension. Mother, Father, and younger brother (he is 45, I am 47). I take a vasilodilator which relaxes the blood vessels and porvides more room in effect for the blood to travel around. Also take a beta blocker, which decreases the force with which the blood is pumped coming out of the heart.

I was diagnosed at 31. Initially went on only the beta blocker then, my doctor introduced the v/d at age 42. With meds. my b/p is noramlly 110/75 or so ,which is better than good.

In short, it is nothing to worry about, and nothing you can do about it, particularly if you have family history. I have 2 sons and I would imagine one of them if not both will develop the problem.

My Mom was diagnosed at age 38, she died at 78 this past spring. My Dad diagnosed at 40, and he will be 79 in the fall of this year.

Your life over? no way!!

One tip, dont obsess over taking your b/p at home. Take it maybe 3 times a week, at varying times. If you can keep it at 140 or less top number and 90 or less bottom (however the lower the better in each case) then you are good to go. If you get into a mode where you are taking it 3 - 4 times a day you'll drive it up just from the stress you cause yourself by doing that.

A couple of years ago I had a migraine. Never had one in my life before, only had one since. Bottom line is that I made up my mind I was having stroke (for no reason whatsoever, but I can be a bit of a hypochondriac) went to emerg and they took my b/p and it was 225/125!! They gave me valium and told me that if I DID'NT calm down I WOULD have one!! Best advice I ever got.

Dont worry, be happy, and take your'll live long and prosper!!

Good Luck!!


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I can commiserate with ya incognito. I too have high blood pressure (discovered during a physical, but also family history) controlled by meds. I also take 2 pills for a low cholestral rating (my bad cholestral is low, but so is my good levels) and 1 pill 2x a day for acid reflux. Somedays I swear I rattle <grin> when I walk. And I'm only in my mid-30s. Whenever it starts to bother me, I tell myself that at least my condition is treatable and that if I had been living not too far back in the past I'd just die early.

I hear ya on that salt tooth thing. I switched to a product called No Salt which is recommended for a salt/sodium reduced diet. Instead of sodium chloride (regular salt) it uses potassium chloride. Doesn't taste 100% like regular salt, but enough that it fixes the craving for it. I do recommend you ask your doctor first as some people may be in more danger from the potassium than sodium apparently.

Other than that, you've heard the answers to trying to get it down yourself.

Exercise (when your doctor okays it)
Proper diet
Drink water instead of juices and soft drinks

Even if you aren't able to maintain your BP at proper levels without some medication you'll feel better for getting in shape.

Just my 2cents worth


New member
Aug 20, 2003
incognito said:
My reading at the doctors was 170/100. Thats pretty frickin high. Cholesterol was within tolerance at my last physical. To be honest, i'm not in any kind of shape at all. I'm pretty fat but i don't consider myself obese.

There is your answer right there , I have high bp also but I am close to 60 when I weighed less my blood pressure was less. This is not necessarily true but sometimes they are directly related. Your DR owes it to you to suggest this . I can almost guarantee if you lost 30 or 40 lbs you bp would drop. Sometimes I think doctors look for the easy out. Good luck


Feb 18, 2004
Turoro, Nova Scotia
Have full faith in Lord Almighty!
Take your prescribed medicines on time, & Lord willing you shall be alright very soon, you are young, & still you have to go for another 75 yrs. in your life, God Bless U, & give you a long and happy life.


Active member
Who is this guy 7?

BTW, for those guys that have taken meds, how long were you taking meds before you starded to see results in your BP?

Yeah rub, my family has no history of high BP or high cholesterol or any cardio vascular aliments that i know of and i asked both my parents (both of whom are in their 70's. I'm just waiting for the OK from my doc and i'm back in the gym and concentrating on the cardio and a little bit of strenght training. I've already altered my diet and eating more fruits and vegs and cutting down on portions but i get sooo hungry so fast. :p

Thanks for all the help folks, i really appreciate this. Except to the few asshats that responded that were less than kind. I'll remember this when you get the clap.


Jan 18, 2004
It's hard to say what the cause is. Might be too many cups of coffee/day, Not getting a good nights sleep (you may need a sleep study to determine this this), It could be weight, You might be one of those nervous patients who has high blood pressure just from being in the doctors office. It could be related to kidney function. I once recorded a high blood pressure because I just missed getting into a multivehicle accident on the way to the doctor's. I came back the next week for a followup and every thing was fine. Maybe you could review the various factors in your lifestyle and talk to your doctor about possible causes and explore a solution other than being on meds. I'm sure there are other possibilities but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck
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