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gaining muscle losing weight.


Nov 6, 2004
Okay not your typical question.. but.
Thanks to my crappy work hours 3-11pm.. and my lack of self control (mmm food). I find myself in a position of wanting to shed a few pounds of the soft stuff and put on some of the hard stuff (uhh muscles). Since we all know we perfer our women in nice shape, I am sure they perfer us like that as welll, which I guess is why I have not been seeing any of then lately, alittle embarrased of my current situation. So I am looking for any advice I can. For instance with when it comes to working out I hear alot of different things.. work the same muscle group every other day.. or 2 times a week.. and I have heard only work the same ones only once a week. Of course i know I have to stop eatting when I get home from work. Going to join the gym in may in hopes of losing the 20-30 that needs to go. Any advice would be welcome.


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001

see your fav SP more often for a longer session :D loose some fat by that type of workout and ...oh yes see the dentist cuz you'll smile a whole lot more !!!!!!!!!!!!

that is also why i watch what i eat I AM DATY lol



Aug 22, 2001
divide your body into 3 muscle groups, upper, lower and core is what I was recommended. hit the gym 3 times a week alternating the 3 groups.

This lets each group recover before the next work out.

Couple things to remember:
Gaining muscle = weight goes up initially.
muscle weighs more then fat.
Cadio = weightloss, cardio with more muscle = more weightloss.

If you are serious get a trainer... 6 sessions at 1 hour or 12 at half hour to get you on the right track... can be expensive, i paid $400 but have no regrets... showed me how I was not working hard enough.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Dugath said:
Okay not your typical question.. but.
Thanks to my crappy work hours 3-11pm.. and my lack of self control (mmm food). I find myself in a position of wanting to shed a few pounds of the soft stuff and put on some of the hard stuff (uhh muscles). Since we all know we perfer our women in nice shape, I am sure they perfer us like that as welll, which I guess is why I have not been seeing any of then lately, alittle embarrased of my current situation. So I am looking for any advice I can. For instance with when it comes to working out I hear alot of different things.. work the same muscle group every other day.. or 2 times a week.. and I have heard only work the same ones only once a week. Of course i know I have to stop eatting when I get home from work. Going to join the gym in may in hopes of losing the 20-30 that needs to go. Any advice would be welcome.

Everyone is different...

but the only way of effectively losing weight is:

Eating very well + Eating every 2 hours small meals....(90% of the battle is this)

Working out + Playing a sport to stay active (10% who woulda thought?)...It is important to workout at least four times a week...


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Miss Erin Ryder said:
Ok so heres another question I have found this fitness club

Would this be an effective form of fitness and what should I include in my workout.....? I don't want to lose much weight I just want to tone up and get healthy.

Erin if you are looked for toning, then I would get a personal trainer...You could use him/her a few times and get him/her to write you a few good workouts to do if you have that sort of time and money...


Your Ultimate Fantasy
Jul 11, 2003
A lot of good info here.

Miss Erin I find light weights and higher reps. Less carbs and more protein.
I find staying fit is essential as I get older.(allows me to drink all the wine I want :D )

Dugath I believe that you have the right idea.Same muscles no more than twice a week, they will grow better after rest.
Biggest secret to losing the pounds is eating habits and what it is that eating does for the body, as has been said smaller meals more often.
Do not eschew the idea that we are a sedentary society and use technology as the easy way. I find that I try to walk as often as possible, more so in the summer of course, rather than using my car or transit. I also walk the stairs in my condo and it is not close to the ground(LOL)
One of the best pictures of me, at least that show me in a good way physically is the main page on my Yahoo group. Take the link and have a look.

Good luck in your quest(the shower shot is not too bad either (giggles)


Oct 4, 2005
i got hte answers

well this looks like a job for

being an ex-bodybuilder and all....never got the name pinz for

anyone wanting info PM me, and ill be glad to help, i trained a few people in my itme, and just did someone for the muscle mania in toronto two years ago....


Flies do doggy too
Sep 23, 2004
69 Hobby Road
good luck on the weight loss.
every one here gave you alot of good pointers and will help you. remember to stick with it and dont look for a quick fix,do what you can and change your eating habits and work outs for the long run,this way you change your lifestyle and it becomes part of your routine and daily activities this way you will keep it off. Eat well ,increase fibre intake makes you feel fuller longer do cardio and weights,try and allow 72 hours before working same body part,also like said before muscle wieghts more then fat so don't get fixated on the scale and check yourself every 4 hours you will notice it in your clothes that they are getting loose on you. also cardio is great and and will burn lots of calories. but remember weights burn calories after your workout for a longer period of time because your muscles are rebuilding and they need to get the energy from somewhere (burn calories) some guys at my gym don't do any cardio at all and are the size of a house with no fat, but that does'nt mean they are totally fit,you need both to stay healthy cardio for your heart and lungs and weights for you muscle. and remeber to stretch well before and after your workouts to avoid mucsle pulls and good blood circulation and avoid lactic acid build up in your muscles. good luck you got nothing to lose by being healthy only gains.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
mine were the best if you can afford them...Personal Trainers also help provide motivation that might not be there otherwise...
Step 1: Exercise self-restraint by pushing away from the table.
Step 2: Walk. A lot.
Step 3: After you have lost a few pounds, then join a gym, assuming you can make time to develop a routine.

