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Gay marriage


May 22, 2002
Around the World
Chivas Regal said:
Also. RELIGION HAS NO PLACE IN LAW!! Yes I am shouting for religion has it's own place and following and does not encapsulate the WHOLE population. The law does, period!
This is something that forever get's overlooked by the religious fanatics out there. We have the right to practice whatever religion we please, we should not be imposed infractions upon our freedom because of someone else's choice in religion. We have to accept that our way our life may not be the way of life for everyone. Religion has no place in politics or laws, both of which are meant to govern the populace as a whole, including all religions and not bias towards one.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004

Its not too bad that yours kids have to put up with their gay mother, it could be worse that some kids have to put up with their gay father.


Adventure Guide
Nov 1, 2003
Algnoquin Park
Oh now that 's funny RemyMartin. I put up with her for several years before I got wise and found my own road in life. I'm sure my kids will do the same just as soon as they are allowed to. For now I fight for what is right, for them.


I just see how this view on gay marrage is going to bring down the family even more. We're going to have people who can't have children wanting to have children and it concerns me how they are going to go about it. If they want to adopt and they are found to be fit parents I don't have a problem with it. As they are providing a home for children who do not have a home. But if gays want to involve a third party (another person of the opposite sex) to have children and they lie about it that is just wrong. I agree I'm to close to my situation to have an unbias view but I'm concerned for other fathers out there who might just be used and then tossed aside. The courts have to be stronger to defend fathers than what they do now. Or we will have gay female couples with children from straight men who do not want their kids growing up in a gay house hold.


More Than U Want Me to Be
Yes, of course, its the gay marriage ...

that is bringing down the family.

It wouldn't have anything to do with
  • the enormous divorce rate and betrayal of vows through extra-marital encounters;
  • the deadbeat dads and the huge discrepancies in pay for men and women (who are almost always left to support the children);
  • the sexualization of pre-pubescent children through media, advertising, music, and other popular culture and this correlation to incestual and other familial sexual assaults (1 in 4 girls, 1 in 7 boys);
  • the violence against spouse and child;
  • the unwillingness of the police to enforce restraining orders (70% of all women who die violent deaths do so at the hands of their spouse or ex);
  • the willingness of the community to tolerate these behaviours because it is "none of my business" and their subsequent distancing and denial of participation of social responsibility when this same tolerance results in terrorist behaviour (because Marc Lepine expressed his hatred of women for the very first time the day he took a shotgun into the university to separate the men from the women and kill the "feminists");
  • the unwillingness of the courts to impose sanctions for either type of violations;
  • the unwillingness of the government to provide safe and affordable alternatives;
  • the religious leaders who counsel women to stay in abusive situations because it is their duty and purpose;
  • the continued differential distribution of household duties and caretaking;
  • the separation from extended family and neglect of the elderly;
  • the disfunctional relationships maintained "for the sake of the children" that teaches them that controlling, resentful, and otherwise rude and disrespectful interactions are "normal" so their children might model it and seek it out in their own partnerships;
  • the divorced parents so full of misplaced anger and inappropriate assingnment of responsibilities ("not my behaviour") who refuse to get healthier attitudes and spill this poison on to their children by continually letting them know exactly what they think of the other parent;
  • the enforced religion that teaches intolerance, fear, hatred, and xenophobia;
  • the 95 hour week parents choose to work and the reliance on unknown "others," including televsion to supervise and direct their children;
  • the maintenance of impossible standards of appearance for women making them insecure and men disatisfied with their realities;
  • . . .
You're right, it is the gay marriage that is causing the breakup of the family. Yeah, that's the ticket.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
boyr said:
I don't see my belief is better than others Cardinal Fang, moslem has their Koran or their God...
If I'm not mistaken Islam "worships" the same "God" as that of Christians.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
the reasons Leatherdoll gives are exactly why opponents of gay marriage have their last resort of focusing on their core definition of marriage between a man and a woman and only they can procreate.

