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Got bad news today


Active member
Went to my doctor and he told me that my blood pressure is way high. Gave me a perscription of Diovan. It s an angiotensin 2 AT1 receptor blocker. Basicaly blocking the hormone and lowering my BP. I also have a BP monitor to measure the BP and record it to give to my doctor for study. I'm totaly depressed now. I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.

Does anyone else have any experience to what i'm going through? I need advice and guidance cause i started to think that my life is over. :(


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Why are you depressed? You are going to control it with meds. You should be happy you found out before something went wrong (heart attack/stroke).

I have a family history of high blood pressure and it is controllable. My dad is 77 today and has been on BP meds for as long as I can remember.

(Check with doctor if you decide to use viagara type meds as it may interfere with your BP)


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
incognito said:
Went to my doctor and he told me that my blood pressure is way high. Gave me a perscription of Diovan. It s an angiotensin 2 AT1 receptor blocker. Basicaly blocking the hormone and lowering my BP. I also have a BP monitor to measure the BP and record it to give to my doctor for study. I'm totaly depressed now. I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.
Oh you big drama queen! :p

You're life isnt over. High blood pressure can be controlled with a combination of diet and medication, and most of the time you can go about your life with a minimum of inconveniece or change. Educate yourself. Get facts. Talk to a cardiologist. Then start living life to its fullest.

btw... every time you wrote BP I thought of Blue Pearl.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
incognito said:
Went to my doctor and he told me that my blood pressure is way high. Gave me a perscription of Diovan. It s an angiotensin 2 AT1 receptor blocker. Basicaly blocking the hormone and lowering my BP. I also have a BP monitor to measure the BP and record it to give to my doctor for study. I'm totaly depressed now. I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.

Does anyone else have any experience to what i'm going through? I need advice and guidance cause i started to think that my life is over. :(

bad news is when your doctor asks if you have a will.

Hi BP is not only controlable but correctable. When your dick falls off or turns plad you have a problem.........Otherwise suck it up and be a man.


Apr 5, 2002
How high is it? Do you also have high cholesterol? Are you in decent physical shape? Personally I would try to control it with exercise, diet, meditation, etc., if possible, rather than medication. Where it's not possible to control otherwise, then I would consider the medication.


Active member
Calloway: No history of any kind for blood pressure and /or heart problems.

My biggest problem is that this might become chronic (no not the weed kind) and i'll be chained down to take meds for possibly the rest of my life.

Thanks papa for the swift kick in the butt. :p I know that it can be controlled but i didn't know it can be corrected (meaning that i won't have to take pills), please explain how?


Active member
Hotdog said:
How high is it? Do you also have high cholesterol? Are you in decent physical shape? Personally I would try to control it with exercise, diet, meditation, etc., if possible, rather than medication. Where it's not possible to control otherwise, then I would consider the medication.
My reading at the doctors was 170/100. Thats pretty frickin high. Cholesterol was within tolerance at my last physical. To be honest, i'm not in any kind of shape at all. I'm pretty fat but i don't consider myself obese.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Sorry to hear about your problem incognito. I am no doctor and I don't know the details of your case, but I think you need to make some lifestyle changes so that you can get off the meds. Diet and exercise. Try yoga or tai chi. And don't expect a quick fix. It took you 32 years to get where you are. You can't turn it around in 2 weeks. Good luck with it. And be glad you caught it so early, before major problems develop.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
incognito said:
My reading at the doctors was 170/100. Thats pretty frickin high. Cholesterol was within tolerance at my last physical. To be honest, i'm not in any kind of shape at all. I'm pretty fat but i don't consider myself obese.


when you hit my high of 228/120 call me. In the mean time stop drinking and begin a better diet.

Take your meds and switch to water


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
incognito said:
...I'm totaly depressed now. I'm still young and i already have high BP, i mean i'm only 32.

Does anyone else have any experience to what i'm going through? I need advice and guidance cause i started to think that my life is over. :(
For what it's worth, I don't think your reaction is strange, nor do I think it will be long-lasting. I recall that about 10 years ago, I had to get outfitted with a pair of bifocals. For a day or so, I was rather down, feeling that my body was disintegrating on me. Time passed and so did those particular feelings. Then you get on with things.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
jwmorrice said:
For what it's worth, I don't think your reaction is strange, nor do I think it will be long-lasting. I recall that about 10 years ago, I had to get outfitted with a pair of bifocals. For a day or so, I was rather down, feeling that my body was disintegrating on me. Time passed and so did those particular feelings. Then you get on with things.

32 is old in medical terms

you begin to decline from the heights set in your teens.

GET OVER IT we age and live or die worrying


Sep 19, 2006
I too have a high blood pressure problem, which I control with medication. I am older than you at 43, but I still consider that young! When it first came to light I was baffled as to the reasons. I have never smoked and I am not over weight. It was only later that I discovered that both my parents suffer the same problem. They have controlled it with medication and they are both in their seventies now.

Yes, you are probably on a life sentence of medication, but that is better than not knowing about it, not controlling it and dieing young.

This is not a rehearsal; you only get one go at life; so make the most of it!:)


New member
Sep 10, 2001
I can relate what you are going thru regarding your feelings. A couple of years ago i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I to thought my life was over and felt depressed about it for a awhile. It was like your life just ended after the doctor told me what i wouldnt be able to eat or drink from there on out. After awhile you get used to it and your depression will go away when you realize having a disease that you do have there is a way to control it.. I really miss some foods and a real coke every now and then . It could be worse the doctor could of told me or you that we have a terminal disease and there is nothing we can do about it. Papa you are a real ass.


New member
Jul 7, 2002
No Big Deal

I have had high blood pressure for many years. It is completely controlled by medication. My doctor had to try several different medications to get it low enough. I take a water pill and and two others, one of which is a calcium channel blocker. The side effects are basically undetectable to me. If you have side effects you should discuss it with your doctor. Different people react differently to different medications. I am really happy as my medicated BP is 120 over 70 - it's never been this low. I am active but overweight. I am gradually losing weight and feel even better now.

Sorry but there will be many worse things to encounter as you get older. Just take the necessary steps and get over it. Stress is a major contributor to elevated blood pressure. Limit your caffeine and salt intake. You should consider doing a "sleep study". If your sleep is disturbed by sleep apnea it can play havoc with your blood pressure.
incognito said:
To be honest, i'm not in any kind of shape at all. I'm pretty fat but i don't consider myself obese.
Do yourself a favour my friend... You would be surprised at the difference loosing a few pounds can make. Cut out all salt, fatty food, get some exercise... You'll feel better, look better, screw better too! And your BP will probably plummet!


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Like many others here I've had high BP for years, since in my 20's.

I too have been one of those 200/140 types but now I'm in the 140/80 range with a med change coming the next time I see my doctor.

There are so many types of BP meds on the market it's hard to say definitively that one is better than any other. They work in different ways for different reasons. Often 2 meds will be paired together for better efficiency.

If your Doc has said you may be on this for the rest of your life it means a maintenance dose quite often once the initial problem has been addressed.

Many of the BP meds act in such a way that they give the arteries some flexibility keep BP levels down. It's quite common for meds to be prescribed this way. It's being proactive rather than reactive when it might be too late.

Sounds like you've got a good Doctor.

Relax!----No I'm serious RELAX. Stress is as hard as hell on your BP!
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