Post said 28 were busted, 28, I see pictures of only do the other ones look
Every place has its ups and downs as for American Justice.
You guys in T have it made with Incalls and party clubs...but drive a little fast and watch out, police act like you shoplifted or something, lol. Our gasoline is much cheaper too, so I can here in Michigan can have loads of fun with my hot rod car than you could ever know...and not one little bitty ticket to show for it.
Besides my "fun" is much cheaper than $150 to $300 an hour.
State of Florida is pretty cool for hotrodders too, if you have money..and they have a beach....heck Hulk Hogan 16 year old son was laughing in a diftering magazine story how he was pulled over 3 times in a Dodge Viper going around 200 km/h each time and only after the 3rd stop a cop wrote him up a traffic ticket...and watched him drive away, ha ha. But then came Aug 26th 2007 and Hogans kid wiped out his 700hp hotrod and almost killed his passenger..that wasn't too cool, lol.