Club Dynasty

Fixing bad snoring


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
i had the surgery years back when it was still covered by OHIP, very painful and never worked. It has more to do with the position of the jaw, I tried the mouth guard but it kept falling put of place and I wasn't keen on wrapping up my head to keep it in place. If you can position the lower jaw properly it will work. Good Luck.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I too am a loud snorer.... fortunately my wife can sleep through it. Actually she wakes up when I stop snoring.... as it usually means my sleep apnea has kicked in. So she wakes up long enough to hit me. :)

Occasionally she snores and it keeps me awake.

We're both working on losing some extra pounds... hopefully that'll make a difference.

Until then I use the foam earplugs.... works wonders except that if I forget to put them away, the cats make off with em.

If that doesn't work, I go and sleep in another room. Giving serious thought to our next house having separate bedrooms.
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