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Fetish seeker..


Senior Member
What about a farting glory hole.....would he consider that ? He wouldn't really know who's back there anyway. He can just imagine it is a hot lady full of chile. I think he would get more farts per dollar that way. Maximise his fart/dollar ratio so to speak.
Okay it's settled then, I'll man the FART glory hole for say......50............and they do extra charge !

For those who haven't seen it, the fart glory hole is a piece of 3/4 good one side from the Home Depot with a knocked out knot hole in it.........Watch for slivers. It is unpainted, but stained around the hole.

Is he into the fetish " glad-o-dorism " ?

That's the one where the girl shits in a green glad garbage bag and he wears it over his head for an hour after. That only costs 8 DOLLARS in downtown Kitchener......... excluding the bag.
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