Female masturbation....inquiring minds need to know.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
That might be the experience of some of the women here, but we must remember that we're women who seek out sexual adventure on a regular basis. In effect, we're living out the fantasies that most women only dream about.

But for the average non-pro woman (and man!), masturbation is crucial. Without it, they will never have the opportunity to learn enough about their bodies and sexuality to achieve optimum satisfaction.

Don't underestimate the naivity of non-pro women. A friend of mine -- not an SP -- was prescribed a diaphragm once. She received directions on how to insert it. She came to me for a more in-depth explanation -- it turned out that she'd never explored her own vagina, and had absolutely no idea what her cervix might feel like. !!!! To me, this seemed unfathomable, but there are apparently a lot of women out there who simply don't know any better. Some men might find their ignorance appealing on some level -- but a woman like that is headed down the road to frigidity.

Only through pleasuring ourselves -- whether by our own hands or through ample practice with available partners (or both!!!) -- can we learn what works for us.

There is nothing sadder in this world than a person devoid of pleasure. The more we practice -- alone or with others -- the better we get at pleasure.



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Oh, and ps. Despite some really wild sex that I get -- with my partner and with others -- I still really really love masturbating. It's way better than Haagen Daz even!! I try to do it at least once a day.



Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
healer677 said:
Just for background info - she's 31, twice divorced, two kids (14 and 10), engineer at a large mid-western medical porducts manufacturer, works about 60 hours a week, volunteers with a geriatric group once a week and attends night school working towards her Masters.
First off - obviously your friend is very determined and quite smart. She's an engineer working towards a masters with 2 kids - hats off to her!

Secondly, for a lady who was having (unprotected) sex at 17 or sooner, you'd think she had masturbated at some point in life. But it's possible that because she was being boinked at such an early age that she now chooses to shy away from sex and sexual aspects of life such as masturbating.

Thirdly, I knew an SP once who told me that she never masturbated. She didn't feel the need to as she was adequately fulfilled every day at work.


Mar 21, 2006
Alexa Taylor said:
I don't masturbate by myself but I will do it in front of someone else.
that just made my day ;)

i had a close friend a while ago, the kind of girl that comes running to you, like you're her big brother, for a shoulder to cry on after a breakup ( btw, stay away from those ) anyways, she admitted to me she was a chronic masterbater, we'd be chatting on msn and she'd start doing it she couldn't keep her hands out of her pants
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