As a 20+ year member of the Y, I see overweight guys join all the time, work out like crazy for a week, less so for a second week, and then disappear. Most of the time (I suspect) this is because they injure themselves or they become disillusioned when they don't instantly drop the weight they want.

Walking is an effective, inexpensive way to drop a few pounds. Once you have done that, the muscle building will trim the remaining weight and tone you.

30 pounds really isn't all that much. Walk an hour a day (broken into 2 or 3 blocks if that's easier) and it will be gone in two months, assuming you control the garbage intake.


Nov 6, 2004
Wow thanks for all the replies :)

I think the hardest thing will be changing my eatting habbits.
Will go with the 6 small meals a day thing, starting with a small breakfast, then hit the gym an hour later to do some weight training then 1/2 hour of cardio (need that stamina hehe), then a yummy whey protine shake..ect..ect
As wor the weight training, guess I Will read up with some books to see what I should be doing because i have no clue lol. Hate to be the one going to the gym and staring at the machines lol But it has to be done.. the last staw was when I saw this totally hot Asian MP.. I mean.. the most amazing Asian Mp I have ever seen..after she was done she said i Was very good looking but I have a tummy.. (ack).. then she giggled and said she hopes she didnt offend lol. No more women untill I get into shape.


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
Your work schedule...

...presents an additional challenge.

When you get home, it's after midnight? DO NOT EAT ANYTHING WHEN YOU GET HOME.

When you do you wake up? When do you do all your errands? Is this a regular shift?

You should start a simple running program. If you want to lose weight, running combined with progressive weights will do it all for you. Do you have a Running Room store near you (Toronto)? Take their learn how to run classes (approx $75).

As for the weights, keep it simple; 2 body parts and 2 exercises for each part per workout. Select basic moves and a weight that allows you to do 10-12 reps. Wait only 60 seconds in between sets (critical)!

Eat your small meals. Figure out how many calories you need to get through a typical day (i.e. your weight times 11 for sedintary or higher if more active). So if you weigh 200lbs and just sit around, you burn up 2200 calories per day. Figure out the meals you can eat but consume 500 calories LESS - thus creating a CALORIE DEFICIT. THIS IS THE KEY - CONSUME LESS THAN WHAT YOU NEED TO BURN OFF DURING THE DAY.

Burning 3500 calories will use up 1lb of fat. So in a week of eating 500 less than what you need (500 X 7), you should lose a pound per week. This is why they say it's not safe to lose more than a couple of pounds per week. These are the true and realistic numbers.

If you have more specific questions, PM me.


Oct 4, 2005

heres some fundamental tips to go by:

1.) calculate your calories by equation, not a total calories in.
eg. 100 cal in meal total...14g protien (14 x 4 = 56cal)
carbs multiplied by 4 then the fat mulitpled by 9. this will give you the ratio of fat to protien to carbs. it shodl be a 40-40-20 split.
Being protein, to carbs to fat.

2.) intake of calories versus expendidture.

3.) activity level...when someone tells you to go slow...thast bullshit, if you burn off150 caloreis over 30 min of training, how the hell is that better than using

4.) take it easy when starting, ramp your level of fitness up over a few weeks..the body is a ture machine and a smart one, vary your workouts every 3-4 gets used to things very easily and will plateau fast.

5.) do not use over the counter drugs like ephedra, and the likes..all bullhsit, and do not work, trust me..ive had a heart attack takn that stuff a few years well as the amount if research ive done in bio-chemisrty ( equivialnt to HAMMER'S fuking outcalls) hahah it is never proven that the stuff actually burns fat or increases metabolism, regardless what the ads say.
save your money, you can buy "real drugs" that actually work and are chepaer...odnt line the pockets of supplement companies...shadiest business in the world.

6.) keep at it...sit on your sofa after you fuked off for two months, then remember back, and say..shit..i coulda been all done by now..stay positive, small steps, and you will acheive, i never got to be 300lbs in 6 months..hahah

7.) drink water but not overboard, 3 litres a day is more than adequate, any more and you willbe bloating your sef beyond recognition.

