Glenn Healy


Aug 26, 2001
Somebody please shoot please shoot this fool. Tonight on TSN he references the Treaty of Versailles to defend his position the NHLPA stance in this locklout. This guy makes me sick. His logic is so one sided it is appalling.
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Aug 1, 2002
not that Brian Burke or Bill Waters are any better when it comes to the other side, both sides need to accept blame and move on and get a deal done, but i must say im very surprised by the anti player sentiments from average Joe Canadian how would they like to have something shoved down there throat without any kind of negotiation i dont think the guy at GM or FORD or CHRYSLER would put up with something shoved down there throat after fighting over the last 30 yrs to get deserved benefits and wages and vacation so why should the players.


Aug 26, 2001
dickfocus said:
not that Brian Burke or Bill Waters are any better when it comes to the other side, both sides need to accept blame and move on and get a deal done, but i must say im very surprised by the anti player sentiments from average Joe Canadian how would they like to have something shoved down there throat without any kind of negotiation i dont think the guy at GM or FORD or CHRYSLER would put up with something shoved down there throat after fighting over the last 30 yrs to get deserved benefits and wages and vacation so why should the players.
Yes they would. Talk to the Air Canada pilots, mechanics, and other staff. This isn't a downturn we are talking about. It's survival. When it's survival you should be big enough to look at the bigger picture and not worry some fringe benefit. Just talk to the employees of Chrysler some 25 yrs. ago.

And yes Healy is worse then Watters and Burke. Watters support for the owners is nowhere near as blatant as Healy's is for the players. Healy tells me tonight the players hold the cards??!! Yeah right. I forgot it's the players who sign the cheques :rolleyes:


great white hooter hunter
Mar 15, 2004
it's pretty easy, when you don't have your own money in a business venture, to shoot your mouth off saying you deserve this and that. the players are way off base now, and their proposed roll back to the owners, was designed to dazzle the simple-minded fans, and, apparently, it has swayed a few, but not as many as they hoped. the owners finally have had enough, and are right to do what they are doing.

interesting poll in the states today, only 12% of people stated they would be dissappointed if the season was canned, 50% said they didnt give a fuck. do the players see this? keep it up boys, there will only be 12 to 15 teams left, after all is said and done, and alot of "brothers" will be out of jobs. the players are too stupid, and too proud, to realize they have it too good now, and even with the owner's proposed system, they will still have it good.

glenn healy is a moron. a real stupid and classless comparison. why do we have to listen to this guy anyways?



New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Empty Vessels (Healy) Ring the Loudest...


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
so dickfocus,

you say you're 'very surprised by the anti player sentiments from average Joe Canadian '

yet if the NHL gets their cost certainty they want (ie. get their way- salary cap).. guys like Paul Karya and Pavel Bure will still make $10 million U.S. per year!!!

these guys are flat out spoiled... How on earth can the NHLPA win??? for them to do so would mean NO NHL hockey because the league cannot go on with so many players under these kind of contracts!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
dickfocus said:
i dont think the guy at GM or FORD or CHRYSLER would put up with something shoved down there throat after fighting over the last 30 yrs to get deserved benefits and wages and vacation so why should the players.
I'm sure if you took a poll of the CAW they'd all gladly take $1.3 million being SHOVED down their throat.

The CAW fights for a better lifestyle for their workers, a couple of thousand bucks a year per family makes a difference to them. NHLPA is about wanting the rich to keep getting richer. Is an NHL'er's family gonna actually "suffer" with 1.3 million?

Totally invalid to compare pro athletes to the working class.

Let's see what happens to the families of players who lose their NHL jobs altogether once some teams collapse. Let's see how much Mr. Altruistic Goodenow helps them out then.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Read yesterday in the Sun that Mike Modano was complaining about his 400 dollar a week paycheck in the CHL (maybe not the CHL but one of the minor leagues).
He said that 400 bucks was not enough to feed his dog.

I like Modano but boy does he sound like a rich and arrogant fuck with a comment like that..... Hire Scabs and bring back hockey for God Sakes!!!
I will support a NHL league with new players!!!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Poor Mike Modano.
Everyone who has sympathy for this guy's plight, raise your hand.

The owners don't need a court ruling, as far as I understand it, to impose a CBA of their choosing and restart the league. It will be up to the NHLPA to initiate the fight in court.

Who cares about ticket prices? It's a straw man - an argumentum ad hominem against the owners. Are they in it to make as much money as they can? Well, duh! If you don't like the ticket prices, most of the games are on TV.

The real problem is that the players think they have some divine right to all of the benefits and concessions that they've wrung out of the owners over time, and that it's a one-way street. They're not about to give *anything* back. As for all those players playing in Europe and in other leagues around the world, I hope never to see any of them again. Mike Modano included.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
No one is asking for *your* sympathy. Read the the post.
Modano was *complaining* about poor pay in the league he's playing in - and that he couldn't feed his dog on that pay.
What do you think the point of him announcing that to the public was, hmm?
Again - comparing regular people invested in a losing stock to millionaire hockey players - it doesn't wash.

I've read on the subject, and it's my understanding that the league can impose an impasse CBA - read carefully now - AT ANY TIME. Fine - "they need a court ruling". This is just the verdict of *any one judge* in the USA. This is no hurdle at all - they can hand-pick who they want to present to. Of course, this decision will be challenged in court. But, make no mistake - the burden of proof will be on the NHLPA. That the NHL can choose to impose an impasse any time is a given.


Aug 26, 2001
Ranger - You put me on ignore and I wish you would abide by YOUR decision on me and do just that. Ignore me. As such don't come into my threads and post. Much appreciated.

</someone please quote this so he can read it>

rubme - People lost money in Nortel because the stock went down and it was not in their hands. Madono got cash into his hands. What he did with that money is his prob now. If he is not intelligent enough to make a budget for himself on an $8 million US contract then he has got some issues. Fuck him I say.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
What happened to Mike Modano?
He lost all his money?
Bad investments? Gambling problems?


Feb 13, 2004
rubme said:
Bad Investments.. Just like everyone else who lost money in the stocks.
I have no more pitty for him than I do for me and everyone else who took a bath.
Now at least your making sense. To add fuel to the fire. Mike Modano is a boob and like most boobs in the world he'll make out just fine.

He should have known that the lockout was coming and start stockpiling. If his loss was recent then he is a bigger boob than I thought.

The only problem is that as soon as the NHL resumes, he's a millionaire once again


Aug 26, 2001
Recent or not he is still a boob .. Like you said he should have known this was coming. And he did as the NHLPA for about 2 -3 yrs was telling its memebership this day was coming.


Feb 13, 2004
n_v said:
Recent or not he is still a boob .. Like you said he should have known this was coming. And he did as the NHLPA for about 2 -3 yrs was telling its memebership this day was coming.
BTW how did he lose his shirt?
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