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favourite non-fiction books...

mr. x

Aug 17, 2001
in one thread someone recommended a book (japan: who governs by chalmers johnson) and it made me wonder if perhaps others would like to share or recommend books that might be of interest.

or perhaps there are authors who have written more than one book (i am a big jane jcobs fan - she is very thought provoking)

i though i would do separate threads for fiction and non-fiction.

i thought i would do separate threads for fiction and non-fiction. so, please post your favs, and maybe provide a description or describe what you liked about it.
"A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy" by Chan Wing Tsit

"Ecce Homo/Genealogy of Morals/Beyond Good and Evil/Anti-Christ/Will to Power and 'anything'" by Nietzsche

"MITI and the Japanese Miracle" by Chalmers Johnson

Anything by D. T. Suzuki


New member
Mar 19, 2003
Unimatrix Zero
"Rich Dad and Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. This is a tale of an ill-fated group that tried to climb Mt. Everest. Some people made it, others perished in a snow storm at the top of the mountain. Krakauer first wrote an article for Outside magazine, but later expanded that article into a full-fledged book. He has been criticized by some for profiting on the deaths of others. I like the book because it is well written; you're really drawn into the book by his writing style.

Spandau by Albert Speer. Speer was Hitler's main architect. He was the one who conceived large parts of the famous Nurenburg rally in the 1930s. Speer also designed what was to be a grand Berlin for after WWII. He was by Hitler's side a lot of the time, and was definitely part of Hitler's inner circle. After the war he was condemned at Nurenburg for war crimes and sentenced to 20 years in prison. From 1946 to 1966 Speer was an inmate at Spandau prison where he meticulously kept a secret diary. (Inmates were not allowed to do this.) His diary was written on bits of cigarette paper, toilet paper, calendars etc and smuggled out to the real world by sympathetic prison guards.


Craving DenWa's Member
Bob Zmuda's tell-all book on Andy Kaufman is an excellent read.
I believe it's called Andy Kaufamn reavealed!

My personal favorite is "Educating Esme: Diary of a first year teaching"



New member
Mar 5, 2003
Okay, I have to say that my favorite non-fiction book is called "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

It's about the fact that the Bible is a book (like any other) that had been written for the masses (those that could read at the time) so that it's geared towards that society - edited and re-edited. Jesus was a man like any other, although with great appeal to the masses (and not necessarily the actual son-of-God) - (think JFK and Hitler). And that his descendants actually live to this day - and he had children by the Mary Magdelan (a prostitute according to the bible). The Holy Grail of fiction, or in it's original words "the vessel that holds the blood of Christ" - who's to say that the "vessel" was not in fact a child?

Now - before anyone complains, let me state - I don't necessarily believe in God, but I have no problem with those that do - who know's there may actually be someone or something that oversees all - and I have no problem with some of the lessons that are taught in the Bible - but it is a book, and only a book. With many errors, and too many authors.


Jan 20, 2003
South West Ontario
Tulsa said:
Okay, I have to say that my favorite non-fiction book is called "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

It's about the fact that the Bible is a book (like any other) that had been written for the masses (those that could read at the time) so that it's geared towards that society - edited and re-edited. Jesus was a man like any other, although with great appeal to the masses (and not necessarily the actual son-of-God) - (think JFK and Hitler). And that his descendants actually live to this day - and he had children by the Mary Magdelan (a prostitute according to the bible). The Holy Grail of fiction, or in it's original words "the vessel that holds the blood of Christ" - who's to say that the "vessel" was not in fact a child?

Read it years ago. Makes a very good, and really detailed, mystery. Always thought it would make a great Oliver Stone movie.
Ashley Madison
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