Blondie Massage Spa

Getting pimples and being super duper horny ...


That Puppet Bear Gone Bad
I'm not sure about anyone else, but my problem is testosterone production. I am on a 4.5 week cycle approximately.
Every 4.5 weeks, I get a bunch of acne (I'm 35 folks), I get a sex drive that goes thru the roof, I'm VERY quick to anger and emotional.
Went to the doctor and had a series of tests done - BEHOLD! Testosterone jumped markedly during this phase (6 days long).

I call it my period - LMAO

Just my $0.02



That Puppet Bear Gone Bad
BTW, jetfuel is correct in my situation also - It is related to genetics

My bro and my Dad have the same probs - My Dad is 65 - gets all the symptoms and has since puberty. Mind you, the upside is he has NEVER needed Viagra. Downside is he has dated strippers and used SP's since the eighties - LOL
Nov 17, 2004
Sendai Castle
Jeremy ... I am on the exact same boat as you.

It feels bad to have them eh? - Yet, like you have noted, our sex drive is way above average.

Can you tell me how to deal with this shit? Meaning the pimples man ... its just embarassing and a drag on self esteem ... :mad:


That Puppet Bear Gone Bad
DateMasamune said:
Jeremy ... I am on the exact same boat as you.

It feels bad to have them eh? - Yet, like you have noted, our sex drive is way above average.

Can you tell me how to deal with this shit? Meaning the pimples man ... its just embarassing and a drag on self esteem ... :mad:
I stopped using shampoo 4 years ago.
I buy PanOxyl Bar soap (5% benzoyl peroxide) and use it on my hair each morn - Cant tell its not shampoo and it smells like soap
I wash my face twice daily with it

If I miss a day, I may break out.

Along with the testosterone production, you're sebum production increases. Sebum is in its highest concentration in the scalp and then the face. Thats why I use the soap.

Increased sebum production (oil/grease on the skin) leads to pimples cuz it traps bacteria and dirt. Wash and pray is the only way for me!
Nov 17, 2004
Sendai Castle
JeremytheWicked said:
I stopped using shampoo 4 years ago.
I buy PanOxyl Bar soap (5% benzoyl peroxide) and use it on my hair each morn - Cant tell its not shampoo and it smells like soap
I wash my face twice daily with it

If I miss a day, I may break out.

Along with the testosterone production, you're sebum production increases. Sebum is in its highest concentration in the scalp and then the face. Thats why I use the soap.

Increased sebum production (oil/grease on the skin) leads to pimples cuz it traps bacteria and dirt. Wash and pray is the only way for me!
Hey, thanks!

I have been using the PanOxyl 5 wash and the BenOxyl Lotion for about a week and it dries up and kills the pimples fast. Benzoyl Peroxide is some wicked shit!

Many thanks!

Nonetheless, I still need to use shampoo because I gel my hair everyday ...
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