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Full school vouchers for all


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Anyone agree, or disagree, with me: eveyone should have access to full school vouchers and the public schools can compete for the money against private enterprise.

I believe this should be so because:

1 Public schools are the number one culprit of child abuse.
eg gay abuse, bullying, class distruption caused by the melting
pot theory education, bad teachers, a lot of bright kids hate school
for numerous reasons(they just want to learn) etc

2 the vasy majority of what you learn you forget and never use anyway

3 alternative methods have proven superior and cheaper

4 Not only cant you realistically sue the government for damages if your child is abused in a system they cannot escape you cant even sue for your own money back so you can leave the system to stop the abuse!!!!!!!!!!!

5 I thought our country stood for freedom, what is so free about the government taking over your childs education?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The teachers unions would never stand for it.....



Active member
Aug 6, 2006
what's this 'full school voucher' that you're talking about? Is it similar to the disoriented dropout voucher?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Do not understand Hurricanes ridicule. This is a serious topic as it is about a system that affects society, family and an individuals life like no other.

Onthebottom is correct and the Ontario Teachers Federation is only one of many self interest groups that want the status quo to remain which is why it will take civil disobedience to change the system.

To LKD I propose every child gets a voucher to the eqivalent that is allready spent on them in the public schools and they can keep it and home school or go to a private school or go right back to the public school. Whatever they desire. That way, gays, for example , would not have to go to a school that wasn't gay friendly. And no, I am not gay I just use it as the clearest example of why my concept - ie freedom - is vastly superior to the status quo.

Terbites can go to the school of Tantric sex as another example and learn something useful that you can get excited about. No problem with the homework now!


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
No, becuase it takes away money from our already under funded public schools. Those who cannot afford to send their kids to private schools even with the vouchers will be sending their kids to school that now have even less money.

Our country doesn't stand for freedom, it represents "Peace, order, and good government."


New member
Nov 20, 2006
I know to many home schoolers I'd say NO thanks to that idea. There is a voucher system in some states and many take the voucher and add money to it and send their kids to a rich guys school. If one looks at educational systems in the world you'll find Ontario's is one of the best.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Places that have privatized education still haven't demonstrated that it produces better or even cheaper results. Any system can be staffed by dullards and incompetents who waste the money put into it.

If you want the best education for your kids, and for the neighbours' kids who will employ or work for yours one day, then pay close attention to it daily, not just on Interview Day, and see that it is funded generously—which may just mean higher taxes.

And get down to the library and get some books about the 90% of useful stuff you claim to be ignorant of. Learning should never stop. If yours does, so will your kids. No school in the world can fix that.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
what qualifications would private schools have to meet and how do you enforce them?

stupid idea that would see the money spread out so thin noone would get a good education.

But then again I find private schools a little repulsive to begin with and the majority of people I've met who went to them are horrible human beings you wanna bitch slap when they grow up, so I'm far more in favour of one system for all anyway.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
any private school in Ontario must follow Ministry guidlines. Some private schools don't have qualified teachers many do though. What is a qualified teacher? someone who the Ontario College of teachers has the proper qualifications in Ontario to teach. one can scan for all qualified teachers on that site where and when they got there qualifications and additional courses, degrees ect.


Nobodies business if I do
Sep 26, 2007
Good responses. Now the replies.

to dr know

1 Data indeed. THERE IS NO DATA. Dont you find it absurd that our government does not keep track of such info after they take such arrogant control of your life?? However, the American Society of Chid Abuse Prevention ( I think I messed that name up) has taken polls to show that over 100,00 children stay home every day to avoid bullying. And those are just the ones that stay home. I assume our schools would have a similiar situation. Clearly, the vast majority of gays feel oppressed. Bright children dislike the melting pot. The system oppresses everyone as it is geared to be a melting pot, not meet individual needs. I defend my statement that it is indeed, the number one form of childabuse.

2 Montesori(unsure of spelling) Waldorf, private school for gays(they do exist but only for the rich). There are schools for bright children(again only for the rich), schools that take place on a sail cruiser as you sail the world Home schooled children are usually waaaay ahead of public schools. To mention some.
As well, educational concepts will expand exponentially once the %95 of the money that funds schooling ,ie public schools ,are released to entrepeneurs.

3 LIKE F%&#ck YOU DO!! Have you got a million dollars to spare and ten years with nothing else to do then go ahead and sue the government.

4 Assist me with it??!! If I want to home school I want all my money back not a mere pittance. To home school in our province one has to be a super parent.

Public schools create a two tiered school ystem. One for the rich who can leave the public schools and the poor ones who cant.

I find it amazing that you dont want your freedom.

Private schools are superior AND CHEAPER. My research shows they are cheaper,but, no one knows for sure because our government does not themselves know what it costs. Private schools know exactly what it costs, Ask them. There is enough money to do this. I believe we would save money.

