Getting rid of a chick.......


New member
Jan 18, 2003
This is for the guys, or even the girls that have been shooed away.......

How do you get rid of a chick? I've done everything. I made the mistake of spending some time with her, then we had sex a few times, and I told her that nothing further would come from this. Then she kept pushing, wanting sex again, and so I said no, I'm not leading you on like that, there will be nothing going forward. Now she is pushing again, and I've said that I don't want to be her friend anymore, and have nothing to do with her. Now she keeps pushing, trying guilt tactics, all kinds of things. How do you get rid of a woman that you feel you've already done everything.



Jun 3, 2002
Tell her you're tired of the feather and you want to start using the whole chicken.


Cool guy i've been in a similiar situation and what i did was ignored her phone calls for a whole week........parked my car down the street instead of my drive way so she thinks i'm not around.

I finallly answered her phone calls after a week and she asked where the hell i was. I told her I went to Las Vegas.. She whined and said "how come you didn't take me". I responded with "uhhhh cos i got married...........i bumped into my ex and realized we couldn't live without each other and on a spur of the moment we hopped a plane to elope" I never ever heard from her again.

During the week i ignored her..........i checked my call display and she called over 60 times and left over 25 messages. Psycho bitch from hell.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
I hate to say it, but sometimes you have to be borderline rude with some people.

"Listen, it's over. Done. Goodbye."

And if she keeps trying, a couple of "I asked you not to call. Goodbye." hangups sometimes help.

After four or five such calls, a string of obscenities questioning her heritage, sanity, and intelligence before hanging up is justified. Then you just hang up whenever you hear them.

Based on a buddy's experience with a semi-stalker, I just have to warn you that if you ever give in to sleeping with her, you're back to square one -- she'll take it as meaning everything is ok.


New member
Jul 31, 2003
Women are so sensitive, saying that you're gay might make her more sensitive? Oh fuck who knows I've been married too long! Good idea though Goober!

deet LOL!


New member
Jan 18, 2003

Troops said:
Cool guy i've been in a similiar situation and what i did was ignored her phone calls for a whole week........parked my car down the street instead of my drive way so she thinks i'm not around.

I finallly answered her phone calls after a week and she asked where the hell i was. I told her I went to Las Vegas.. She whined and said "how come you didn't take me". I responded with "uhhhh cos i got married...........i bumped into my ex and realized we couldn't live without each other and on a spur of the moment we hopped a plane to elope" I never ever heard from her again.

During the week i ignored her..........i checked my call display and she called over 60 times and left over 25 messages. Psycho bitch from hell.
I completely understand......this chick doesn't live in my town and she still stalked me. Last Saturday, I spent the day in the office, nice quiet day, put on some tunes, no one there to bug me, watch a little internet porn once in a while.........she drove 2 hours to "surprise" me.......luckily I locked my office door, but I could hear her pounding on it, yelling asking if I was in there. That scared me. Not scary as in she'll do something, I'm pretty sure I could take her in a fight. She's left me 12 emails and I don't know how many messages on my phone since. Yet, she still doesn't get it.

Thanks, good to see it isn't just me.


P.S. groo39, I made the first mistake of banging her, that's what started all this. As horny as I am, I won't make this mistake again. I need to get ricarhgl's profile on lavalife and start using that.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I really like your thinking JML, need I say more.....pick me, pickme.


Re: Troops......

thecoolguyms72 said:
I need to get ricarhgl's profile on lavalife and start using that.
lmfao......good one.

Coolguy.......a lot of people can try and give you advice on what to do by saying the old "sit her down and talk with her" but they just will never understand unless they've been in our shoes. Some girls are mental and obsessed. One day they say okay i won't bother you anymore and the next day they're at your door with brownies they baked. They just will not go away. They usually get the point when they see that you're with someone else. In my case i had enough so thats why i used the I eloped over the last week. It worked for me.

I feel for you coolguy.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
A fuck buddy. Yep that's just what I need, a fuck buddy. Please send her over.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
Re: good lord!!!!!!!

longfirmleggss said:
....but hunny i think to be honest you have a serious ummmmm problem there.....can you say "stalker"......yucksssssss...the movie "fatal attraction" does come to mind.....
Annalee you are scaring the poor guy. LOL
Dont mention the movie "Fatal Attraction". That movie even scared me. That was one messed up stalker.

