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First disappointment in all these years


New member
Mar 26, 2005
Rigel7, Beta Orionis constellation
(I removed this from the other thread. Two separate topics don't belong together)

As I mentioned in another post that I had seen 3 ladies in the last 5 weeks. There was one more besides Jersey and Leah.

I also think I over did it; seeing 3 women in 5 weeks. At least by my standard.

I have never had a negative experience until now. With this one, at one point I was about to just get up and leave. It's quite humiliating when in the middle of a BJ the girl leaves the room as soon as her Blackberry starts flashing. Even before this happened every moment she got, she was busy reading her messages. I am sure she did'nt hear anything I said.

I can't complain much, because she offered to make up for it and did. In retrospect, I should have left, but my main brain had stopped at the time.

I don't mind someone telling me that could we cancel for now because I am preoccupied with personal things... I would readily accept that and leave.

Everyone posting a review about her here on this forum says she is absolutely fantastic; and I don't want to dispute that, so, I'll just chalk it upto a really bad day.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Good point Stoo... you and I have one bad experience every week for the 4 that are good. :p

Rigel7... was your bad experience out of the newspaper or craigslist?


Apr 7, 2005
Yep bad experiences are part of the whole SP experience. At least, as you say, "she made up for it". I am sure we all have our real horror stories.


New member
Mar 26, 2005
Rigel7, Beta Orionis constellation
calloway said:
Rigel7... was your bad experience out of the newspaper or craigslist?
Neither. I am upset that it happened in the first place. I can't complain because I was offered an alternative and I didn't have the brains to decline. I didn't expect it to happen at this place. Had it been the newspaper or Craigslist, it would have been my damn fault for going. I have never tried anyone from craigslist, and I relied on newspaper only in the beginning, a few years back, when I started hobbying.


New member
Mar 26, 2005
Rigel7, Beta Orionis constellation
Hurricane Hank said:
What good is this story without a name?
I agree in part. The story is to sort of ward off such things from happening in the future. I am sure you wouldn't like left playing with your dick (just a figure of speech); you could save a 150 dollars if you wanted to do that.

As I said before, if it had been someone random from Craigslist, it would serve me right without knowing about the person ...or the establishment. I suppose we have narrowed it down to it not being newspaper or craigslist. Certainly not Jersey (and by association not Pink Sugar either) and certainly not Leah Grace (ah! those breasts!). Now that doesn't leave much does it?

(instead of editing this every five minutes, I should learn to spell)


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Rigel7 said:

Seems to me this is a review board if you have or had a problem or concern with someone why not just tell everyone who it was...this guessing game is so BS


May 15, 2006
Name ??

I think that you should post the name or don't review, write a truthfull, respectfull review and use the name, and if she did make it up then it won't bother anybody if you know this , just my two cents


New member
Mar 26, 2005
Rigel7, Beta Orionis constellation
I don't think I have lied anywhere. The only thing I did was to withold the name. Why post? To stop it from happening again.

I even said - I have no right to complain.

I have no regrets with the post. I hold no grudge within & Hammer, perhaps you shouldn't either.

Thanks everyone for your opinions; I really value what has been said.

I am sorry, you are still not going to get me to mention the name in public. The lady deserves her privacy that way. And Panther, I hope that means respect for the lady.

Solid Brass

New member
May 11, 2006
My mind is waaaaaay to slow to run wild.... maybe a brisk walk or drunken stumble but ... what were we talking about again???? oh yea... SEX!!!!


New member
Jun 2, 2006

this is obviously not her first time doing this!

she did it to me too last week Hammer..... before we started, after we started.... and finally put it away, but was very anxious to go back to it as soon as she could....

just not really professional

but i do not like people i eat lunch with checking their Bberries either .... cause if i am not good enough for you full attention for lunch then do not go out with me

just a pet peeve of mine, and i would not have said anything, but it appears to be a multiple repeat situation....

below your standards too!
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