Toronto Girlfriends

Go Home Mr. Bush


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Why is it a foregone conclusion?
Is it a foregone conclusion that there will be a nuclear war? I think saner heads can prevail, *provided* enough people speak up against a notion.
Ah but Ranger, out of control social spending has put Canada into the same debt hole, similar to the US.
Yes, I agree that the ideal would be a more "fair" distribution of resources...But The Soviet Union, failed, N.Korea is a basket case, China is quickly adopting a "western style" economy and Cuba, survives due to Canadian Tourists.
What Governments should do ,is encourage a Healthy competitive economy, that requires as many smart, high tech people as possible.
SDI, won't work...? Maybe, but the real gains come from the failures of the technology, forcing ever better solutions.
There is no sin in encouraging a homeland design of defensive wepons.
RE: Terrorists..I.don't really think money has everything to do with their hatred...It is a fundemental difference to our way of living. No wepon will stop this.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
No weapon defense will stop terrorists.
Also, technologies will advance regardless of whether or not we develop a "space shield" to defend ourselves from some non-existent threat.
Finally, I'd rather be in a debt hole from social spending than military spending.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The fact is that Canada is NOT in a debt hole. We have healthy surplusses, that is why the $C is gaining on the $US.

By the way, the canadian debt is largely held by canadians, while a big portion of the US debt is held by China, Japan, etc.
The problem, Ranger, is the Scocial Service "Industry" that sucks up valuble and scarce resources and continues to feed at the Trough of "unlimited" Government dollars ( read: Taxpayers Hard earned cash)
I'm all for helping the less fortunate, and donate a decent amount of my take home to real Charity groups..who make a differnce, without having HUGE INFRISTUCTURE like boondogle government schems.
It costs Toronto $65k per year per shelter "bed"
Come on. I pay less than 10% of that for my Morgage and 4 people live in my house.
Goverment does not do things with Resonable cost...It consumes tax dollars without any concern from those who pay.

But if a government allows high tech, and not so high tech industry to flourish..We are all better off.

Technology will advance, yes...But never has so much happened so quickly as did during the drive to the MOON landing.

That, is the type of project that causes Real advancement.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
danmand said:
The fact is that Canada is NOT in a debt hole. We have healthy surplusses, that is why the $C is gaining on the $US.

By the way, the canadian debt is largely held by canadians, while a big portion of the US debt is held by China, Japan, etc.

Yes and no. You do owe money, a fairly healthy amount actually, but at the moment your government takes in more than it spends.

There are many reasons for the US dollar falling, trade deficit, budget deficit and it was too strong to begin with. Some worry that the dollar falling is a way for the US to reduce it's foreign debt load, not getting as many Yen for those bonds as the Japanese once were.

The USD is still the worlds reserve currency - if that were to change the US would have to clean up it's fiscal house, I don't think it will change - suggest a currency that has a stronger economy behind it that he USD and we can discuss.



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Diode said:
...It costs Toronto $65k per year per shelter "bed"
Come on. I pay less than 10% of that for my Morgage and 4 people live in my house...
I don't know where you got that figure - it seems awfully high - but if it refers to an operation like Seaton House, the cost of doctors, nurses, kitchen staff, pest exterminators, shelter workers, etc., is probably factored in.



New member
Mar 17, 2003
Diode said:

But if a government allows high tech, and not so high tech industry to flourish..We are all better off.

Technology will advance, yes...But never has so much happened so quickly as did during the drive to the MOON landing.

That, is the type of project that causes Real advancement.
I agree with your first statement. However, preventing the weaponization of space isn't going to hold up anybody.

