Anyone agree, or disagree, with me: eveyone should have access to full school vouchers and the public schools can compete for the money against private enterprise.
I believe this should be so because:
1 Public schools are the number one culprit of child abuse.
eg gay abuse, bullying, class distruption caused by the melting
pot theory education, bad teachers, a lot of bright kids hate school
for numerous reasons(they just want to learn) etc
2 the vasy majority of what you learn you forget and never use anyway
3 alternative methods have proven superior and cheaper
4 Not only cant you realistically sue the government for damages if your child is abused in a system they cannot escape you cant even sue for your own money back so you can leave the system to stop the abuse!!!!!!!!!!!
5 I thought our country stood for freedom, what is so free about the government taking over your childs education?
I believe this should be so because:
1 Public schools are the number one culprit of child abuse.
eg gay abuse, bullying, class distruption caused by the melting
pot theory education, bad teachers, a lot of bright kids hate school
for numerous reasons(they just want to learn) etc
2 the vasy majority of what you learn you forget and never use anyway
3 alternative methods have proven superior and cheaper
4 Not only cant you realistically sue the government for damages if your child is abused in a system they cannot escape you cant even sue for your own money back so you can leave the system to stop the abuse!!!!!!!!!!!
5 I thought our country stood for freedom, what is so free about the government taking over your childs education?