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Five Industries that are doomed to Fail

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
5) The Record Store

Remember spending lazy Saturday afternoons at your local record shop leafing through the latest releases from your favourite bands? Well, those days are done. The advent of digital music sales, as well as digital music piracy, has made high-cost physical music stores economically unviable and, perhaps more tragically, has rendered obsolete millions of snobbish record store clerks.

4) Factory Farming

The meat industry doesn't just kill the animals we eat, it's also killing us. Our commitment to including dead beasts in every meal is clogging our arteries while justifying the often inhumane conditions in which meat is mass produced. For the sake of animal welfare and the health of our species, the future of factory farming looks bleak.

3) The Tobacco Industry

The practice of selling a product that isn't allowed to be advertised and that almost certainly kills its consumers is destined to go up in smoke. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco caused 100 million deaths over the course of the 20th century. Addiction and Don Draper (!! Actually, I'm a non-smoker. Those are just for "show") might be the only two things keeping the industry afloat.

2) Celebrities

From reality TV stars to unstable scions and heiresses, it's impossible to keep track of the millions of people now contributing to our cultural wasteland. And with sites like Facebook and Twitter turning us all into public figures, we now live in a world where everyone is a celebrity and thus no one is one.

1) Print Media

It's unwieldy, expensive, and it leaves ink on your hands, not to mention the fact that it's contributing to the destruction of our planet - so why, in the digital age, do we continue to print on paper? If another argument is needed, take that guy on the subway whose newspaper is always strewn across three seats. Get an iPad, buddy!



Nov 20, 2010
don't agree with factory farming and celebrities. land is becoming more and more scarce and population keeps increasing. factory farming maybe the only way to feed the population in the future
dumb masses will always flock to the celebrities - they will become bigger than ever with population increase, and globalization.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
don't agree with factory farming and celebrities.

Although I can see one and five, even three is reaching for a straw, yes tobacco is dying in the West (Canada not nearly as much as the U.S. and U.K.) but there are plenty of places where smoking is still thriving.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
I read about nearly the same thing today. Travel agents and stock brokers have taken a major hit with real estate agents maybe the next to fall.

b d


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I actually think you're wrong about all of them.

The record store will be gone, but something will replace it , I don't know what, but something always comes along that will have similiar cultural impact.

Factory Farming - Humans are Omnivores , get used to it.

Tobacco Industry will shrink, but it will not go away.

Celebrities - there will always be celebrities because people want them. How long someone stays a celebrity and how they became one will change, but there will always be ones.

Print Media. Your confused with something going away and something merely changing, print media used to be on stone, or wood, eventually we used things like cloth and paper, and now we are moving to digital.
If paper dissapears btw, it will have fuck all to do with the planet, it will have to do with $$


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Factory farming does not exist. It is just a descriptive term used by opponents of anything in farming they don't like.

If you mean lots of animals or plants in a small area...get used to it. The economics dictate it.

If you mean poor conditions for the animals...think again. Modern large scale production is far more humane than the so called family farm was/is. I've seen lots of both. Again, economics dictate that you must have low stress conditions for animals to be most productive. That means adequate space, proper lighting for the species under consideration, good atmosphere, etc. Besides which the larger operations come under much more regulation and control when it comes to animal welfare.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
don't agree with factory farming and celebrities. land is becoming more and more scarce and population keeps increasing. factory farming maybe the only way to feed the population in the future
dumb masses will always flock to the celebrities - they will become bigger than ever with population increase, and globalization.
Same. Also tobacco. 2nd and 3rd world countries are heavy consumers of cigarettes.


Aug 18, 2009
The record store is gone. HMV sells video games and dvd's (for now). The only record stores left are boutique ones, selling vinyl and some cd's. Young bands are now releasing music on vinyl with free download codes attached. The only retailers left are iTunes (no. 1 in north america) and walmart (selling discounted cd's).

I'd say the auto industry will die before any others you listed. We're past peak oil and our economy can't recover fully without it, so gas will get more and more expensive and the private auto will face serious declines in the years coming.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Same. Also tobacco. 2nd and 3rd world countries are heavy consumers of cigarettes.
+1. Jumping up and down on the capital gain and ever increasing dividends on tobacco companies. That kind of "addiction" is something worth to consider.

Having said that, China is still off limits to many tobacco firms and too bad China National Tobacco Corporation is state owned. Slim chance to have IPO, let alone dividends and/or interests generated from corporate debts and equities.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I was in a record store the other day, yep other people where around too. I don't know but yeah they are going to become rarer over time.

Print media, not sure. Very long time coming. Nothing like picking up a paper and then tossing it away.

