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First there was "The Dr Seuss Outrage", now the "M & M's Outrage"!!!!


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
You really do not understand the concern about the ever constant attempts by the wokesters to exert control over over peoples behaviour do you ?
One day they will try to control somethng that you do, like or value

They do not care about Dr. Seuss, M&Ms or mini-moused dress
They do enjoy dictating behavious though
Like telling women what they can or can’t do with their bodies?

Like trying to dictate what god I believe in?

Like deciding who is and who is not allowed to get married, serve in the military, and purchase a wedding cake?

It was in my lifetime that people of colour were not allowed to be members at Augusta.

I certainly do know a thing or 2 about dictating behaviours. I have to keep fighting to defend the basic human rights of marginalized people while conservatives keep fighting for there rights to treat people like shit.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Like telling women what they can or can’t do with their bodies?
I support free choice

Like trying to dictate what god I believe in?
You can pray to rocks trees, satan or Greta for all I care

Like deciding who is and who is not allowed to get married, serve in the military, and purchase a wedding cake?
Knock yourself out if you want to marry your cousin Billy
If a lady can do all that is required in the military fine. Quotas will not meet that requirement
Do not know or care much about wedding cakes

It was in my lifetime that people of colour were not allowed to be members at Augusta.
That injustice has been addressed
Odd how it was the democrats who were defeated by the republicans under Abaham Lincoln

I certainly do know a thing or 2 about dictating behaviours.
Yeah and this is a concern
Get another hobby

I have to keep fighting to defend the basic human rights of marginalized people while conservatives keep fighting for there rights to treat people like shit.
Oh, like truckers for instance ?

I feel like a cat toying with a mouse
This is starting to become cruel


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I support free choice

You can pray to rocks trees, satan or Greta for all I care

Knock yourself out if you want to marry your cousin Billy
If a lady can do all that is required in the military fine. Quotas will not meet that requirement
Do not know or care much about wedding cakes

That injustice has been addressed
Odd how it was the democrats who were defeated by the republicans under Abaham Lincoln

Yeah and this is a concern
Get another hobby

Oh, like truckers for instance ?

I feel like a cat toying with a mouse
This is starting to become cruel
Bitching about insults earlier, and referring to me marrying my cousin billy is both hypocritical and immature. It’s clear how you really feel though.

And these are all Conservative agendas. You are Conservative. Your silence is support. It’s not that you don’t care about wedding cakes, or who serves…. It’s simply that you don’t want to be exposed.

(Since you opened the insult door) Well, it’s not a cat I would describe you as, but it is close.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Bitching about insults earlier, and referring to me marrying my cousin billy is both hypocritical and immature. It’s clear how you really feel though.
You and Billy might be very happy together, you have to work to make a marrage work
I am not going to stand in the way of anyones happiness
What the hell else do you expect from me?

And these are all Conservative agendas. You are Conservative. t
That is just about one the most redicolous things I have ever heard
supporting a womans choice and/or not opposing gay marriage does not mean I have to switch sides and support the rest of your lunacy
You are very confused
Your silence is suppor
What is wrong with you?
In addition to expecting me to align with all your values you expect me to promote them?
I am far more concerned about being exposed to irrational uncompimising fools who think they can dictate other peoples behavour
Give your head a shake, smack it against the wall and give it another shake

. It’s not that you don’t care about wedding cakes, or who serves…. It’s simply that you don’t want to be exposed.
I am not sure what your taling about but I expect it has something to do with gay marrage
Again , marry who ever you want, Jane, Suzzie or your cousin Billy. I really do not care

i know gay people, and have worked with gay people, some have done an oiutstanding job
Thier sexual prefence is thier private business and I respect that, just like I respect the quality of the work

Yet because I oppose the lunacy of the woke left you automatically view me as the enemy

I am far more concerned about being exposed to irrational uncomprimising fools who think they can dictate other peoples behavour

(Since you opened the insult door) Well, it’s not a cat I would describe you as, but it is close.
Was that an atempt at humour? Try again

No doubt you do not like me, as you view "my silence" as your failure to change my behaviour to what you want
do not hold your breath and get a new objective
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
You and Billy might be very happy together, you have to work to make a marrage work
I am not going to stand in the way of anyones happiness
What the hell else do you expect from me?