8.) if you got this far reading this...well then...keep up the hard work, dedication and persistence pays off, and when you walk into a room, and everyone stares at was worht the hell you shouldve put your self through...worked for me..;)


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Here is my two cents worth.

My work out regiment used to be as described below.
day1: chest
day2: quads
day3: back
day4: calves and lower legs
day5: shoulders
day6: arms
day7: rest

I did one hour each day of each major muscle group.
The cycle that I followed allow my arms the rest it needed every other day. I did the arms last because you don't want to work them and then try to work on the rest of your upper body because you never give your arms a rest.

Try the workout reg I outlined, you'll see explosive results.
The key to the work out is maximizing weight. If you can do more than 8 reps, slap some more weight on until you can only do 3 sets of 4-6 reps. Make sure you warm up your muscles using only half the weight you normally do. Never overdo your warm up. You'll be losing valuable workable energy if you waste it on warmup. Just do one or two sets at half weight to get warmed up.

For the major muscle groups, I suggest you do some research on the types of exercises you can do. Myself, I used to do Chest: bench press, butterfly, cross over reverse row, and different angled variotions to the butterfly and cross over to tone and gain muscle in the different muscle sectors of the pecs. Shoulder: Military presses, overhead dumbells lifts, shoulder lifts, dumbell lateral raises (side and front). Quads: squats, leg curls, reverse leg curls, lunges. Calves: toe lift (not sure if that's tech). Back: reverse butterfly, dumbell lifts, barbell lift, dead lifts, lateral pulldowns, cross over pull downs, seated rows, bent over rows. The back has a lot of muscles, so you have to do a lot of different exercises to maximize results. Arms: biceps- dumbell curls, barbell curls, concentration curls, preacher curls. triceps- dumbell kickbacks, overhead curls, tricep pulldowns. forearms- wrist curls.

You have to take a break on the seventh day to let your arms and body to rest. Rest is key to muscle growth. As well you have to remember to stretch in between different workouts.

And finally, to lose the flab you have to do the most boring shit ever; CARDIO.
I hated cardio but it was necessary. After the one hour of muscle training, I did 45 minutes of cardio. Warm up on the treadmill and then go full tilt on the eliptical.

The workout above lost me 50 lbs of fat and gained over 30 lbs of solid muscle. When I first entered the gym I was only able to lift a measely 90 lbs on the bench press. In 2 months, I was already doubling that weight on the bench. It works, I got it from a pro. :) Now it's time for me to get back to the gym cuz my girlfriend feeds me like a horse and well, I'm starting to look like a horse. Too bad I'm not hung like a horse. LOL

Oops, I forgot to say that I had to increase the amount of food I ate to feed the muscles. So if you love food, then this is the way to workout. You don't have to cut out the foods you like. Just have fast food once a week to ease the craving and the rest of the week pound in the proteins and carbs because you'll need it.


New member
Nov 2, 2004

There seem to be no shortage of fitness programs and advice. I don't recall you asking how to make a complete lifestyle change but just advice on loosing a few pounds.
While we all know a fitness and nutrition regiment is better for you it is often not sustainable.
If you just want to drop 20 pounds why noy go on the Atkins diet for a few weeks and sit on your ass?


Sep 7, 2004
not to piss anyone off but

What happens if you hve the opposite problem? You eat like a horse and yet you can't gain any weight? Trying going to the gym to bulk up and instread lost 5 pounds. 6'1" and 145 lbs soaking wet. Would be interested in what the experts had to say about this.


up and cumming member
Dec 28, 2004
Keeping it Simple - This Works!

Try to just avoid sugar drinks period. Cut the coffee or pop during the week and start drinking water. (BTW Fruitopia is worse than pop for sugar). Treat yourself to a coffee on the weekend, but during week stick to it.
Of course, passing on cookies and sweets will also help, but hey, just concentrate on the drinks and you will see results in two weeks.
You've already done the hard part by acknowledging you want to lose weight.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
smtmtd1 said:
What happens if you hve the opposite problem? You eat like a horse and yet you can't gain any weight? Trying going to the gym to bulk up and instread lost 5 pounds. 6'1" and 145 lbs soaking wet. Would be interested in what the experts had to say about this.
You're problem is over active metabolism. It's not unhealthy.
You are what is known as a "hard gainer". You tend to use up way more energy than needed and it has partly to do with your genes and partly to do with your eating habits. You probably ate a lot as a child, very often. If that is the case, your body has adapted to expend energy to make room for the next intake of energy.

When trying to lose weight with a workout regiment, you have to increase your daily intake of food. Eat 5 to 6 meals a day. Not heavy meals, but sustainable meals. The more you practice this, the more your body gets accustomed to receiving calories at specific times and will burn faster in order to accommodate the intake of energy. Which in turn will boost your metabolism.

