Getting rid of a chick.......


Apr 10, 2002
La ou le plaisir n'a pas de limite...
Why dont you just be honest with her?

P.S. If that fails tell her you got mono.


Love_da_Booty said:
nothing worse than a dead fuck...

I had a girl like that...than one day i ended up in traction cause she surprised me...she actually moved during the act!

Probably the only time i ever wanted to slap a woman..............just to find out if she's still alive.


New member
Jan 18, 2003
After a repeated "fuck off, leave me alone" session, she may have gotten the point. Get this, she asked if she could come to town and stay with me for the weekend. She was crying, but I didn't break down.


P.S. Thanks for the ideas, even the not so humourous ones.


Aug 1, 2003
after i broke up i always regretted not doing the fantasy stuff with them. i always late..... i should have pushed them for the three ways and anal etc and if they didn't want to great. good excuse for not seeing her and if she did then great also ......might prolong the breakup and see how much i can get.


New member
Jun 24, 2003
Watch this movie "Bitter Moon"; a dude is trying to break-up with thise cute French girl (why I have no idea). Anyway he pretty much destroys her, wreaking her self esteem, having her cut her hair really short. It was difficult to watch because I felt sorry for the girl, but it might be helpful in your situation. I wanted to go rescue the girl, such a pretty thing!


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
thecoolguyms72 said:
After a repeated "fuck off, leave me alone" session, she may have gotten the point. Get this, she asked if she could come to town and stay with me for the weekend. She was crying, but I didn't break down.
It sounds like she has very low self esteem, and is very emotionally messed up. Are you sure she is not one of Richrgls angry and emotionally fragile with baggage, ex dates, that he has deceived, manipulated, used and discarded? See Richrgl guys like you make it difficult for the next guy she meets. lol So are you saying that after you told her to "fuck off and leave you alone" she still asked you crying, if she can stay with you for the weekend? DAMN you are in trouble with this one LOL. I dont see her leaving you alone that easily. Fatal Attraction. I hope you like rabbit stew LOL

Many people dont take rejection very well, especially if she feels used or decieved that the sexual affair was going to lead to a relationship. And if she has been used by men for sex, in the past and has a lot of 'relationship' baggage. Thats why its good idea to know someones mental/emotional state before getting to close to them, or you could be eating rabbit stew LOL.

Serves you right Coolguy! You should be only having sex with your friendly neighboourhood SP LOL. IMO a SP/client relationship is one of the most honest 'male/female' interractions. No pretense or malipulation, or deception or misunderstandings or hurt feelings, everything is upfront clear and direct. See Coolguy, if you would have had sex wth me for a mere $300+ per hour, this would never have happened and you could have saved your self from all this hassle and headache LOL. There is no such thing a 'free sex', see there is ALWAYS a 'price' to pay! LOL. I hope you have learned your lesson young man, and the next time you are horny call your fav SP. Less hassles. LOL.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Thunderballs said:
A fuck buddy. Yep that's just what I need, a fuck buddy. Please send her over.
LOL, was thinking the same thing

Is she good looking??


New member
Jan 18, 2003
She's solid........

james t kirk said:
LOL, was thinking the same thing

Is she good looking??
A solid 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, and that's on a good day when you're really horny and will bang just about anything.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
A similar thing happened 5 years ago. I was working out of town in Orangeville, and went to a club in Brampton with my sister and friends on the friday night. She knew a girl who was friends with my sister, so she sat at our table. I felt sorry for her because she was on a blind date and was stood up. Danced a few songs with her, and all of a sudden she acted like we had been together for some time.

She invited me back to her place north of Orangeville to spend the weekend. I told her I lived in Muskoka, and had to get home. Then she wanted to come with me. I told her I was going to be on the road quite abit, and didn't have time to spend with her. I finally gave in and spent the rest of friday night with her, in her bed at her request. We got as far as her givinng me a BJ and me going down on her. I had to get some sleep, so I called it quits only to be woken up twice with her trying to ride me like a cowgirl. After the second attemp, I got dressed and left.

She pulled a fast one on my sister, telling her that she had some tiles in the tub that needed fixing and got my # from my sister. She called me telling me she was going to the doc for birth control pills, and she wanted to see me again.

Then the harassment started. She found out where the bar was, that I was doing a tile job in and started bugging me at work. Then she found out my home #, then where I lived. Tracked me down one weekend at my property in Muskoka. Moved twice in one year to get away from her, changed towns even, but she still tracked me down. Offered herself to me, to do with as I pleased on my birthday.

Finally shook her in 2000, but not soon enough to avoid several trips to the police, lawyer, and extra expenses in moving as well as purchasing a couple of different vehicles to use to hide my whereabouts from her. I finally figured out how she was tracking me. I drove a unique 4x4, and she keep driving around asking people if they had seen it, til she found out where I was.


Telling it like it is
Jul 18, 2003
coming from a woman....honesty is the best policy....tell her that you have no desire to see her any more and wish her the best of luck..

If that doesn't work tell her to fuck off


New member
Sep 29, 2002
At the beer store
I think you should just start dropping a new name around (make one up) when she calls say OH HI SALLY, then she will be like ITS NOT SALLY...then just go with it....
Tell her Sally this and Sally that, that you think things are looking good for you and Sally, tell her you and Sally are going away, tell her Sally is a hooker, tell her anything, but the key here is, ANOTHER WOMAN.
It will hurt her, it will probably REALLY hurt her, but she will ge the picture eventually.
Now where its time for her to hate you, and believe me she will end up hating you, she will hate SALLY alot more than you ;)

Be nonchalant about it, dont be cocky, just play it cool it may take a few phone calls but she will eventually leave you alone
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