The Porn Dude

Gifts for SP's

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
Gift or Tip ???

When I met with a Atlanta, I found out what kind of wine, fruits and flowers she likes before we met.

When she arrived, I had the wine chilled, a nice fruit platter ready, and a vase of cut flowers ready.

The wine and fruit for our mutual consumption during our meeting, and the flowers for her to take home afterward.

I think this type of treatment is appreciated by the ladied - haven't heard much from the ladies lately on this thread - what do you ladies think???



"Teig: they get paid $2.90 per hour to work their ass off to bring you a perfect meal and make you happy that way. Maybe if you gave them $200 they would have sex with you."

Tom_002, I know those hardworking girls work their asses off for minimum wage. That's why I always tip them (along with my barber, bartender, taxi cab driver, coat check girl etc.). And, in fact, I've had sex with a couple of waitresses for a lot less than a $200 tip. In one case a lot more than that too (my ex)

I was referring to tipping in the realm of MPs and SPs. IMO, it's not the same.

Anyway... just my opinion. In hindsight I should have stayed out of this thread. A lesson learned... I'll stick with reviews.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
This thread reminds me of a recent story , also involving gifts .

A lady goes on a first date with a man that she finds very attractive . She is suspicious of attractive men , however, and does not let down her guard until a series of gestures and stories related indicate that he is a caring , sensitive individual as well . He takes Sunday dinner to his Grandma every week ,donates food and time to the local homeless shelter and has adopted several pets from the SPCA etc .

By the end of the evening she is so enthralled by this guy that she agrees to go back to his place for coffee . As one would suspect this leads to the beginnings of a more romantic evening than she had originally planned . After an hour of kissing and increasingly torrid groping she excuses herself to "go freshen up ". She passes through his bedroom on the way to the washroom and sees what must be 50 cute stuffed animals on shelves next to his bed . What a sweet sensitive guy , she thinks , I have definitely made the right decision coming here .

A night of passion follows during which both seem to enjoy themselves thoroughly . It has been awhile for her and her insecurity leads her to ask " I had a wonderful time but how was it for you ?"

To which he replies " Take any prize that you like from the bottom shelf "

Samantha Jones

Re: Gift or Tip ???

TJ in the 'Peg said:
When I met with a Atlanta, I found out what kind of wine, fruits and flowers she likes before we met.

When she arrived, I had the wine chilled, a nice fruit platter ready, and a vase of cut flowers ready.

The wine and fruit for our mutual consumption during our meeting, and the flowers for her to take home afterward.

I think this type of treatment is appreciated by the ladied - haven't heard much from the ladies lately on this thread - what do you ladies think???

The first time I met Cool Dude he had the wine, Grand Marnier for after, perfume, a scarf in a favorite color and my favorite flowers -- 5 foot Birds of Paradise in water in the bathtub. Apparantly he was a little suprised when the flowers arrived at his door.

He remains in my heart a very special man- not so much for the gifts but for having taking the time & effort to even plan such a thing.

One simple tulip, a single glass of wine, some chosen music, a candle, it all goes a long way. The extra touches, words, these are things I remember with a smile long after the fun has ended.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
kiarra said:
Sorry, should have said the problems that can arise out of giving a gift. Let's be honest, some people can fall into these catagories and may have learned, and there will peope who will be taken for granted and men who seriously and rudely expect more, discounts, addition time, personal info. etc. and when one developes feeling, mroe so then the other, that is not a good thing.
Tis true. On the whole I see nothing wrong with gifts that you as an individual find appropriate given whatever stage you're at with your SP of choice.

But you do have to be careful. IMHO a gift simply states to an SP "I think you're special". It has to end at that though. There can be no expectation of "extra" services, nor should the gift be construed as an increase in emotional attachment.

The relationship between client & SP is ultimately a business relationship. Gifts are gravy which should only come after the relationship is solidified. They should never be given to attempt undue influence on a relationship.

IMHO of course.
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