Coolguy its your fault, maybe you gave her the best sex of her life. LOL and now he is addicted, can you blame her. She is like a crack addict 'jonesing' for your magic love wand. LOL

Seriously, Coolguy if you have been very direct ,clear and honest and she still does not get the message I would threaten her that you will get a restraining order and really go through with it. Her behaviour does sound irrational and extreme.

I know where you could buy a gun and a big dog LOL.
I hope you dont have a pet bunny rabbit or a sports car LOL.


Aging Wanderer
Jul 5, 2003
Re: Re: good lord!!!!!!!

twinkle said:
I would threaten her that you will get a restraining order and really go through with it. Her behaviour does sound irrational and extreme.
Don't threaten -- get the order if she won't quit.

I know a guy who had the police at his door over a year after he thought he'd gotten rid of his semi-stalker. She'd decided to submit charges of rape, even though he'd never slept with her. Fortunately she didn't know he'd changed his style over that time. He had several witnesses confirm how long ago he'd changed, the cops questioned her for a detailed description, and charges were dropped when it became clear they were bogus.

Had he kept the beard, he'd have been arrested, and probably lost an awful lot of money on legal fees before a dismissal.

If this lady is seriously that much of a wack job, having a restraining order on file could be a butt-saver in the future.

90's sc vet

New member
Jun 26, 2003
An acquaintance said that his sure fire way of getting rid of an overly persistent girlfriend was to ask her "Would you have sex with my friend(s)?". Allegedly that worked every time, but I don't know if that would work on a semi crazed stalker.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Restraining order...

Troops said:
..........i checked my call display and she called over 60 times and left over 25 messages. Psycho bitch from hell.
Troops you dated my ex? Tall slim redhead by any chance? lol.

Originally posted by twinkle
I would threaten her that you will get a restraining order and really go through with it. Her behaviour does sound irrational and extreme.

I can laugh at it now. (This same thing happen to me about 5 yrs ago.) Note my post above... but at the time it was not funny. This women was a psycho from hell. At the end I did threaten her that if she kept it up I would put a restraining order on her. I never followed through though because shortly after that she stopped.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
well if being honest doesnt work, tell her she is a pain in ass and your not interested... if she keeps that up invite to a bar and hit on her best friend or bring a date...


New member
Jan 18, 2003
Re: Re: good lord!!!!!!!

twinkle said:

Coolguy its your fault, maybe you gave her the best sex of her life. LOL and now he is addicted, can you blame her. She is like a crack addict 'jonesing' for your magic love wand. LOL

Seriously, Coolguy if you have been very direct ,clear and honest and she still does not get the message I would threaten her that you will get a restraining order and really go through with it. Her behaviour does sound irrational and extreme.

I know where you could buy a gun and a big dog LOL.
I hope you dont have a pet bunny rabbit or a sports car LOL.
Hey, wait a minute, are you saying that you were just joking about her jonesing for my magic love wand????


New member
Jan 18, 2003

justifymylove said:
I'm going to say something extremely insensitive. Part of me thinks you should just keep having sex with her. She knows the score, if she keeps calling you what else are you to assume but that she wants some nooky?

Sadly, a lot of girls hear "I'm not really looking for anything serious" and think "Okay, fine, but he'll fall in love with me eventually, after all, I'm giving him exactly what he wants." So then they sleep with the guy, and sleep with them, and then when he doesn't fall they're hurt. Well, if you hadn't deceived yourself you wouldn't be in that mess! Everyone needs to learn to be honest with themselves... sometimes you need to get burned to learn that lesson. If a girl can't handle a sexual relationship without getting her feelings involved, she shouldn't be pursuing relationships that will clearly only be about sex. Period.

Sorry for the seeming misogyny... I simply don't think girls should be sabotaging themselves like that, and sometimes a life lesson is the only way to go.

I would totally agree with you, if I enjoyed the sex as much as she did. It was fine and all, but I have an ex gf that I can get together with for better sex, and we already know things won't work out otherwise, so it's just about the sex. With her, why would I want average sex with someone that physically doesn't really do it for me entirely?

But I get your point.

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