Maxwell and Epstein were working with Israeli intelligence in the USA with the permission and full co-operation of American intelligence. They were allowed to do so because the objective of both organizations were similar and the US intelligence had people to do the dirty deeds that they did not want to do themselves ( and done dirt cheap ). Maxwell and Epstein were compromising high level and people with uber bucks to do the bidding for Israeli intelligence. Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and scanty panty salesman Les Wexner were all set up to serve their spy masters. Robert Maxwell and Les Wexner were set up in business and then their business competition were compromised, bought out or eliminated so that they could finance other spy operations. In the case of Robert Maxwell he was able to influence people with his newspapers. People like Epstein are given unlimited financial resources by people like Robert Maxwell and Les Wexner to accomplish their missions.
Maxwell and Epstein got sloppy and over confident, they also liked what they were doing too much and lost their objectivity. They started to do the recruiting themselves and sampled the talent. Since Epstein is dead, whether he committed suicide or if he was suicided it looks bad for Maxwell to croak as well. Maxwell will probably serve the majority of her sentence or die inside at a later time. Be it from natural causes to a situation that looks like natural causes. She must comply with the spy master under threat that they will harm her two sister and brother or they may have incriminating of her father being compromised.