Going to Veradero, Cuba

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
I'm planning a trip to Veradero with family. I've never been there before but I've been all over Cuba and had many chicas in many parts over the years.

I'm not planning to do much hobbying this time and hence, the decision to go to Veradero. It has a reputations as a beautiful family spot and a place to avoid for hobbying.

But who knows? I might get a chance to get a way to go on a chica hunt.

My question is: Is Veradero a total bust for hobbying or are there still opportunities? If so, where would you recommend I go?

Jan 19, 2004
When in Varadero...

There was a clampdown on Varadero (BTW) a few years ago due to the excessive amount of girls walking around the town (the Cuban Governments' official stance on prostitution is that it doesn't exist). However, there are still a lot of girls in Varadero ready to meet up and be with you. Most of them come in from the smaller surrounding towns in the evening and go to the clubs at night. They'll all be afraid to go back to the hotel with you - they'll be arrested if caught. If you've already tipped the hotel security guard and he knows your plan, then you and her will be fine. The girl will also ask you to go back to a place she has set up. Usually a little grimy room were she's paid 'rent' so she can be safe. Most guys don't like to go to these places because they feel out of their element and, as mentioned, they're a little grimy. A cuban girl can't afford much in terms of rental. If you can't bring her back to your room (you mentioned travelling with family) then, during the day grab a cab and say you're going to do a little 'sightseeing'. Ask the cab driver to show you a few 'casa particular' (apartments for rent to tourists) that are nice, have their own entrance and bathroom. He'll be more than happy to show you 3 or 4 nice ones since he'll get a 'referral fee' from you 'landlord'. They usually cost about $25.00 a night. Then you'll have your own place, a key and the girl will be happy and safe going back with you to a neutral, safe place.


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
Casa particulars for tourists are banned in Varadero. I guess Fidel and his buddies want all the tourists for themselves in that area. This is not to say that it is impossible to find some chicas though. Simply sit down and have a beer at one of the many cantina's and smile at any chica that walks by. If you're a smoker (ie. cigarettes) ... simply leave your pack of smokes on the table with your lighter and a chica will ask you for a light within minutes. Speaking a little bit of Spanish can seal the deal!!!

As for where to do the dirty deed ... there are numerous stabbin' cabins the chica can refer you to!

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Sounds like situation normal for Cuba. lol Stabbin' Cabins. I like that.

Most casa particulars are illegal all over Cuba, unless they are regulated by the gov'mt. If they log you in a book, then it's regulated.

I was told to go to a town called, Cardenas. Does anyone have any experience here?
Jan 19, 2004
Cardenas, Matanzas and La Habana

Indeed, been to Cardenas a few times. It's a quiet, sleepy little town were 75% of the population works at the resorts in Varadero. Now, during the holiday season, girls travel from all over Cuba, rent rooms in Cardenas and then go to Varadero to 'work' since its so close by. This used to be much more popular until about 1998 when the government cracked down hard on Varadero. Not to say that there isn't any action, there always is, just not as much as there used to be. The girls are very, very cautious. They're not used to very many tourists in Cardenas, so unless you speak Spanish (thank the stars that I do, at least well enough) don't expect the same ambiance as Varadero where everything is geared towards tourism. If you're willing, grab a bus or pool a taxi to Matanzas. About 45 to 1 hour from Varadero. It's a lot bigger town and there is plenty of game there. Even better, you can take the 1.5ish hour trip to La Habana from Vardero and the sky's the limit there. "Casas Particulares" are not illegal in Cuba at all. Yes, they are all regulated because local LE gets their cut wether they're licensed or not. It is always at the personal discretion of the Landlord wether they'll allow their tenant to have 'guests'. Most of them do. The few that don't usually haven't cut a deal yet with their local LE or just don't want the neighborhood talking. Tips and little gifts always go a long way. Cab drivers are already in the know about the places that will or won't allow anyway and they are the best source of reference. You can also ask the hotel bartender or staff that you have built some confidence with. They'll all be willing to help since there is a 'referral fee' in the deal for them. Once you find a place that you like, tip a little extra to the Landlord (usually a guy, though women know what's going on just as well) or offer some token of appreciation such as clothing, toiletries or whatever else you might have that they can't get. This will get you some more comfort and maybe some meals thrown in as well. One time, I struck up a friendship with one of the hotel security guards. After his shift, I went out drinking with him and he invited five girls along so I could have my choice. He also set up a little apartment for me and it was a win-win scenario for everyone.