That is just about one the most redicolous things I have ever heard
supporting a womans choice and/or not opposing gay marriage does not mean I have to switch sides and support the rest of your lunacy
You are very confused

What is wrong with you?
In addition to expecting me to align with all your values you expect me to promote them?
I am far more concerned about being exposed to irrational uncompimising fools who think they can dictate other peoples behavour
Give your head a shake, smack it against the wall and give it another shake

I am not sure what your taling about but I expect it has something to do with gay marrage
Again , marry who ever you want, Jane, Suzzie or your cousin Billy. I really do not care

i know gay people, and have worked with gay people, some have done an oiutstanding job
Thier sexual prefence is thier private business and I respect that, just like I respect the quality of the work

Yet because I oppose the lunacy of the woke left you automatically view me as the enemy

I am far more concerned about being exposed to irrational uncomprimising fools who think they can dictate other peoples behavour

Was that an atempt at humour? Try again

No doubt you do not like me, as you view "my silence" as your failure to change my behaviour to what you want
do not hold your breath and get a new objective
Typical…. Make gay jokes about me…. Then say “I have gay friends”. A true progressive.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Typical…. Make gay jokes about me…. Then say “I have gay friends”. A true progressive.
So you say, which is not worth much
Sorry, you do not get to dicate what my values should be

I have zero aspirations to become a "progressive" .
They are irrational wackjobs who need an ideology to do their thinking for them
And they are intend on controlling other peoples behaviour
No thanks, I will pass

Perhasp you can watch some re-runs of the Jetsons, Bugs Bunny, Whats my line , Gone with the Wind, the Jeffersons or Barney Miller and come up with a list of reasons why these shows / movies need to be censored to protect the public?
After-all if Mini-mouses dress is offensive , then "Gone with the Wind" must be down right terifying
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So you say, which is not worth much
Sorry, you do not get to dicate what my values should be

I have zero aspirations to become a "progressive" .
They are irrational wackjobs who need an ideology to do their thinking for them
And they are intend on controlling other peoples behaviour
No thanks, I will pass

Perhasp you can watch some re-runs of the Jetsons, Bugs Bunny, Whats my line , Gone with the Wind, the Jeffersons or Barney Miller and come up with a list of reasons why these shows / movies need to be censored to protect the public?
After-all if Mini-mouses dress is offensive , then "Gone with the Wind" must be down right terifying
Larue gets it backwards.
Its the right wing that is all in a tizzy that Minnie Mouse might occasionally be animated in a pant suit.
The left could care less.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Nice try
The concern is about the dispicable need to control others
But you admitted that we don't care about this.
That corporations think it will increase sales is just capitalism.
I thought you were in favour of that.

are you going to pretend that insisting Mini-mouse wearing pants vs a dress will make a positive impact on society
That is not worth 30 seconds of anyones time
I agree.
But Tucker, the right wing noise machine, and you all seem to want to spend hours and hours on it.

Exerting control over others on the the other hand appears to worth the time/effort for the woksters
And that is the credibility issue they have
Do you think all business decisions to change mascots or logos are efforts at control?
I didn't realize you were so radically anti-business.
Go you.
Live that leftist/anarchist life.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]But you admitted that we don't care about this.
I said the woksters do not care about Mini mouses dress, but do care about controlling others

That corporations think it will increase sales is just capitalism.
I thought you were in favour of that.
Well perhaps you should think again

I agree.
But Tucker, the right wing noise machine, and you all seem to want to spend hours and hours on it.
Concern about woksters pathological need to control others is worth time and effort to push back against it
The simple message is "Control your own behavior" and " I will control mine"
Is this too difficult a concept for you to understand?