Simply thats how the God wants it or otherwise any man would be able to have babies.

However marriage is not just about having babies, ask any trailer trash that gets knocked up in grade 9 by the guy who is 25 years old.

marriage is more than just a defiinition that is outdated and one that never really applied.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
pool said:
If I'm not mistaken Islam "worships" the same "God" as that of Christians.
thats true however the messenger Mohamed is thought to deliver the true message from God and Jesus was just mistaken.

or something like that I am not up on the what Islam thinks of Jesus.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
A.G. and Leather Doll.

Judging by your post and reading between the lines you both have had some pretty bad experiences. You both have valid points and I understand where you are coming from. LeatherDoll, you should listen to some of what AG is saying: Women are not the only ones being abused. Everything thing that you list applies to men as well as women. Men are the silent sufferers, sad but true. There are some pretty horrific stories from both camps, when the parents start to fight over their petty differences ONLY the children suffer!

Too many times estranged parents take the ego pain and use against each other which only hurts their children. I have had many hurts from my childs Mother, but I won't sacrifice my daughters emotional well being because I was hurt. She is my focus, not my Ex!

Chivas Regal


More Than U Want Me to Be
Pretty Big Assumptions there Chivas

I am an activist and educator. The list is based on research and statistics of our culture.

The fact that some may may also have experienced difficulties does not invalidate the fact that men are the primary offenders and women are the primary recipients.

The real point of the post was that there are plenty of reasons why the "family" is failing, none of which have to do with homosexual men and women marrying their partners of choice.


Adventure Guide
Nov 1, 2003
Algnoquin Park
Well I guess with allowing women to marry women will even out the odds. I just see that this is an excuse for gay women to take children from straight men by lieing to them. I personally know 3 gay women who have done this. and I know of no gay couple that have chosen to adopt a needy child.

I'm just glad that I'm a strong man and can deal with this type of treatment and dishonesty. Unfortunatly my exwife's now gay partner's exhusband (did you follow that), didn't take it so well and he ended up sucking the exaust from his car just a few days after he found out that his exwife had used him to have children and he ended up dead.

I think that certain standards of marrage demand that it should be a man and a woman that gets married. I can't see the end to changing the rules if you allow women to marry women or men to marry men. What's next..?


Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Re: Pretty Big Assumptions there Chivas

LeatherDoll said:
I am an activist and educator. The list is based on research and statistics of our culture.

The fact that some may may also have experienced difficulties does not invalidate the fact that men are the primary offenders and women are the primary recipients.

The real point of the post was that there are plenty of reasons why the "family" is failing, none of which have to do with homosexual men and women marrying their partners of choice.
Very true! We/ I was getting of topic. In your research you must have seen the facts that men are being crucified for being the Male species. Is it fair that men should bare ALL the financial burden of divorce withou the benefit of being a primary caregiver to their own children? The pendulum needed to swing in favour of womean I agree, but when does it become fair to both parents? And as far as the facts go how many men do not speak out about the injustices they face. We are raised to be quiet and strong, and tough it out. In the meantime more and more men end up like the guy A.G. mentioned. Unfortunately this is more common than reported. Women are organized and collective in their Womens rights groups, meanwhile men suffer in silence.

Sorry off topic again, you are 100 % correct the family isn't failing because of homosexaul couples, that is fodder for a new post.

Chivas Regal

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
algonquinguide said:
I just see that this is an excuse for gay women to take children from straight men by lieing to them. I personally know 3 gay women who have done this. and I know of no gay couple that have chosen to adopt a needy child.

For God's sake AG!

So then you paint an entire group because of the actions of a few? Sorry I don't AG, I just don't buy that! I know of 2 gay couples that have decided to adopt and many more that will not go the adoption route because they are discriminated against.

To see gay marriage as an excuse for "gays to steel children" from others is beyond preposterous. How many men steal children from the wives during custody disputes? How many women run off to other countries with children for the same reason? Should we therefore ban straight marriages in order to prevent this?

Get a grip on your own issues AG.
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