New spells concern on both sides. These days I've felt just off sitting in the parking lot. texting. not getting responses when and how expected. an incall with whatever lies behind the door admittedly holds potential risk of bad experience or worse for everyone. makes me think of Seinfeld episode of booking a rental car (no offence or comparison ladies) but at the counter being told that none are available despite having made a reservation (for anything let alone the specific size or model). George fumes. Gerry argues. B&S. Airlines that overbook flights or keep you waiting for hours without compensation - why, because they can. I just reviewed a non response from a senior member to whom I am new because she's so popular. That would put me in at a bronze or silver level - having had previously cancelled with notice I am now as you put it Tinatina, at the far end of the line no were near the red velvet rope. Living up to past standards and reviews being current makes the market work. Having the coin and time and tried to book Jessica Rabbit only to find out on the phone - man even her voice gets you cranked - she had moved downtown and no longer in Durham. Selective, hopeful memory but we kept call short and cordial. Full marks to her. No need to get dismissive. She continues to earn deserved praise. Jena - everyone in your chosen field must dread a new phone or face. I remain visibly nervous at first. And can also get frustrated...fed up with B&S, false advertising, answering the phone during my time and so on. Bottom line. Keep making your objections known. Speak out. May we cross paths and raise a glass to quality!