Do you think all business decisions to change mascots or logos are efforts at control?
If it is in response to the pressures from the woksters then it is not a good idea.
Their objective is control not improved sales

If the logo / mascots is changed to reflect new marketing objectives fine
Ronald McDonald was fazed out and replaced with new marketing..... that is a business decision
Angus McThrift was also replaced as Canadian Tire wanted to move to higher margin products and replace that "crappy tire" image

But these decisions were not because the woksters demanded the mascots must be changed in order to protect the fragile sensitivities of the clown community and the Scottish communities
Scots prefer to think of themselves are frugal as opposed to cheap and most are somewhat proud of their pursuit of value / frugal nature

I didn't realize you were so radically anti-business.
Go you.
Live that leftist/anarchist life.
Apparently there is a lot you do not realize
I have no desire to control other peoples behavior . It is a futile endeavor and often leads to really bad collateral damage ie. prohibition turned into a cash cow and lots of power for organized crime
Why would I want to dumb myself down by turning left?
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Aug 23, 2001

Sad fuck perv Fucker Carlson sexually obsesses about M&M's candy apparently quite a lot.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I said the woksters do not care about Mini mouses dress, but do care about controlling others
And yet you're the one talking about her dress constantly.

Well perhaps you should think again
Happy to do so.
I thought you were very pro-business, pro-capitalist.
Surprised to be wrong, but that's cool.

Concern about woksters pathological need to control others is worth time and effort to push back against it
The simple message is "Control your own behavior" and " I will control mine"
Is this too difficult a concept for you to understand?
It's a very easy concept.
You're the one who seems to have issues with it.
Private enterprise is making marketing choices and you think it is an attack on you.
That's kind of fucked up.

If it is in response to the pressures from the woksters then it is not a good idea.
Their objective is control not improved sales
You are against pressure from the consumer?
You prefer that corporations have complete control over other people's behavior?
You do your authoritarian self, booboo.
You can't seem to decide who is control of what and why.
You just seem to be upset that you can't fuck candy.

Or did you think that the choice to have "sexy" candy wasn't them trying to control you?
And if so, why did you think that?

If the logo / mascots is changed to reflect new marketing objectives fine
Ronald McDonald was fazed out and replaced with new marketing..... that is a business decision
Angus McThrift was also replaced as Canadian Tire wanted to move to higher margin products and replace that "crappy tire" image

But these decisions were not because the woksters demanded the mascots must be changed in order to protect the fragile sensitivities of the clown community and the Scottish communities
Scots prefer to think of themselves are frugal as opposed to cheap and most are somewhat proud of their pursuit of value / frugal nature
So this is just an article of faith you've embraced, you know that, right?
How is "Ronald McDonald was phased out" and "the sexy M&M was phased out" any different other than the second one upsets you for some reason?
You disagree with a corporation's marketing.
Grow up.

Apparently there is a lot you do not realize
I have no desire to control other peoples behavior . It is a futile endeavor and often leads to really bad collateral damage ie. prohibition turned into a cash cow and lots of power for organized crime
Why would I want to dumb myself down by turning left?
You are all about controlling people's behavior, though.
Right here in this thread you are actively railing against a choice by a corporation to change their marketing.
You aren't even mad that they are doing it to distract from the child slavery lawsuits, you just are offended that the M&M isn't sexy anymore and want it changed back.

If you didn't care so much, you'd just shrug and ignore it.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]And yet you're the one talking about her dress constantly.
It is a child's cartoon, I thought it a good example for your level of thinking

Happy to do so.
I thought you were very pro-business, pro-capitalist.
Surprised to be wrong, but that's cool.
and apparently still wrong

It's a very easy concept.
You're the one who seems to have issues with it.
Private enterprise is making marketing choices and you think it is an attack on you.
That's kind of fucked up.
Not when the wokesters put pressure on the private enterprise
This was explained already

You are against pressure from the consumer?
Too bad wokesters do not represent the consumer
They represent something entirely different and it aint pretty

You prefer that corporations have complete control over other people's behavior?
The consumer can always choose another corporations product- Ah the beauty of competition

You do your authoritarian self, booboo.
You can't seem to decide who is control of what and why.
I am in control of the consumer items and, services I purchase

I certainly do not care what you spend your money on
That is none of my business and not worth 1 second of my time
I have zero interest in controlling others, save push back against those that do want that control

