
For Goldman, a Swift Return to Lofty Profits


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Rockslinger said:
Is it true that almost all the partners at Goldman Sach are Democrats?
What is true is HANK PAULSON, a former Goldman Sacks (GS) heavyweight, allowed GS to survive and he personally took out Bear Stearns, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac and Merrill Lynch, while giving the BILLIONS to GS for the record profits before anyone else. The US government is saying they are "saving the banking system"..........LOL! What a farce, in the end. Anyone know what a "lost decade" feels like, so far only 1 year has passed.

Remember, no matter how everyone wants to look at it, Hank Paulson's $700 Billion request (TARP) was a 3-page document, created in a hotel room with 9 other guys sitting in chairs. He should be in prison.

Gyaos Baltar.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


New member
Feb 3, 2002
I'm not familiar with rep Kaptur (all I know is she's a democrat from Ohio like it says) but she brings up some pretty messed facts about the governments dealings with Goldman by Paulson.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Goldman is a corrupt business that is providing $$$$ to help support by a corrupt political system-- the masses should be enraged, but we are not quite at the tipping point -- yet.. The more the mainstream press understands the makings of this fascism, the better, as it will accelerate a movement toward legitimate populism and pave the way to real reform.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Is Goldman Stealing $100 Million per Trading Day?
“That Goldman Sachs may just possibly have used security access codes and built a system to acquire trading information PRIOR to transaction commit time points at NYSE.

The profitability of this split-second information advantage would have been and could have been extraordinary. Observed yielding profits at $100,000,000 a day. [summary to address complaints with respect to complexity.]

GS has special access inside the system from its status assisting the Working Group on Financial Markets (colloquially the Plunge Protection Team) created by Presidential Order two decades ago. GC also acts as Special Liquidity Provider for NYSE.

With 60% dominance of NYSE program trading, what’s good for Goldman defines what shows as overall market performance.”

More on David Viniar's Statment Regarding Goldman Sachs v. Sergey Aleynikov

Sergey Aleynikov, a former Goldman Sachs employee, allegedly stole software from Goldman Sachs that, according to Goldman Sach's lawyer, Assistant United States Attorney Joseph Paul Facciponti, "could [be] use[d] it to manipulate markets in unfair ways." In a bail hearing held before Magistrate Judge Kevin N. Fox, Facciponti said that the software would cauue Goldman’s “profit margin [to be] be eroded.” According to Facciponti, Goldman faced damages in the “millions upon millions of dollars.”

On Tuesday, July 14, 2009, Goldman Sach's Chief Financial Officer, David Viniar, stated: “We still have all of the code. It is not like the code had been lost to Goldman Sachs. And even if it had been, it is a small piece of our business.” What is going on?

It could be that Facciponti commited fraud on the Court. That possibility was explored in this post. It could also be that Viniar is attempting to do damage control. There is a good explanation why.

No one knows what Goldman's stolen software does. Does it allow Goldman Sachs to front run trades? On theory is that the software allows Goldman to learn about trades milliseconds before those trades are finalized. Goldman Sachs then front runs those trades.

Front running works like this: Imagine you're going to sell some stock. The current bid price is $10.02. You tell your broker (via eTrade or Fidelity or whatever) that you want to sell you stock for $10.02. You hit "Confirm the transaction."

Well, stock prices fluctuate according to the laws of supply and demand. There are always a lot of people in line willing to sell their stock. If a bunch of people want to sell their stock for $10.02, then the stock price will fall. You want to be in front of the line before stock prices fall.

Thus, Goldman Sachs, sensing market movement, uses its software to get in front of you. They sell their shares for $10.02. By the time it's your turn in the line, your stock is only work $10.02.

Jumping to the front of the line is called front running, and yes, it's a felony. It seems probable that the Goldman software allows Goldman to front run the market.

When Goldman learned that Aleynikov had the software, Goldman panicked. If Aleynikov had uploaded the software or explained what it had done, even the same SEC and DOJ that allowed Bernie Madoff to bilk investors over decades would be forced to do something. Goldman might actually face government scrutiny.

As it turns out, Aleynikov did not have all of the software code. He downloaded roughly less than 10% of the code. Thus, no one will know what this black box software will do. Aleynikov only has part of the puzzle. Goldman Sachs has the rest.

Thus, Goldman Sachs is backing away from its initial theory of the case. Now the sofware, which according to Joseph P. Facciponti, "could [be] use[d] it to manipulate markets in unfair ways," is no big deal.

Assistant United States Attorney swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Facciponti works for the taxpayers of the United States of America. He is not - though his behavior suggests otherwise - Goldman's personal lawyer. If Facciponti wants to represent Goldman Sachs, he is free to quit his job for the private sector.

Facciponti has an ethical and constitutional obligation to determine why Goldman Sachs, through Viniar, is now proclaiming that this software that can "manipulate markets in unfair ways" is suddenly no big deal.

Either Facciponti lied, or Viniar is lying. Which is it, Attorney Facciponti?
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