Nov 14, 2006
Bridgeman said:
"Casas Particulares" are not illegal in Cuba at all. Yes, they are all regulated because local LE gets their cut wether they're licensed or not. It is always at the personal discretion of the Landlord wether they'll allow their tenant to have 'guests'. Most of them do. The few that don't usually haven't cut a deal yet with their local LE or just don't want the neighborhood talking. Tips and little gifts always go a long way. Cab drivers are already in the know about the places that will or won't allow anyway and they are the best source of reference. You can also ask the hotel bartender or staff that you have built some confidence with. They'll all be willing to help since there is a 'referral fee' in the deal for them. Once you find a place that you like, tip a little extra to the Landlord (usually a guy, though women know what's going on just as well) or offer some token of appreciation such as clothing, toiletries or whatever else you might have that they can't get. This will get you some more comfort and maybe some meals thrown in as well. One time, I struck up a friendship with one of the hotel security guards. After his shift, I went out drinking with him and he invited five girls along so I could have my choice. He also set up a little apartment for me and it was a win-win scenario for everyone.
God I love Cuba. Sex is the national sport.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Just got back from my trip. Veradero is a nice place but it’s not Cuba. For me, the game was a bust but that’s OK. I was with family and I couldn’t really partake. I went to Cardenas. The place was more like Cuba and the Chicas were everywhere and aggressive.

Veradero is a great place for tourists but I won’t go back.


New member
Jul 6, 2007
Cinema Face said:
Just got back from my trip. Veradero is a nice place but it’s not Cuba. For me, the game was a bust but that’s OK. I was with family and I couldn’t really partake. I went to Cardenas. The place was more like Cuba and the Chicas were everywhere and aggressive.

Veradero is a great place for tourists but I won’t go back.
You can't have it both ways, you want family holidays at the same time you want to screw the local girls.
Veradero has been cleaned for family holidays, Havana is the place for the local women.
May 8, 2007
Havana is the biggest city, i.e. has the most girls and is the most liberal city in Cuba. Things that Cubans get in big trouble for in smaller towns aren't a problem in Havana.


Active member
Sep 4, 2004
ronnieandnancyreagan said:
Havana is the biggest city, i.e. has the most girls and is the most liberal city in Cuba. Things that Cubans get in big trouble for in smaller towns aren't a problem in Havana.
how are the girls in havanna??
Jan 19, 2004
Big City vs. Small Town

Very true. La Habana, being the biggest city, has more choices, options and possibilities. Better places to eat, drink and hang out. Obvioulsy, since the population is larger, there are way more girls to choose from. Like anywhere else, big city people are a little wiser, a little cynical, ready and willing to wheel and deal to get the most that they can. You'll have no problems with girls because if the one you meet comes off as greedy and opportunist, you can just walk away from her and a sweet one will come along in a moment.

In a smaller town, word that a 'turista' has arrived spreads like wildfire. Especially a single man, traveling alone. Remember that most people in Cuba do not travel. Mostly they cannot afford it and they have too many restrictions in their travel requests with their government. Even internally. When a 'turista' arrives and asks a local girl out, it's like she's won the lottery. She'll be sweet and accommodating hoping that she'll be taken to a nice restaurant, maybe get some nice gifts and will not even think to reject the idea of sex. Whatever you donate is fine with her. First of all remember, it is a latino/machista man's world. The fact that a foreign tourist picked out a certain girl from all the others brings the cache that: "he picked me so I must be prettier and sexier than the others". It is a compliment to her. Living in North America with all the DragonLadies conditions us to forget that most other countries are 'Men's World' and women are very feminine and submissive. I have had this conversation many times with Cuban nationals, men and women, who always confirm this. Luckily, my serviceable Spanish allows me a bit more insight than most.

So, there is a bit of the Big City vs. Small Town in Cuba scenario. You'll have luck with the Chicas wherever you go in Cuba. It's just a choice wether you prefer a megalopolis (Santiago is also of respectable size) or a sleepy, small town.
May 8, 2007
How do you say "it's like shooting fish in a barrel". For a Cuban male it is a given that he will get laid on the first date. That is your first clue.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
alot of the entertainement staff or the dancers will sleep with you for money. I was down there in the beginning of this year and had two dancers offer me sex for money.
as for going and looking for them, I am yet to do that in Cuba, but I cant see it being hard at all.
THey like to be treated like they are the most beautifull girls like Bridgeman quoted.


Caballero sin caballo
Oct 14, 2005
Try Marea del Portillo in Manzanillo. An inexpensive destination and you will find what you are looking for or should I say it will find you.
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