Funny business model- rate the John

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
This is what happened with just about all the other times a thread like this pops up , guys start bragging about how attractive they are to sps how great they are in bed how they get the ladies real name and that they would be a perfect 10. Good to know some things don't change
I’ve been booking dates using your handle so they’ll think I’m as awesome as you think you are.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
If you are charging for it, you should be providing your A game service, if you don't you should get slammed in reviews. Doesn't matter if it's prostitutes, prostidudes, plumbers, lawyers.
Also if you are paying for it, it should be about you and your pleasure. Double plus so at the rates that are being charged. You only need not act like a cunt and be clean. Who is paying who here. If you are paying someone to build an R2000 home with triple pained windows, then even if it's a bother, that is what you should expect, if they don't want to do that, then they should turn down the job. Good luck on that business model.
The craven lack of self respect and grovelling some people have.
You highlighted the point perfectly. A lot of guys seem to think because your paying for a service the girl should be an A list actress and provide the best service in the world and fool you into thinking your a God. Get real.
I've met plenty of tradesmen that are miserable to chat with or just not my cup of tea, or straight up pieces of shit in real life. But sure maybe they are masters of their trade.
You have to admit this business is a bit different being that to obtain the experience you are expecting there needs to be a bit of a connection, something that requires two people to tango. You can't expect rainbows and fireworks if your an ogre, have poor hygeine, or have shit manners. Even a skilled tradesman is going to turn down jobs that aren't worth his time or they can tell the client is sketch. I think that's less of an option in this business and the result may be a less than stellar session.
Obviously there's some give and take here, the point is some people are clearly egotistical and the luxury of the amount of women and options available to us, and the high bar set by some amazing women in the industry, has made alot of guys spoiled with unrealistic expectations.
This is mostly for the guys who consistently post negative reviews and harsh ratings, like they are some sort of SP connoisseur. It's tough to read sometimes. Nothing wrong with a negative review that helps fellow hobbyists, but the nit pickyness on looks and things beyond the girls control is painful.
Even lack of connection- like I said, in this business it takes 2 to tango. You can't be a piece of shit and expect world class service just because your paying.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2020
You highlighted the point perfectly. A lot of guys seem to think because your paying for a service the girl should be an A list actress and provide the best service in the world and fool you into thinking your a God. Get real.
I've met plenty of tradesmen that are miserable to chat with or just not my cup of tea, or straight up pieces of shit in real life. But sure maybe they are masters of their trade.
You have to admit this business is a bit different being that to obtain the experience you are expecting there needs to be a bit of a connection, something that requires two people to tango. You can't expect rainbows and fireworks if your an ogre, have poor hygeine, or have shit manners. Even a skilled tradesman is going to turn down jobs that aren't worth his time or they can tell the client is sketch. I think that's less of an option in this business and the result may be a less than stellar session.
Obviously there's some give and take here, the point is some people are clearly egotistical and the luxury of the amount of women and options available to us, and the high bar set by some amazing women in the industry, has made alot of guys spoiled with unrealistic expectations.
This is mostly for the guys who consistently post negative reviews and harsh ratings, like they are some sort of SP connoisseur. It's tough to read sometimes. Nothing wrong with a negative review that helps fellow hobbyists, but the nit pickyness on looks and things beyond the girls control is painful.
Even lack of connection- like I said, in this business it takes 2 to tango. You can't be a piece of shit and expect world class service just because your paying.
Whether it's an SP or a GF you get what you give. Show up clean, sober, fun, happy, respectful and give them a good time and you'll usually receive a good memory. If you have a big D and exceptional oral (Y) skillage you'll be welcomed back with a big smile.
Just my thoughts IRL
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