You just seem to be upset that you can't fuck candy.
I am not familiar with any gal named candy, however who knows who I shall meet tomorrow

Or did you think that the choice to have "sexy" candy wasn't them trying to control you?
And if so, why did you think that?
Because I make purchase decisions based on value as opposed to marketing gimmicks.
If I feel the marketing gimmick is deceiving ' AKA the sham Wow guy, I mock him as impersonating one of the Kielbruger brothers

So this is just an article of faith you've embraced, you know that, right?
How is "Ronald McDonald was phased out" and "the sexy M&M was phased out" any different other than the second one upsets you for some reason?
You disagree with a corporation's marketing.
Not at all if it is driven from the company, as opposed to external woksters who' have no vested interest in the company and whose objective is control over others
Smarten up

You are all about controlling people's behavior, though.
Right here in this thread you are actively railing against a choice by a corporation to change their marketing.
You aren't even mad that they are doing it to distract from the child slavery lawsuits, you just are offended that the M&M isn't sexy anymore and want it changed back.
If this were the case you would chose not to purchase their product no matter how they marketed it
That is your choice and I respect that is your choice

If you have an issue with how a company operates , do not buy their product
If you believe they are breaking the law call law enforcement

If I owned shares in that company, I would have to make a very quick decision to hold or sell and likely would sell to avoid price risk.
I might do follow up research to determine if there was any merit to the accusation

But lets be clear, your views or the views of any wokster are immaterial to my decision

If you want to change the marketing program of a corporation, buy enough shares to gain control.
External woksters have no alignment of objectives with the shareholders who have capital at risk
That risk includes how the company operates and if the operations are violation of the law those shareholders will face the downside of that risk up to and including a complete loss of capital

If you didn't care so much, you'd just shrug and ignore it.
No the wokster thirst for control over others is sadly never going away, so push back is required

Personally I think the compulsion to control other is some sort of metal issue, however it could be genic.
I am not a phycologist so I can not be definitive.
Either way that compulsion is not going away for the woksters
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Aug 23, 2001
It is a child's cartoon, I thought it a good example for your level of thinking

and apparently still wrong

Not when the wokesters put pressure on the private enterprise
This was explained already

Too bad wokesters do not represent the consumer
They represent something entirely different and it aint pretty

The consumer can always choose another corporations product- Ah the beauty of competition

I am in control of the consumer items and, services I purchase

I certainly do not care what you spend your money on
That is none of my business and not worth 1 second of my time
I have zero interest in controlling others, save push back against those that do want that control

I am not familiar with any gal named candy, however who knows who I shall meet tomorrow

Because I make purchase decisions based on value as opposed to marketing gimmicks.
If I feel the marketing gimmick is deceiving ' AKA the sham Wow guy, I mock him as impersonating one of the Kielbruger brothers

Not at all if it is driven from the company, as opposed to external woksters who' have no vested interest in the company and whose objective is control over others

Smarten up
If this were the case you would chose not to purchase their product no matter how they marketed it
That is your choice and I respect that is your choice
If you have an issue with how a company operates , do not buy their product
If you believe they are breaking the law call law enforcement
If I owned shares in that company, I would have to make a very quick decision to hold or sell and likely would sell to avoid price risk.
I might do follow up research to determine if there was any merit to the accusation
But lets be clear, your views or the views of any wokster are immaterial to my decision
If you want to change the marketing program of a corporation, buy enough shares to gain control.
External woksters have no alignment of objectives with the shareholders who have capital at risk
That risk includes how the company operates and if the operations are violation of the law those shareholders will face the downside of that risk up to and including a complete loss of capital
No the wokster thirst for control over others is sadly never going away, so push back is required
Personally I think the compulsion to control other is some sort of metal issue, however it could be genic.
I am not a phycologist so I can not be definitive.
Either way that compulsion is not going away for the woksters
John, I heard from a pretty credible inside source that Yogi Bear is going to be remade as a MtF transexual with Booboo as his non traditional love partner. Apparently this was forced on Disney Studios by the bi-coastal elite.

Do you think that you could accept this, given your rather emphatic reaction to what happened to Minnie Mouse?
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