First SP disappointment


New member
May 6, 2005
I recently decided to take the plunge and engage an SP for the first time. After much research here I connected with an Ottawa provider who has garnered some good reviews. I contacted her by e-mail first, explaining what I was looking for and she asked me to call her. I did, and reached her on the second attempt. We had a lengthy conversation during which I expressed my inexperience. She was kind, professional and patient, made good suggestions and left me feeling very positive about the experience. As agreed, I called the next day to confirm the details, leaving her a message on her voice mail. When the time came, she was a no show. No call, no explanation. After waiting a couple of hours, I called back, leaving a polite message saying I'd be interested in setting another time if she was willing. Again, no return call. I was open, polite and forthright in my dealings with this woman: was it too much to expect a brief call or message to say "sorry I can't make it: something came up..I got a better sounded like a loser..." or whatever? So did I do something wrong? Or was I just expecting too much from an Ottawa SP. Just wondering.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Posts like this are useless if you don't identify the SP in question. From a customer's perspective, that's the whole point of TERB.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005

Did you try and reach her again to get a reason?
maybe she had something that could not be avoided........
Maybe she will be able to do something for you to help correct the problem....

Call her again or e-mail her and let us know.

If there is no response or no offer to make it up.....let us all know.

Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
It reminds me of an experience from last year. I had seen the same SP about four or five times, once a month or so. Then for one appointment, she was late, called to say that she was about half an hour late, and then ended up being almost two hours late, saying nothing about being so late. I haven't called her back as of yet, it's been four months or so. Even though I totally enjoyed my time with her, I have found others who have been on time and who also have been enjoyable. Yeah, I figure I'm probably being hard by not calling the first one back, but time is money, and who ever has enough of either?


New member
Dec 3, 2005
it's tuff when SP doesn't show. i've made mistakes by taking someone else when i had set up appointment with another, it was a classic bait and switch. if you try again, try to set a time that is convenient for both you and her.... might help if you're first of the day.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
Yeah, I agree that we need to know who this SP is, otherwise the post is useless for us to read further. If , as you say, you did research her and found good reviews and even had good contact on the phone with her , then why the problem now ? Doesn't add up somehow. Give us a name . That is what this board is for, isn't it ?:cool: Otherwise , we can't help each other out.


New member
May 6, 2005
Well my point was more to ask advice, not to slam the SP, who I'm sure had her reasons, even though she chose not to share them with me. But the lady in question is Nicole of


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Thank you for mentioning her name.

But, given the ovewhelming number of positive reviews of Chez Nicole, this one negative review will have zero effect on my positive opinion of her. Still, it's better to air these types of griefs in public like this, so we can at least make an informed decision, or in case an SP's level of service takes a turn for the worst. But I don't think this is the case with Nicole.

So bulgingbriefsns, thank you quite sincerely for your review, which I believe is an honest account of what you went through, but for now it's not going to be enough to change my opinion, based on her existing reputation as a reliable, first-rate SP. If it was a new girl though, or someone with an already dodgy rep, things might be different.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
I agree wholeheartedly with Bayisle. Nicole is A #1 in my books and I notice that she has asked you to check your pm's so I'd assume , that being the classy person she is ,that she will clear up this misunderstanding, personally with you.
It's also very rare for her to go on Terb like this,cus I know she prefers not to be reviewed or involved here , but I'm not surprised that she would respond to this mixup so efficiently. I haven't seen her in awhile but she ranks right up there in the tops of my most memorable experiences . I luv u , Baby !:cool:


New member
May 6, 2005
Good to see Nicole has lots of fans. She seems like a very gracious woman based on my phone conversation with her and in her pm to me. Sorry I didn't get to meet her in person.
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