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FKS In Ottawa Tomorrow & Friday?

Paul Mott

Senior Member
Jan 25, 2004
Sometimes I and others hesitate to say something overly positive for fear of being called a Shill, but to answer the question, I've seen Chloe before when she was last here a number of months ago. She is "extremely" (subjective term of course) attractive and is a GFE as you might expect from an established high end group from Montreal.

Yes I know, high dollar doesn't always equate to better quality than lower dollar, but from my experience it's more consistent. This group of independants who share a website and central appointment taker, has been around for quite sometime and is well known for classy girls. Check MERB for more info or Toronto TERB when they have visited there. Over the years I've seen 6 of them and never had a problem or was disappointed.

In case you're wondering, I didn't book her this time as I have an appointment with another FKS who is coming here privately verses offical publicized tour as in the case of Chloe. As independents they have the freedom to do whatever and whenever they want.

I'd better stop as I hear keyboards starting to type that 5 letter word, which on here is worse than the 4 letter word!

If this is helpful to just one of you then it was worth responding, but nevertheless have a great long weekend


May 17, 2005
Paul, thanks for reply. Too bad I discovered it too late as I came back to town but have to leave for another trip again so I won't be able to see Chole this time. I wished they had posted on the board or advertized somewhere. I think she is about $700 for 2 hours but she sounds she is quite worth it. In the US, you often have to pay US $550 and up for minimum two hour appointments but those ladies are well above the crowd too.

Paul Mott

Senior Member
Jan 25, 2004
Gord thanks for the kind and supportive comments, by the way I thought you were away on holidays.

Gmuoo - If you go to their website and click on ladies available to non-members you will see a box "touring" and it will display the girl who is touring, when and where. After establishing yourself with them you can chose to become a member, which I am, and you'll get advance notice of who is touring, more pictures and info, which of them do duos and with who etc, via the same website. As a member you also get a discounted rate so if you use them a few times it pays off easily. Once you are known they will give you a phone number to make appointments which is really nice and easy.
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