Nobody went to the moon armed.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Diode said:
Jw,you pest: you are right, of course. That's probably not a fair Number to use.(The 65k, published in the NP last year)
But do you argree Government housing schemes are way too expensive?
A society will always be judged on the way it treats it's most disadvantaged members. And I for one am appalled by the sight of people sleeping on the streets of Toronto. It is truly embarrasing and disgraceful that a rich society is abandoning these disadvantaged people.
Right danmand...These people have to be encouraged to work..
Make an exciting, fast place WORK environment wher people are egear to show up every day.
Tell people who are capable of work (must be close to 98%), that every job has value and purpose. Work hard, get promoted, make more $.
Don't "steal" so much of their paycheque for HUGE, Wasteful government.
People who are INCAPABLE of work, must be helped, that's what Charity, and basic welfare is for.
People who don't Want to work... For them I have NO Smpathy ...
Get off your Duffs and DO somthing.
Our Nanny state, leads to to many Layabouts who Feel intitlted to MY MONEY!
Encourage, work, growth, and Charity!
That's the way to help!
BTW wanna bet the Joint Chiefs encouraged the moon shot, with some military goals in mind?


New member
Mar 17, 2003
What, exactly, does all this have to do with helping third world nations?

Who cares what the joint chiefs thought the goals of the moon mission were? The rest of us thought differently, and it still hasn't led to the weaponization of space.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Why wouldn't you *want* to help the third world? Especially, if you need a self-serving reason, if it's going to improve the security of your country?
Ranger..Get a Grip!

Ranger: My we read into things , don't we?
Did I ever say (write)
I did not WANT to help the Third world? HUH???

Look again boy-o!
Yes, of course, My family, friends and Loved ones must come first.
I'll admit it! I'm ruthless!
But GEEEEEZZZ, guy, I want to help people in bad straights.
But WAstefull Government Boondogles help NO-ONE!
Give me MY money, which, strangley enough..I earned By busting my ASS 60-90 hours a week, and I will decide Where, and to Whom I will send my donations.
And Yea, I like the Idea of a strong, secure country.
Geez I like the Idea of Keeping arms to protect myself,
just in Case..But MY thats just not the Canadian ( wimpy) way.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I've heard this argument before.
It doesn't wash.
Our governments should be helping out the third world before they spend BILLIONS of dollars "fighting terrorism" or weaponizing space. It's not up to YOU to decide where that money should go. It's up to the government. And if you think that's the same thing, you don't understand modern "democracy".
Wait, my friend, I along with my 30M citizen neighbours elect that government.
Now If we decide to call the Government out, regarging actions deemed to go against their mandate, can we not Protest?Complain? Strike?

The Government is there to SERVE not to get in my way.
Yes Leadership is required, But without constant input from the citizens, what good is it?
Remember, I make my money, Government has the power to Extort it from my by threats of fines/jail.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Ranger68 said:
I've heard this argument before.
It doesn't wash.
Our governments should be helping out the third world before they spend BILLIONS of dollars "fighting terrorism" or weaponizing space. It's not up to YOU to decide where that money should go. It's up to the government. And if you think that's the same thing, you don't understand modern "democracy".

You argue that the US should be the bank and charity to the world, rather then support their home defense.

Were some to break into your home an kill your family and friends. Would you just say Oh well I deserved it??????? Or would you want to bring those who did it to justice???? Maybe even a third choice here. If you suspected you knew who was behind it. Would you find a way to get to them??????

Most would say the second choice but be thinking about the third.

But some might believe innocents should die and walk away.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Drunken Master said:
I agree. If the US wants to waste money on putting Death Stars in orbit - that's fine with me. I frankly could care less about the "weaponization of space," beyond the fact that's there's precious little evidence that it can be made to work. I think we should go along with the States on this one just as we would with the plans of the kid on the block who keeps wanting us to help him build a tank with pipe cleaners and a refrigerator box.
I agree, as long as the U.S. is welling to pay the cost, I don't see any downside and perhaps an upside in defence contracts. Of course, if they want U.S. to fork up significant cash, I think that our starving Armed Forces could use the money much more and a project that few experts think will work.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..well one downsize is a further erosion of Canadian Independence.I dint like the idea of US military personel in Canada at all. Let alone an increase in that presence.
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