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Future U.S. job market


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
onthebottom said:
I'll have 3 open in the next 60 days..... OTE about 250k depending on experience, location unimportant.

If you can use a smal blue man who believes making money is a good thing and customer satisfaction adds up to future earnings let me know


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
papasmerf said:
If you can use a smal blue man who believes making money is a good thing and customer satisfaction adds up to future earnings let me know
Size, gender and color unimportant - tell me what you know about banking or insurance?



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
onthebottom said:
Size, gender and color unimportant - tell me what you know about banking or insurance?

we all need to consider what if. What if this happens or that happens are we covered? None of us wants to consider what happens if we die but the prudent man considers 10 years of income to help his family. Banking has become a whole new game in that options have changed...Years back we could only choose savings as an interest bearing account...........Then along can the money markets, with a minimum deposit you could increase your interest but it came with the term limit. Cd's were the next step a defined term for a guaranteed rate..........Today our banks can bring you these plus stocks and bonds as well as life insurance. Commercial customers can use banks to build, cover payroll and asserts against future profits based on their ability to pay.

Much more can be discussed.


Jan 31, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
Pray tell, just where are these 'alleged' good paying jobs and could you list a few because they surely are not in WNY.
What do you define as a 'good paying job'? I feel such a job starts at $60K and goes up from there....
See for example here: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos267.htm

Computer software engineers are supposedly one of the job categories that are being outsourced to India, yet here they are earning a median wage of $85,370 with 75% of them earning over $67,620 and the number of such jobs is projected to grow from the current 857,000 to 1,181,000 over the next eight years.

That is about a 4% increase in jobs per year versus US population growth of under 1%, so that is real job growth, and in a field that is being "outsourced" to India.

That is only one category, there are many other categories of high tech employment at that BLS site and they all show the same story: Increasing numbers of people employed, not decreasing.

And yes, over the same time period many jobs really were outsourced to India. Thing is the economy created jobs faster than they were outsourced.
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