La Villa Spa

Gia Blaze 9830


New member
Sep 21, 2024
Can confirm Gia scams people - her and a girl scarletray. The scamming impacts how we perceive SPs. Hope no one sees them as they will get scammed.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
See her on X slamming the guys in Ottawa being rude or tine wasters. Might be true but definitely did not make me want to book. Glad I did not now


Active member
Jul 22, 2024
I would completely ignore this thread and take it with a grain of salt. This is just the latest continuation of an incredibly sketchy "I hate Gia Blaze" thread that has been going on since October, some of which got deleted by the moderator because of most of the posts coming from the same IP.

They are always the same: 2 - 3 posts the first day, wait a week then a new 2 - 3 posts so it bumps back up. That pattern keeps going until the someone calls BS, posts a positive review or the moderator stops it. Then the OP just starts a new thread the same day or the next day, and it keeps going. Now they have other accounts linking their old thread to the new thread to try to make it look like more than it is: probably a single lonely guy, who she demanded that he wear a condom, or she refused to swallow, or he couldn't perform, and then just got a hate on for her. Hell, it could be a guy in her civvies life she friend zoned. Or she probably just looks kind-of like the girl who friend zoned him in high school.

List of threads:
1. (there was one started around Halloween (Oct 31, 2024) that got deleted)​

The last thread (started Dec 14) went on until Jan 7rd. On Jan 6th Gia said on X about the fake poster, and then a positive review came in to the thread on Jan 7th. So the OP just started this thread anti-Gia thread #4 that same day. I mean, there was already an active Gia Blaze thread at the top of the lost, why would someone start a new Gia Blaze thread asking about her? ..... because they didn't want the positive review there.

Look, I'm no white knight, and I'm not here to save anyone. Why do I care? Because this Anti-Gia thing is so pathetic and so transparent that it is really starting to piss me off. Buddy, if something really happened to you in October of last year, you said your peace so move on with your life. It is didn't happen, also, move on with your life. You're harassing and stalking women online, she's taking money for sex; you're not a good guy, and she isn't the devil. Just stop the spiral and don't let this define you.
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Active member
Jul 22, 2024
Anyone who visits Gia Blaze will 100% get scammed
lol, well new member I guess it's time for your Monday Gia Blaze bump. What is this, like 3 Mondays in a row.

Guess I'll see you next week, lol
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