Parents would set their own standards. As well, the goverment could ensure minimal standards are kept for the bad parents who do not care about their childs education.

Whether we have the best system is not the point (I for one refuse to believe that propoganda) but can we make it better is the question.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
QUESTION? You state that it's cheaper to send your child to a private school!!! Do you know what a private school costs? I know some of them are around $8000 - $10000 a year. I know one where ilive Albert College is $23000 includes room and board and they come from all over the world.
The private boys school in toronto St. Mikes is around $12000. so lets here your costs for private school!!!! public school each child costs about $7900,
however you only pay a small portion of that on your school taxes.


New member
Feb 8, 2005
No bloody way.... I challenge anyone to prove that a private education produces a more educated person. I have first hand knowlwedge of how piss poor a fairly well known private school in York Region's education is.

1. A teacher at this school who can have his children enrolled at the school for free, chooses to send his kids to public school.

2. Parents of students at this school regularly have to pay for tutors outside of school to fill in gaps.

3. Grade 12 students who's averages are shy of University entry requirements need only talk to head master to get things adjusted using the fear of taking out their escrowed deposits at the conclusion of studies. The school hopes that you "donate" the deposits to the school but the reality is, you can buy yourself a 75% average with the money if need to.

The public system needs funds and vouchers will not do it. I would really like to see the Public and Separate boards merged into one board and share costs and funding. But that will never happen.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
The teachers union MMMMM???? there’s an idea. They are one of the most lucrative unions in Canada.

Why don’t they invest in Public education? (Maybe they do) Seems like they might have a good influence on our future Rocket scientists

No facts just a thought that popped into my head.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
If we don't have kids, can we spend our vouchers at the Cannonball?...effectively transferring our voucher to a single mother's childs education!


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
buckwheat1 said:
QUESTION? You state that it's cheaper to send your child to a private school!!! Do you know what a private school costs? I know some of them are around $8000 - $10000 a year. I know one where ilive Albert College is $23000 includes room and board and they come from all over the world.
The private boys school in toronto St. Mikes is around $12000. so lets here your costs for private school!!!! public school each child costs about $7900,
however you only pay a small portion of that on your school taxes.
What do you think Canada spends per pupil? I'd bet that 10k school would be in reach of all....



New member
Nov 20, 2006
right now it's around $8200 per student funding but YOU pay nowhere close to that I pay like $950 a year on my taxes for education, that is much cheaper then $8000+ people are paying.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
buckwheat1 said:
right now it's around $8200 per student funding but YOU pay nowhere close to that I pay like $950 a year on my taxes for education, that is much cheaper then $8000+ people are paying.
So what is wrong with allowing any kid who doesn't want to go to the public school (that's getting the $8,200) to take that $8,200 to a private school? If good private schools are 8-10k it would seem an easy way to give people choice?



New member
Jan 13, 2009
Good responses. Now the replies.

to dr know

1 Data indeed. THERE IS NO DATA. Dont you find it absurd that our government does not keep track of such info after they take such arrogant control of your life?? However, the American Society of Chid Abuse Prevention ( I think I messed that name up) has taken polls to show that over 100,00 children stay home every day to avoid bullying. And those are just the ones that stay home. I assume our schools would have a similiar situation. Clearly, the vast majority of gays feel oppressed. Bright children dislike the melting pot. The system oppresses everyone as it is geared to be a melting pot, not meet individual needs. I defend my statement that it is indeed, the number one form of childabuse.

2 Montesori(unsure of spelling) Waldorf, private school for gays(they do exist but only for the rich). There are schools for bright children(again only for the rich), schools that take place on a sail cruiser as you sail the world Home schooled children are usually waaaay ahead of public schools. To mention some.
As well, educational concepts will expand exponentially once the %95 of the money that funds schooling ,ie public schools ,are released to entrepeneurs.

3 LIKE F%&#ck YOU DO!! Have you got a million dollars to spare and ten years with nothing else to do then go ahead and sue the government.

4 Assist me with it??!! If I want to home school I want all my money back not a mere pittance. To home school in our province one has to be a super parent.

Public schools create a two tiered school ystem. One for the rich who can leave the public schools and the poor ones who cant.

I find it amazing that you dont want your freedom.

Private schools are superior AND CHEAPER. My research shows they are cheaper,but, no one knows for sure because our government does not themselves know what it costs. Private schools know exactly what it costs, Ask them. There is enough money to do this. I believe we would save money.

Parents would set their own standards. As well, the goverment could ensure minimal standards are kept for the bad parents who do not care about their childs education.

Whether we have the best system is not the point (I for one refuse to believe that propoganda) but can we make it better is the question.
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