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Finish this story!!

The evening sky bright with the moon. No clouds in sight, a slight warm breeze blowing on my bare skin. I walk along the ocean and taste the salty air on my lips.

I think of the passion we had together, I remember the lust. I smile and the vision comes clearly into my mind.

(Now you continue it.)


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
A cheeseburger with fries and a large coke.

I was ravenously hungry. I would have eaten the butt end of a dead skunk.

I waded into the gentle surf, thinking about you, about a plate of spaghetti... and then I stepped on a sea urchin.

This was clearly not my day.

I hobbled back to my hotel room, walking as if I had broken off one high heel. When I got there, the message light was flashing on the phone. I picked it up and the message said...


Farkin Icehole
Mar 1, 2004
dont bend over
Happy this is the free clinic calling we have your test results in.

you had better get down here before things start falling off.

I ran to the fridge to grab a drink to calm my nerves reached in and pulled out a


Apr 7, 2002
I remember it clearly, it was our first encounter, although it felt like we were long-lost lovers reunited for a brief moment in heaven.

I was on yet another business trip, although at least this time it was in sunny Miami. I had gone down to the hotel's beach-side bar for a night cap to try to relax. While sipping a fine glass of Cognac, I looked down the bar and saw a beautiful woman with long curly brown hair. Her full lips, bright red with passion. Looking down, I noticed she was dressed in an silky summer dress, proudly showing her ample cleavage. I thought to myself, sophisticated but sexy, what a gret combination!

Just as I am about to look away, she catches my eye, so I look down nervously, staring into my drink. Before I realizle it, I feel a soft hand on my shoulder, and it is you, the beautiful woman down the bar, asking if she can join me. I vaguely remember muttering "yes, of course", as I again am smitten with your beauty.

We begin to chit chat about mundane topics such as politics and the weather. I learn that you are also travelling on business and, like myself, hate those lonely nights. After many drinks, I notice that you have placed your hand on my lower thigh, and are rubbing me gently, comfortingly. I do not know why, but I seem to have some strange connection with this lovely woman. I am certainly attracted to her, but it is more than that..... some chemistry that I can not explain.

As the night goes on, we realize it is already past midnight. I extend my arm, and offer to walk you to your room.

While walking together, we stumble a few times and find I find me holding you tightly. I move my hand down your lower back and give your curvacious ass a small squeeze. I see you smile, and again, I notice the reflection of the moon in your eyes and I swear I must be dreaming.

After what like seemed to be an eternity in heaven, we finally reach your room. You pass me your key and I open the door for you. I lean in to give you a gentle kiss good night but you pull me into the room. Startled, I barely noticed that you have wrapped your left arm around my waist and your right arm behind my neck. You pull me close to you and kiss me passionately. I stand there, stunned for a moment.

Your lips are soft, yet you seem to apply just enough pressure as your toungue dances in my mouth... teasing me.. daring me to kiss you back. My right hand slides up to the back of your head, grabbing a handful of hair and I return your kiss with more passion than I have ever felt. I feel more alive than I ever have in my life.

At one point, you notice a bulge in my pants and your knee begins to rub it gently. Just when I thought you could no longer surprise me, you throw me down on the bed where you begin to take off my clothing.

After many hours of making love, you lay in my arms and we watch the sun rise together, neither of us caring that we are going to be late for work.



Busty Member
May 7, 2003
Fact or Fiction?!

I remember the first night we met. We were introduced by a mutual friend, but the chemistry between us was unmistakeable. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, we each caught the other glancing over surreptitiously. I can't remember much of what was said that night. But I can remember clearly the way you jeans hugged your ass, and your top, oh that top, left me with an unmistakeable hint of what must be underneath. I knew I had to see you again! I began thinking of way to make it happen. I would wake up wet in the middle of the night after dreaming of you.

When our next encounter occured, I think we both must have had the same idea. It was not long until clothes were scattered on the floor, and our hands began to hungrily explore eachother, then our lips, then our tongues. Oh that sweet taste! I remeber looking up at you and seeing in your eyes that same animal desire that I knew must be reflecting in my own! The night, though it last hours, seemed far to short. Neither of us left an inch of the other unexplored, yet we were left with a yearning for more!

But, as always, life happened and you and I drifted apart. So now I stand on this lonely stretch of beach, looking up and the full moon, thinking of you. I hear you softly moaning "Kassidy", and begin to dream of seeing you again, even for a breif moment, just to kiss you again.

So, V....what are you doing this evening?? Did I get you all hot and bothered?! *grins evilly*



Busty Member
May 7, 2003
*ponders a career writing for Harlequin*

They do have girl on girl Harlequins right?!

I love all the replies lets see what I can come up with

The evening breeze blew on my bare skin... the ocean salt on my lips. stepping on the edge of the water too cool my feet.

On vacation from my vacation sort of speak I enjoy the solitude but yearn to be touched like the other night. The memory vivid in my mind. he was handsome, sparkling eyes that melt me so deeply. The mischeivious smile on his lips as he moves closely to me.