For hard gainers, you have to eat a LOT. Eat large meals, 5-6 times a day. Lots of carbs and lots of protein. Remember, it is very important to eat foods rich in both whey and casein proteins. The whey gives you a quick boost of protein for your worked-out muscles to feed on immediately but the whey is absorbed within a couple of hours. On the other hand, casein protein takes longer to break down for use as energy. The big plus is that casein releases and absorbs slowly as well. It takes several hours for casein to fully absorb. You can break down the intake of protein by taking whey during the day and casein during the night. The casein works well to feed your starving muscles while you sleep. And unless you want to be a fitness guru, stop cardio exercise. Keep doing it, but slow it down. Perhaps just use as a warmup for the body.

Easy gainers, which most overweight people are, gain weight no matter what they eat. This is the hardest to lose weight but is the easiest to build muscle. The fat is stored energy and breaks down easily to feed the muscles for stamina. That doesn't mean you shouldn't take protein. You should still ingest protein because your fat does not supply muscle building energy. You need protein to develop and sustain muscles. You will have to take supplements in order to ingest all the protein you need. It is almost humanly impossible for anyone to ingest the amount of food needed to supply the proper amount of protein. The equation, I believe, is 1 gram of protein for every 1 lb of body weight. Seeing as a can of tuna only has 20-28 grams of protein, you would have to ingest at least 10 cans of tuna in a day in order to feed a 200 lb body. Easy you say? Not when you have to factor in the carbs you need and the other vitamins that are essential to good health. Just think of the amount of food you will need. :eek:

In any case, the key to weight loss is not the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet. Those are gimmicks. I tried the Atkins, lost 50 lbs in 6 months, then gained it all back and then some in less than 5 months. If you want to be successful with the atkins diet, you have to do it as a lifestyle. Atkins diet works by cutting off the sugar (starch) that turns into fat when it's unused (energy). However, what they don't really stress is that if you ever get off the high protein and low carb diet and return to a "normal" eating habit, then the pounds will fly back on. The reason, because your body is no longer accustomed to intaking so much sugars (starch) and turns it into fat. The fat busting enzymes that are needed to break down starchs and sugars have become lazy in a way, and lie kind of dormant. They don't break down the sugars for use and it turns into fat (stored energy). It's the same principle as eating sweetners instead of real sugar.

The biggest key, and I got this from a personal trainer, is to stay away from any food that advertises "Low Fat" or "Sugar Free". They may be low fat and low sugar but they are filled with junk that is bad for your body. They have to make it taste good somehow.

Anyways, I feel like I"m writing a book. If you really want to lose weight and keep it off, exercise. Don't do the atkins or other fly-by-night diet.



Sep 7, 2004
ruck said:
For hard gainers, you have to eat a LOT. Eat large meals, 5-6 times a day. Lots of carbs and lots of protein. Remember, it is very important to eat foods rich in both whey and casein proteins. The whey gives you a quick boost of protein for your worked-out muscles to feed on immediately but the whey is absorbed within a couple of hours. On the other hand, casein protein takes longer to break down for use as energy. The big plus is that casein releases and absorbs slowly as well. It takes several hours for casein to fully absorb. You can break down the intake of protein by taking whey during the day and casein during the night. The casein works well to feed your starving muscles while you sleep. And unless you want to be a fitness guru, stop cardio exercise. Keep doing it, but slow it down. Perhaps just use as a warmup for the body.

You should see the food I eat!!!! My whole budget was going on food and nothing for the hobby. HMMM gain weight or do some hobbying. Screw the weight!!!!! So I look like Archie from the comics. Thanks Ruck!


Jan 23, 2006
try this

im a mpa and spa owner so i have to look good 24/7.

My secret is good eating,exercise<---CARDIO 30min

4-5 days a week of cardio,mix it with weights chess press/abs/thighs in & out/and lower back extensions.

Drink water nothing but water,beer should be once a week only,do not eat white bread/white rice/patatoes/anything deep fried/ice cream to a limit only small portion/do not drink carbonated water coca cola fake juices which contains more sugar than coke does/limit your desserts/do no eat take out food try to cook or buy healthier take out/cut mayonnaise and ketchup to a limit.What i'm trying to say is eat healthy like vegetables,chicken breast,red meat well done/brown rice/salads/eat samll portions throught out the day,drinks lots of water will make you fuller before you eat a meal.
But the main key is water and cardio 30 mins minimum of 3-4 days,and with it mix weights and i personally guarantee results!!!!!!!!Green tea is a big boost to burn fat faster.The amount of calories for dieting is 1500 day but you have to tell me how much you weight right now so that i can give you an example of how many calories you should consume daily to lose your weight off!
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