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For all you Hazel Mae fans....


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
yychobbyist said:
She is a much more interesting person than you might think seeing her on television.
I sure hope so!


Active member
yychobbyist said:
I ....had the honour of seeing Hazel in a two piece day after day after day. She is .... much better built... than you might think seeing her on television.
Especially with her new boobies!!


Active member
Hmmm....You can see them every morning right now, but, they're under her clothes.

I could always ask her if she would mind if I took a picture of them though. Not sure how she'd take that though. I can just see it now....

wooly "Miss Mae! Miss Mae! Can I take a picture of you?"

Hazel "Sure. And what's your name?"

wooly "Wooly."

Hazel "Wooly? That's a strange name. What kind of name is wooly?"

Wooly "Well it's my nickname."

Hazel "Oh, o.k. So how do you want to take the picture?"

Wooly "Well I wouldn't mind if you just stood over here....ya....that's fine. And, now, can you take off your top to show off your new boob job?"

Hazel "What?! Security!!"

wooly "Well, ya, that's what I wanted a picture of. I mean, well, not me really. The Cardinal wanted a picture of it?"

Hazel "Get the &#*% out of here! Cardinal? What Cardinal would ask you for a picture like that you %#@& *%&$!?"

wooly "Cardinal Fang. He's a very respected poster on TERB."

Hazel "TERB? WTF is a TERB? SECURITY!!!"

wooly "It's a review board to talk about our experiences, both good and bad, with escorts, massage parlors and strip clubs."

Hazel "What?!"

wooly "Ya, but, we also talk about other topics too. And the topic of you leaving, Sportsnet, and having a new boob job came up, and Cardinal Fang wanted to see some pictures."

At about this time, since security hasn't arrived yet, Hazel decides to take things into her own hands and pull out the mace that she keeps in her purse.

This is where I leave......


yychobbyist said:
Jody would make a mint if she just went webgirl and ended all the mystery about what was under those skirts.

As for Hazel, I have had some experience with her, having met her a few years ago in B.C. when she was dating Brad Fay. I spent a week at the resort they were at and had the honour of seeing Hazel in a two piece day after day after day. She is much prettier, much better built and a much more interesting person than you might think seeing her on television.
Hazel Mae Fay! ROTFLMFAO!


I can't so I guess that relationship was doomed from the start. I have searched but can't find a pic of Hazel's new sweater kittens.


New member
Jul 23, 2003
GlavaMan said:
Hazel Mae Fay! ROTFLMFAO!
Well I'm pretty sure that's not the name she'd adopt. Besides, Mae isn't her last name. It's her mother's maiden name. I know one of her sisters. I've met with and talked to Hazel several times and have always had a really pleasant time with her. So I'm wishing her all the best with her life at NESN.


New member
Jul 23, 2003
The Doctor said:
Rates? Menu? :p
ha! not quite. not sure what job is more lucrative income-wise. Though it would be nice to walk into an MP and have Hazel Mae be the only available attendant.

I'm actually surprised that there was so much anti-Hazel sentiment here. Oh well.
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