Female masturbation....inquiring minds need to know.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
I was speaking to a close friend last night and somehow we got on this subject.

Just for background info - she's 31, twice divorced, two kids (14 and 10), engineer at a large mid-western medical porducts manufacturer, works about 60 hours a week, volunteers with a geriatric group once a week and attends night school working towards her Masters.

We were having a discussion and somehow I told her almost every guy I know has a "porn stash" somewhere in their home -mags, DVDs, on the computer and such. She of course knew the reason for this but I was SHOCKED when she claimed she NEVER masturbates. Never, ever. I responded of course by saying -"You're full of shit."

Is this even possible. Now as far as most guys I know -it isn't. And I agree - but for the ladies of TERB. Can this be true?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Jan 4, 2005
Yes, this can be true. Especially for someone who is overworked like her, she probably has no time and is always too tired because of her hectic schedule. Women do not really need to relieve themseleves like men.

However, it is very unusual for a woman to NEVER masturbate.


Jan 16, 2004
I had a g/f who really loved sex but very rarely masturbated. Never really got a good reason why, so I guess there are some out there.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
I've read before (I think in Mens Health) that some women can pleasure themselves by bouncing their legs when they are crossed. So most women don't really consider this masturbation in the tradional sense. It is true that you can go extended periods without masturbation, because of work and stress, but in the end I believe everyone does. Never say never.


It's been good to know ya
I find it hard to believe. I'll tell you after my first divorce I was soooo horny. I was still friends with my first ex husband he set me up in my new apt. furnished it everything and we still remained friends even after the divorce. He occasionally came over and yes we still continued having sex. Then one day I am sitting telling him how I just could not sleep the night before later on that day he came over to my place with a vibrator. Well, for me never even seeing one before at that time I was totally shocked, but let him use it on me. I guess he did not want to see me go sleepless again. lol


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, I've heard this before....for some it wasn't a need, they got enuff from their bf's/husbands. For others, they just didn't have the sexual "need" to.....

I dl'd a great video the other day on how to please a woman and there was one woman on there who, while she has slept with over 1700 men, didn't know where her g spot was or what to do with it if she knew....well, now she knows lol.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
I also find it hard to believe -- I'm married and a call girl, and I still masturbate every chance I get. (I'm definitely as good as everyone says I am! ;) )

But I've also had many women tell me this, both SPs and non-SPs. So who knows? I'd be sad to think that's someone's reality, but perhaps it's true.



Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Might I also add that she, or so she claims (this is the part strongbeau freaks) that she has not had sex for almost a year.

So I guess I'm not the only one who finds this hard to believe.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't find that hard to believe either...Many women I've encountered fill their lives with so much that their sexuality gets buried/forgotten....
tboy said:
Yeah, I've heard this before....for some it wasn't a need, they got enuff from their bf's/husbands. For others, they just didn't have the sexual "need" to....
True, few from their family teaching, consider it a sin until they met Goodtime.:D What a show when they finally did the release.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
healer677 said:
Just for background info - she's 31, twice divorced, two kids (14 and 10), engineer at a large mid-western medical porducts manufacturer, works about 60 hours a week, volunteers with a geriatric group once a week and attends night school working towards her Masters.
Obviously this woman has taken every step possible to busy herself with everything but intimacy. She is either trying to avoid the issue, or she simply has no desire.

31 and twice divorced already? Chances are those legs didn't come apart more than once a month while she was married - maybe less often after the kids. The SP's in her town must have made a handsome supplement off her ex-husbands!

There are people - both men and women -who grew up with the notion that masturbation is The Mark of Loserdom and are not able to get past this. Difference is non-jerking men just have casual sex or pay for their outlet, while the women do volunteer work and go back to school.

It is more common for women not to masturbate. I know some women, including my sister who claim never to do it. They say it just feels silly.

Women can have this notion that sexual needs and organs were ment for use with a partner. For some reason, they don't mind doing other basic things when there is nobody around to help (scratch their back, cook a meal, take out the trash..) but when it comes to sex maintenance, they just won't do it alone.


Jun 29, 2003
to bad she has shut down sexually,she may regret that in years to come.It is not hard for her to not have sex,she replaced it with her job,and family.Can't imagine how wound she must be,crusty and bitchy come to mind.Her frustration level must be off the wall,and if not there has to be something bigger wrong here.Sex is natural,,,,,sex is good,,,


New member
Sep 10, 2001
biog said:
I had a g/f who really loved sex but very rarely masturbated. Never really got a good reason why, so I guess there are some out there.
As you see from the reviews there are a lot of women that just don't like digits and their tongues aren't long enough. Once again, guys have it easier; although, our tongues aren't long enough either.

Oh, maybe the girls and guys should get together.:rolleyes:


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I've gone out with several women who never masturbate (and in most cases I know they are not lying). Strangely enough they tend to be the kind of women who think giving bj's is dirty. So I now consider it a warning sign!


New member
Sep 10, 2001
There is the thought that women just don't have the shallow but repetitive sex drive that men have. Some say that women can get laid more easily than men and don't need to masturbate. There are those that think that women have much more difficulty orgasming. Some love the challenge of getting a lady off.

And there are those that don't give a shit.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
At least two of the most sexual woman...

mmouse said:
I've gone out with several women who never masturbate (and in most cases I know they are not lying). Strangely enough they tend to be the kind of women who think giving bj's is dirty. So I now consider it a warning sign!
... I have ever known claimed not to masterbate. My first ex was great in bed, got off fairly easily, and was my personal blowjob champ of all time.

Women are just tooooo complicated.
Alexa Taylor said:
Just to add....This may sound crazy but I never had an orgasm until last year. To me, an orgasm is an intense body rush from head to toe. I call it "getting off". I can cum easily again and again and again ( I consider myself a gusher) and that's still good but it is different from getting off. Many consider cumming an orgasm but to me, it is that addictive body rush I receive from 'getting off' that will completely relieve me from all my stress. It makes me feel soooo amazing afterwards and refreshed while also sleeping better at night. That's my defintion of an orgasm..

I can't wait to get off again!!!!
True, many can't tell the difference between the big O. While good actress can fool us boys, boost to our ego.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
One thing I will note, facetiousness aside, is that I have come to believe, over more than 30 years in the sex industry, that masturbation is an important component of any individuals sexual health. Male or female.

Over the years, many men have complained to me that their wives were "frigid," unable to take joy in sex or to desire sex or at least that it is difficult for them to enjoy sex. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the woman in question was not an active masturbator, in touch with and familiar with her own body.

And I've known many men who've overcome various problems, from prematuer ejaculation to erectile dysfunction, with the aid of regular masturbation.

Myself, I suffered some nerve damage secondary to some orthopedic surgery that screwed up my ability to achieve sexual satisfaction. It was only through masturbatory exploration and activity that I got back to where I was before, and able to achieve satisfaction and pleasure from sex.

So for sure, I think every person who wants to be a good sexual partner to someone else and who wants to achieve an optimum sexual outcome themselves should engage, frequently, in masturbation. It's a way of putting yourself in touch with your own body, so you know what you need to share with your partner later and what you need to do to get off.

I don't understand many people's prejudice against masturbation. If you expect someone else to want to play with you, why shouldn't you want to play with yourself first?

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