LOL, the future is kind of scary. Everyone is an avatar.
Imagine someone will have this amazing looking avatar, but then when they meet in person.
Playing with people's minds.
It could work if everyone is able to distinguish between fantasy and reality, but the reality is many will hide behind their awesomely created avatar and take things too far.
Even here we are somewhat anonymous hidden behind our terb username/handle.
Virtual reality dating could one day replace in-person relationships, some technologists say. Laurie Segall reports.
-The future of love. Sex where touching is optional.
LOL, the future is kind of scary. Everyone is an avatar.
Imagine someone will have this amazing looking avatar, but then when they meet in person.
Playing with people's minds.
It could work if everyone is able to distinguish between fantasy and reality, but the reality is many will hide behind their awesomely created avatar and take things too far.
Even here we are somewhat anonymous hidden behind our terb username/handle.