???Freezing Fog???

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Great! First Toronto has "an exploding rat population" now we have frozen fog. Does anyone else in Canada have these problems?

I mean seriously, a crazy little rodent crosses your path and then BOOM! It's blows up!


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Cardinal Fang said:
... Does anyone else in Canada have these problems? ...
A small informal survey in my office this morning had only one conclusion.

"Freezing Fog? No we never had that back home"

Ummmm... maybe freezing fog is related some how to fog sheets. Or is that sheets of fog? How about frozen fog sheets? Or sheets of frozen fog? That might slow down the rush hour a bit, eh?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Goober (to camera) Hello. (he walks in followed by Superintendent Fang and goes to desk) Mr NiteHwk? You are sole proprietor and owner of the TERB Chocolate Company?
NiteHwk I am.
Goober Superintendent Fang and I are from the hygiene squad.We want to have a word with you about your box of chocolates entitled the TERB Quality Assortment.
NiteHwk Ah, yes.
Goober (producing box of chocolate) If I may begin at the beginning. First there is the Cherry Fondue. This is extremely nasty, but we can't prosecute you for that.
NiteHwk Agreed.
Goober Next we have number four, 'Crunchy Frog'.
NiteHwk An, yes.
Goober Am I right in thinking there's a real frog in here?
NiteHwk Yes. A little one.
Goober What sort of frog?
NiteHwk A dead frog.
Goober Is it cooked?
NiteHwk No.
Goober What, a raw frog?
Superintendent Fang looks increasingly queasy.
NiteHwk We use only the finest baby frogs, dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose.
Goober That's as may be, but it's still a frog!
NiteHwk What else?
Goober Well don't you even take the bones out?
NiteHwk If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy would it?
Goober Superintendent Fang ate one of those.
Fang Excuse me a moment. (exits hurriedly)
Goober Well, the Superintendent thought it was an almond whirl. People won't expect there to be a frog in there. They're bound to think it's some sort of mock frog.
NiteHwk (insulted) Mock frog? We use no artificial preservatives or additives of any kind!
Goober Nevertheless, I must warn you that in future you should delete the words 'crunchy frog', and replace them with the legend, 'crunchy raw unboned real dead frog' if you want to avoid prosecution.
NiteHwk What about our sales?
Goober I'm not interested in your sales! I have to protect the general public! Now what about this one. (superintendent enters) It was number five, wasn't it? (superintendent nods) Number five Ram's Bladder Cup. (exit superintendent) What sort of confection is this?
NiteHwk We use choicest juicy chunks of fresh Cornish ram's bladder, emptied, steamed, flavoured with sesame seeds, whipped into a fondue and garnished with lark's vomit.
Goober Larks vomit?
NiteHwk Correct.
Goober Well it don't say nothing about that here.
NiteHwk Oh yes it does, on the bottom of the box, after monosodium glutamate.
Goober (looking) Wel I hardly think this is good enough. I think it's be more appropriate if the box bore a great red label warning lark's vomit.
NiteHwk Our sales would plummet!
Goober Well why don't you move into more conventional areas of confectionary, like praline or lime cream; a very popular flavor, I'm lead to understand. (superintendent enters) I mean look at this one 'cockroach cluster', (superintendent exits) anthrax ripple! What's this one: 'spring surprise'?
NiteHwk Ah - now, that's our speciality - covered with darkest creamy chocolate. When you pop it into your mouth steel bolts spring out and plunge straight through both cheeks.
Goober Well where's the pleasure in that? If people place a nice chocky in their mouth, they don't want their cheeks pierced. In any case this is an inadequate description of the sweetmeat. I shall have to ask you to accompany me to the station.
NiteHwk (getting up from the desk and being led away) It's a fair cop.
Goober Stop talking to the camera.
NiteHwk I'm sorry.

Oh, wait, you said fog....


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I was just talking to Grandma Clement... she said "No frozen fog back home." But if anybody is interested in frozen frogs...

Wait this thread is not going to be hijacked. This is a serious topic.

People... need to know. WTF is Frozen Fog?


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
Cardinal Fang said:
Great! First Toronto has "an exploding rat population" now we have frozen fog. Does anyone else in Canada have these problems?

I mean seriously, a crazy little rodent crosses your path and then BOOM! It's blows up!
...it's a new terrorist weapon....are they wearing little towels on their heads?....Canada is next you know....hehe


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
BiggieE said:
...it's a new terrorist weapon....are they wearing little towels on their heads?....Canada is next you know....hehe

No, No, No... stop! You are suppose to give them little tin hats. Little towels on their heads won't help at all. The little white towels are for your 'head' when visiting your local SC. Make sure you don't get mixed up or confused on this. Dancers kind of frown on guys with little tin hats on their heads and you may be refused service.

Now Please... back to the original topic...

Freezing Fog?!


'Senior' member
Aug 30, 2004
near YOO
Freezing rain is water drops cooled below 0 degree but still in liquid form. Such rain drops freeze when they hit the ground or any other object forming an ice coating.

Similarly, freezing fog (if there is such a thing) probably is fog that freezes when it hits a solid object.

Just My Guess!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Oh, for....

NiteHwk? Google. Google? NiteHwk.


Cloud droplets and liquid precipitation can remain liquid even when the air temperature surrounding the suspended or falling liquid is below freezing. This occurs because the liquid needs a surface to freeze upon. The liquid droplets will freeze without a nuclei surface if the temperature drops low enough. As a general rule, liquid cloud or precipitation drops between freezing and -10 C (14 F) will remain liquid. When the temperature drops to below -40 C, all liquid droplets will solidify. Droplets that are liquid and are below freezing are referred to as supercooled droplets.

Suppose it is foggy outside and the temperature is 30 F. Fog tends to not produce measurable precipitation by itself but it can still wet and moisten objects. In the case of freezing fog, the fog cloud droplets are supercooled. When a droplet contacts an object below freezing it will turn to ice. When only freezing fog occurs, there will be just about as much freezing of the fog droplets onto surfaces as there will be sublimation from the surface, thus there is not much accumulation of ice. Often freezing fog will be accompanied with freezing drizzle. In that case, a film of ice will coat surfaces.

Ice fog is a fog composed of tiny ice crystals. In the ice fog situation the temperature is becoming too cold for only supercooled water to occur. Ice fog will only be witnessed in cold Arctic / Polar air. Generally the temperature will be 14 F or colder in order for ice fog to occur.
Toronto Escorts