Tobacco, ha ha....people were to stop smoking come year 2000 they thought years ago. Its not going away. In fact once medicine improves greatly, there be no reason NOT to smoke. U will not get ill from it one day, imo


Active member
May 3, 2006
I'd say the auto industry will die before any others you listed. We're past peak oil and our economy can't recover fully without it, so gas will get more and more expensive and the private auto will face serious declines in the years coming.
Even if peak oil was true, the private automobile will be here for a long time yet. It might not run on oil, but it won't go away.


Jan 31, 2005
5) The Record Store
Agree... sort of. SOME record store is going to re-invent itself as an internet store and do pretty well. The retail store where you go buy physical stuff--I can't believe they still exist. Maybe they can convert themselves to some other kind of business but they can't survive as music shops.

4) Factory Farming
Here to stay. Unless the human population starts shrinking we're going to need an increasing amount of food and factory farms are the only way we're going to get it.

3) The Tobacco Industry
I'd like to think so, but addiction is a powerful thing. Unfortunately probably here to stay.

2) Celebrities
For as long as people like to gossip there will be celebrities. And people LOVE gossip.

1) Print Media
True... but I think it will re-invent itself in a few different ways before it finally dies. Things like the free morning Metro paper gets read by a lot of people on the subway and at lunch.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
5) The Record Store

Yup... already shrinking away. And add the video rental store too...

4) Factory Farming

Probably not for a long time. Meat will need to be replaced by something. In the shorter term, these will increase.

3) The Tobacco Industry

Nope... It's growing like crazy in less developed countries.

2) Celebrities

We can only hope... but I doubt it.

1) Print Media

It will change but not go away. I work in a related industry. An increasing amount of paper comes from recycled supplies and FSC managed forests... grow trees like corn and harvest/replant every 7 - 10 years. The clear-cutting that bugs everyone is mostly for lumber... big trees are far too valuable to use for paper. You can make paper from any old crap.

Print runs are getting shorter and shorter, and digital print will take over completely. The direct mail part of print is growing and is still the best way to reach targeted audiences for advertising, especially when it's used in concert with email etc.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I think you could add "Professional Photographer" to the list. With digital cameras becoming more complex and more affordable more people are opting out of hiring a pro to do pictures.

One of the camera companies - Canon I think - is supposedly working on a camera that will take 7 shots of a group portrait, analyze the pictures to determine which picture a person is smiling in with eyes open and will take those 7 shots and merge them automatically into one picture made up of the best shots of each person in there. Apparently it will not only find the smiling picture, but will also determine which has the best smile.

I still remember taking pictures with my little Kodak Brownie camera......


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I think you could add "Professional Photographer" to the list. With digital cameras becoming more complex and more affordable more people are opting out of hiring a pro to do pictures.

One of the camera companies - Canon I think - is supposedly working on a camera that will take 7 shots of a group portrait, analyze the pictures to determine which picture a person is smiling in with eyes open and will take those 7 shots and merge them automatically into one picture made up of the best shots of each person in there. Apparently it will not only find the smiling picture, but will also determine which has the best smile.

I still remember taking pictures with my little Kodak Brownie camera......
Your brown eye is a camera?


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Even if peak oil was true, the private automobile will be here for a long time yet. It might not run on oil, but it won't go away.
I can't believe anyone could dispute peak oil with a straight face. But I agree with you about the automobile.. it's too important to society for us to just give it up.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Your brown eye is a camera?
lol... no... I had to give up using that one... no matter what I tried the pictures all came out shitty.

You should remember these cameras... they were still around (albeit pretty much gone) when you were still on Saturday morning cartoons. <grin>


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
lol... no... I had to give up using that one... no matter what I tried the pictures all came out shitty.

You should remember these cameras... they were still around (albeit pretty much gone) when you were still on Saturday morning cartoons. <grin>
They used 620 film if I remember correctly.

Took a damn fine picture and being in black and white it added a depth that color almost always fails to capture

I am pretty sure I have one in a box somewhere in the basement.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The Record Store is disappearing thus allowing Apple to hose people at will.

There has been much fanfare about The Beatles getting on board the Itunes bandwagon, but at $1.29 per song is it such a bargain? There are items in The Beatles catalog that are meant to be listened to in its entirety - Like Rubber Soul. Yet to download the complete Rubber Soul would cost $18.06 without the markup. Apple is selling Rubber Soul at $21 and change (not including HST). I haven't looked at what The White Album would cost. Basically you are paying more for the cd without the physical cd.

This is what Apple can do with it's Beatles library.

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