I tremble and yearn to have him close to me. I sit on the oposite of the room as I watch him talking for another woman. I want him, I need him. he notices me watching him from accross the room he smiles and I see a glint of shyness as he looks away. He knows what I yearn. I yearn him deep inside me to tease and reach my very essence. I lick my lips and take a sip of my wine. I tease myself by running my hands along the stem of the glass. the smoothness of it makes me want to hold him into my hands, into my mouth.

The evening comes to a close and I see him standing at the bar alone, the woman he spoke with earlier is not around. I decide this is the best time if I am going to take care of this throbbing of mine I must approach him and try.
I stand up and make my way to him. slowly rubbing the silk dress beneath my fingers. Holding the empty glass in my hand. I reach over the bar to get the bartenders attention to refill my glass as I do so I slightly rub myself against his tight. I look over and apoligize for my rudness. He smiles and accepts the apoligy. He moves closely to me and wispers "want to join me upstairs?" I look at him shocked and also in excitement. Must behave like a lady I tell myself. I lean towards him and press my chest against him and kiss him on the lips. Soft as I thought they would be. I whisper "Yes" in return.

He leads me to the elevator and suddenly he presses me against the wall of it once we are inside and going up. He raises my dress to my hips and reaches inside my stockings. mmmm wonderful... I am so arroused He kisses my neck gently and softly. little teasing nibbles.

He lowers my dress as the elevator stops and opens it's doors. He leads me into his suit. Yes a suit. I smile thinking I know how to shoose them. he leads me to the bedroom and tells me to undress. He would be there to join me momentarily. I enter the room and and slowly remove all my clothing and sit myself on the edge of the bed. I close my eyes to slow my pace. Need to collect myself a little bit.

I feel lips touch mine soft but a sweet scent of vanilla instead of his scent. I open my eyes and see a woman kneeling before me. The woman he had been speaking to earlier. I close my eyes and return the kiss. I hear him enter the room....​


Apr 7, 2002
Damm.. Violette... I think I need to call the cops on you! You just stole a fantassy from my head!

mmm... duo's.. the site said something about duos....... Better go take some vitamins!


New member
Jul 17, 2004
We used to meet in the garden.
The garden, thus abandoned for many years, had become very strange and very pleasant. The passers-by of many
years ago stopped in the street to look at it, without suspecting the secrets which it concealed behind its green thicket. More than
one dreamer of that day has many a time allowed his eyes and his thoughts indiscreetly to penetrate through the bars of the ancient
gate which was padlocked, twisted, tottering, secured by two green and mossy pillars and grotesquely crowned with a pediment of
indescribable alphabet.
There was a stone seat in the corner, one or two mouldy statues, some chains loosened by time and rotting upon the wall;
no walks, nor turf; dog-grass everywhere. Culture had departed, nature had returned. Weeds were abundant, a wonderful hap for a
poor bit of earth. The heyday of the gilliflowers was splendid. Nothing in this garden opposed the sacred efforts of things towards life;
venerable growth was at home here. The trees bent over towards the briers, the briers mounted towards the trees, the shrub had climbed,
the branch had bowed, that which runs upon the ground had attempted to find that which blooms in the air, that which floats in the wind
had stooped towards that which trails in the moss, branches, leaves, twigs, tufts, tendrils, shoots, thorns were mingled,
crossed married, confounded; vegeterian, in a close and strong embrace, had celebrated and accomplished there under the satisfied
eye of Aphrodite, in this enclosure of three hundred feet square, the sacred mystery of its fraternity, symbol of human
fraternity. This garden was no longer a garden; it was a collosal bush, that is to say, something which is impenetrable as a forest,
populous as a city, tremelous as a nest, dark as a cathedral, odorous as a bouquet, solitary as a tomb, full of life as a multitude.
In summer, this enermous shrub warmed into the deep labour of universal germination, thrilled at the rising sun almost like a stag which inhales the air of universal love and feels the April sap mounting and boiling in his veins, and shaking its emmense green antlers in the wind,
scattered over the moist ground, over the broken statues, over the sinking staircase of the summerhouse, and even over the pavement of the deserted street, flowers in stars, dew in pearls, beauty, life, joy, perfume. At noon, a thousand white butterflies took refuge in it, and it was
a heavenly sight to see this living snow of summer whirling about in flakes in the shade.There, a multitude of innocent voices spoke softly to the heart, and what the warbling had forgotten to say, the humming completed.

In winter, the bush was black, wet, bristling, shivering, and let the house be seen in part, You percieved, instead of the flowers in the branches, and the dew in the flowers, the long silver ribbons of the snails upon the thick and cold carpet of yellow leaves; but in every way, in every season, spring, winter, summer, autumn,
this little enclosure exhaled melancholy, contemplation, solitude, liberty, the absence of man, the presence of Zeus.

The last time we fu**ed in the garden, I said:"This garden is mine", and you said:"This garden is mine".
And that was the last I've seen of your pretty face!
If we keep going this way

We will have enough short stories to make a collection of them names "Terb collected dreams and fantasies."

Anyone else want to share something. It's lots of fun! I like to share!​
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