Seduction Spa

First Toronto 'pedestrian scramble' begins today at Yonge & Dundas


Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
Yay! Speaking as a pedestrian (albeit visitor) in Toronto, it's truly hell out there being on foot.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I really REALLY wish the city would just come out and say: Drivers? We don't want you here.....

I mean, they reduced dundas east of the DVP to two lanes, then reduced 3 blocks of Eastern to two lanes, so they've effectively "closed" one major east west route into the city.

Now they're increasing the wait times at one of the busiest intersections in the city? You already get two or three blocks of traffic backed up due to streetcars on dundas loading before and after the light effectively blocking the interesection.

Seriously, if the city doesn't want cars downtown, SAY SO!!!!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
erectus said:
Toronto caching up with other parts of the world, 'BOUT TIME:D
Problem is: toronto drivers and pedestrians are not as able as other parts of the world to grasp these concepts.....I mean hell, as it stands now people don't get off the fricken road when they've crossed so now we have them going every which way?

I see some major car/pedestrian accidents in our near future......


New member
Feb 28, 2007
lots of european cities have this system.

Toronto pedestrians are in for some fun times, cars trucks bicycles all not knowing what to do and all those moving targets..................


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
landscaper said:
lots of european cities have this system.

Toronto pedestrians are in for some fun times, cars trucks bicycles all not knowing what to do and all those moving targets..................
Exactly, for the same reason we don't have traffic circles here. Like the one in Rye Beach NH, it would end up being a death trap (I believe at one point they were having one major accident a week at their's).......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
iamme said:
Can't wait until Toronto puts in a Traffic Circle :D now that will be entertaining.
LOL If they do, they should erect bleachers around it and charge admission. It'd be better than those cop chase tv shows.......

(if you've ever driven in a traffic circle they are amazing in that you don't have to stop at an intersection.........)

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
We have a few here and people STOP...they are like scared to merge in to traffic, after all the cars are going like 30km'h :p

Traffic then lines up to enter the runabout, during rush hour its hopeless to not to wait like 5 mins to pass though.

People think yield signs are stop signs....thank god they don't stop at the yield signs on the freeway ramps...yet, lol.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
we have a couple in markham and I used them in Edmonton, if your I.Q. is above plant life grade they are easy to use...... unfortunatly these are toronto drivers we are talking about

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
It works fine when the traffic is light but when other cars are in the runabout, some stop and wait for a big opening and that causes traffic to line up. When traffic is moving slow--like in a runabout--its easy to slip in by stepping on the gas a bit but nooooo some act like traffic is moving at 100 km/h and they need a big space before they pull out.

Then its the lane use, ours has 2 lanes--3 at the merge points but some drive right in the middle and hog all 2-3 lanes.
Sep 11, 2006
Traffic circles

I drove for the first time in England this summer and found that the traffic circles worked great! They must be a fraction of the cost of cloverleafs - when I drive up north to the cottage and see the construction necessary to expand the 400 - overpasses for every road that intersects - it would be a lot cheaper to just widen the roadway and put in a traffic circle.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Tokyo has had this for almost 15 years -seems to work fine for those guys. God knows their streets are way more screwed up than ours with traffic and the pedestrians.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
ig-88 said:
In New York, a state senator proposed a ban on pedestrians using iPods while crossing the street. Possible fine is $100.

Thats so dumb! Unless the person is blind whats wrong with looking both ways before you cross?

I see people all the time like in parking lots, just walking right in front of cars :confused: Sure they might have the "right of way" but many people who have been run over had the right of way too...


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
tboy said:
I really REALLY wish the city would just come out and say: Drivers? We don't want you here.....

I mean, they reduced dundas east of the DVP to two lanes, then reduced 3 blocks of Eastern to two lanes, so they've effectively "closed" one major east west route into the city.

Now they're increasing the wait times at one of the busiest intersections in the city? You already get two or three blocks of traffic backed up due to streetcars on dundas loading before and after the light effectively blocking the interesection.

Seriously, if the city doesn't want cars downtown, SAY SO!!!!
I think they should discourage cars downtown. I remember when I was young and they closed off the downtown part of Young street to cars every summer. I thought that was nice.

red said:
erectus said:
Toronto caching up with other parts of the world, 'BOUT TIME:D
where is that?
tboy said:
erectus said:
Toronto caching up with other parts of the world, 'BOUT TIME
Problem is: toronto drivers and pedestrians are not as able as other parts of the world to grasp these concepts.....I mean hell, as it stands now people don't get off the fricken road when they've crossed so now we have them going every which way?

I see some major car/pedestrian accidents in our near future......
The town I where I lived for a few years in New Zealand had them and they worked fine. I don’t see what the big deal is. They are idiot proof.

iamme said:
Can't wait until Toronto puts in a Traffic Circle now that will be entertaining.

Traffic circles are another thing. They are fine when you have enough of them to get used to them. The problem with them having one in a place like Toronto is that there would only be very few of them. Thus, you would constantly get drivers encountering them for the first time and not knowing what to do. However, the lights are a different thing as they are more idiot proof.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts