Game of Thrones characters you were HAPPY to see get killed

Which GOT character were you happy to see die?

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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was having this discussion the other day with a friend.

The topic was, "which GOT character were you happy to see get killed off?"

For me, it was SHAE.

I hated that bitch. Selfish, self centered, whiny, lying, betraying sack of shit anchor around Tyrion's neck. I was GLAD when Tyrion offed her.

My second pick would be Viserys. I was happy when he got his golden crown at the hands of Kal Drogo.

I realized that piles of characters have been aced, but I've tried to make a list of annoying characters only. And yes, Catelyn Stark was fucking annoying. Though not as annoying as her nutbar sister. Still, she's the cause of the entire war in my opinion.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I didn't vote for Joffrey because as twisted as he was, he was an interesting character.

I was fucking sad when Tywin got aced. I loved that character. Brilliantly acted by Charles Dance.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Definitely Joffrey... he was so evil I hated watching him lol
With Joffrey, you knew what you were going to get. Everyone knew he was a psychopath. With Shae, she took it to a whole new level when she betrayed Tyrion. Far worse than Joffery (IMHO).


Mar 25, 2013
Night City
I would have to go with Joffery Baratheon, that smug little shit. Although Jack Gleeson played that character perfectly from day one.
Although, I was not particularly happy with his death, I think Tywin Lannister should be on your list. I liked his brutal, and ruthless character -- the man got shit done.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was more disturbed that Joffrey kept torturing Sansa and the women he was sent to "play with". For his age, he was definitely more vile than many others when he was spoiled and loved and had no reason to be.

Yes Shae betrayed Tyrion but I do believe she did love him and turned on him out of spite and heartbreak.
Or was she working for Tywin all along?
Jun 14, 2014
Voted for Joffery Baratheon with no hesitation! He was so good in being bad! I was expecting him to get killed later!
Yes Shae was bad but as Charlotte said she loved Tyrion. All that she did was out of her feminine jealousy!


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
That's the thing with Shae. I felt like I may have missed or forgot if something happened that made her go 180 on Tyrion.

And I agree with JTK's question, was she working with Tywin all along or did she have other motives in mind?

I find the following excerpt from an interview with G.R.R. Martin really interesting:
“Shae is one of the characters that really has changed significantly from the books to the TV show,” George told EW. “I think that [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] wrote Shae very differently, and a symbol to Sibel Kekilli — the incredible girl playing her. Shae is much more sincere in her affections for Tyrion. […] with the Shae in the TV series, you can tell she actually has real feelings for Tyrion — she challenges him, she defies him.

Her character in the book and TV is somewhat different.

I voted Joffrey since he was such an annoying brat for so long. I would probably voted for Viserys more if he had a longer run than a handful of episodes.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I was fucking sad when Tywin got aced. I loved that character. Brilliantly acted by Charles Dance.
Charles dance did an excellent job, I'm suprised they got rid of him. But I was happy for the Tyrion. I voted Goeffry but Shae was a bitch too for betraying him...
The Bolton son Ramsay is on my wish list...


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I hated Joffrey, but then everyone did. Even his mother knew he was a good for nothing sadistic prick. I actually celebrated his death when I watched it happen.

I actually liked Shae... Ya she was the pre-eminent stereotypical hooker. Playing favourite to the highest bidder. Her sole motivation was the almighty dollar. And she looked great naked, so... (ya, I have a weakness for sexy looking naked chics that have sex for money! Duh!)

Viserys was another one I was glad to see go. dude was a first class dick.

I didn't like Caitlin at all... she was a whiny little bitch, and even after all those years refused to accept Jon. Hold a grudge much?!

My vote goes to Joffrey.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Bolton son Ramsay is on my wish list...
I keep thinking that Theon is going to rise from the ashes on this one. Theon in the show is now just a squeaking gerbil, a shell of a man.

But I keep thinking that although he's been beaten down and decocked to make it worse, that underneath it all, he's still Theon and he's just waiting for the right moment to gain his revenge in spectacular fashion. Just waiting, biding his time and then he's going to pounce. He won't kill Ramsay, but he's going to take Ramsay down in spades. Ramsay won't even see it coming.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2013
Tie between Joffrey and Viserys. They had it coming, and I think I remember clapping and cheering when I watched it on TV. (is that twisted?)

You should make a poll to guess who will die next (it had better not be Danerys or Arya, or I will just about go apeshit).

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Tie between Joffrey and Viserys. They had it coming, and I think I remember clapping and cheering when I watched it on TV. (is that twisted?)

You should make a poll to guess who will die next (it had better not be Danerys or Arya, or I will just about go apeshit).
I'm still hoping the hound is alive in some parallel universe.

He was great.

Another poll would be which character do you wish was not killed off?

For me that would be Tywin.

Jessica S

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2012
Definitely Joffrey... he was so evil I hated watching him lol
Tie between Joffrey and Viserys. They had it coming, and I think I remember clapping and cheering when I watched it on TV. (is that twisted?)

You should make a poll to guess who will die next (it had better not be Danerys or Arya, or I will just about go apeshit).
I'm still hoping the hound is alive in some parallel universe.

He was great.

Another poll would be which character do you wish was not killed off?

For me that would be Tywin.
For me it would be The Red Viper, he was so cool and openly defied the Lannisters.


Aug 26, 2001
Definitely a toss up between Joff & Viserys. But Viserys was more of an annoying narcissist whom most people tolerated; he did not do a lot of damage. Joff was cruel, malevolent and unstoppable. He definitely had to go.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
With Joffrey, you knew what you were going to get. Everyone knew he was a psychopath. With Shae, she took it to a whole new level when she betrayed Tyrion. Far worse than Joffery (IMHO).
I don't like how they boiled Shae's character down to a spurned lover. They killed her character before Tyrion ever killed her. In the books I always saw her as Tywin's creature...a crafty woman who manipulated Tyrion (just a theory).

I might take some flak for this, but I was most happy to see Catelyn die. I found her character very boring, and I can't stand people who repeatedly follow their heart into ruin; and she certainly did that time and time again. There's a certain sympathy you can feel for her after she loses so much, but that mostly evaporated for me after she let Jaime free. What kind of idiotic move was that? She didn't single-handedly end the reign of the King in the North, but she certainly started the cascade of events that led to his downfall.
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