1) You should know better by now, not to doubt me when it regards the city of Toronto issues:
Etobicoke garbage truck crash caught on video | Toronto Sun
2) You should know better by now, not to doubt me regarding the City of Toronto:
The City of Toronto Solid Waste Collection service delivery east of Yonge St, delivers better value to taxpayers and is also more cost effective than the privatized portion west of Yonge St.
I apologize for calling bs omn that. Now that I watched it, I do remember it. GFL driver (and others) going wayyyy to fast for those conditions. That greasy, thin layer of slush almost accelerates you when your tires break traction. Looks like he might have swerved to miss a live, or dead (?) skunk and lost control. But wayyyyy too fast for those conditions. For sure the slow ass Toronto workers would never have been going that fast.
I'm genuinely interested in some information on learning more about East vs West trash.
FWIW, there are many thing I want the gubmint to do. Water, sewer, roads, snow clearing
(remember the Province highways outsourcing plowing/sanding) to the lowest bidder and the lowest bidder going out of business a few years later? After doing shitty work for the first two years. If the City is indeed delivering better service at lower cost or even just better value than GFL, then I'm all for it once the contract is up.
It seems the City (and Province) seem to fuck up so much when they try to privatize or go PPP. Like the City garbage, garbage bins deal with Astral Media. Fuck, those have to be the worst designed Rube Goldberg contraptions I've ever seen! FFS, they can't even get the nouns right! They label the bin "LITTER". Garbage, trash, refuse only becomes LITTER when it is scattered and lying around.
And the short-sighted fuckwits otherwise put the city owned trash bins so unpredictably and far apart that people don't know when or where to toss their coffee cup so the worst of human nature lizard brain kicks in and they just place it on something and walk away. It's not like the city will ever pick anything up either. Toronto's reputation as a clean, tidy city is looooooonnnnnnng gone! It's, to borrow a phrase from Trump,
a disgrace.