Fantastic Documentary on Ali / Frazier - Thriller in Manilla on CBC

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

I caught most of this documentary about the rivalry between Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier on the CBC last night. Fantatic documentary and if you're of that age where you remember these 2 squaring off, you'll find it a fascinating watch.

At first, I was hugely disappointed with the way Ali behaved and how he basically slandered Joe Frazier, however, when you see how Frazier behaved over the YEARS towards Ali, my sympathy switched to Ali. Ali did appologize several times for what he said, but Frazier was never man enough to accept it, he continued to slag Ali every chance he got it would seem and made himself look childish. (Though there was certainly enough childishness to go around on both sides.)

Lasting impressions:

1. I could barely understand what Joe Frazier was saying. (They should have had subtitles). So clearly, he had been damaged over his career as well as Ali.

2. Ali "crossed the line" several times in what he said about Frazier and wasn't smart enough to stop. In fact, he kept crossing the line.

3. Ali claimed he was doing it to promote the fight and I believe that.

4. Frazier helped out Ali for years when Ali was blackballed - both financially and with respect to getting him back into boxing. And Ali betrayed that friendship.

5. Ali was manipulated by "the nation of Islam" and they used him for all he was worth. (I wonder if they still bother him today?)

6. Frazier never forgave Ali. Despite what has been said about him finally forgiving Ali, I didn't see it. He despised him.

7. Ali had tried to appologize to Frazier right after the fight by reaching out to Frazier through Frazier's son, but Frazier rejected the outreach.

8. The fight in Manilla was an incredibly vicious fight. It has often been said that Ali endured forever injuries as a result of that fight.

9. It was sad that Ali could not have been part of that documentary.

10. Sad how Frazier was living in a couple of rooms at the back end of the gym in which he used to train. No-one helped him out it would seem.


Don`t fear the Reaper
Dec 14, 2002
the dark side

7. Ali had tried to appologize to Frazier right after the fight by reaching out to Frazier through Frazier's son, but Frazier rejected the outreach.
I think Frazier wanted a personal apology directly from Ali, not through his son. I think if Ali had called or visited Frazier within a few days after the fight and made a sincere apology (no press present), then Frazier would have forgiven him. It is also my understanding that Frazier did forgive Ali before he died.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I caught most of this documentary about the rivalry between Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier on the CBC last night. Fantatic documentary and if you're of that age where you remember these 2 squaring off, you'll find it a fascinating watch.
I caught just a bit. Too many choices.

Woody Allen documentary
Walking Dead


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Let's not forget some details of the fight.

- It was apparently 125 degrees in the ring.

- Frazier had had limited eyesight in his left eye for YEARS prior to this fight.

- During the Fight Frazier had his good eye damaged and had difficulty seeing

- Most incredibly, after 14 Rounds, Ali was asking for his gloves to be taken off, but his ring crew told him to hang in there, in Fraziers corner, his ring crew were telling him to give up, but he didn't want too. ( He was badly hurt ) and they convinced him to stop.

Ali won by a TKO, but he was asking to have his gloves taken off, he won that only because of his ring crew.

I'm not a boxing fan , but that Documentary is must see imo.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Thanks for the info. I watched the first Ali Frasier fight in 1971 on closed circuit. I'm sorry I missed the documentary.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was just a kid when that fight happened, but waching the highlights of the fight is jaw dropping. The punishment these 2 boxers leveled at each other. They almost should have been given swords.

Frazier was obviously bitter about Ali for the rest of this life. He may have publically buried the hatchet, but he left the handle sticking out. (He went so far as to say that Ali's current physical condition was a direct result of the things that Ali said and did with respect to Frazier.) The wierd thing is that by the time of the fight in Manilla, Frazier needed Ali more than Ali needed Frazier. And, also in a wierd way, by fighting Ali Frazier's fame grew 100 fold.

Say what you want about Ali, but he knew how to make a good show for the cameras.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Thanks for the info. I watched the first Ali Frasier fight in 1971 on closed circuit. I'm sorry I missed the documentary.
If you click on the link you can watch the documentary in its entirety on line.


Mar 3, 2011
YouTube is the best website ever invented. It's pretty much a document of history/life period.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
OP, thanks for the link. Can't wait to watch it when I get a chance at home. May also have to re-watch "When We Were Kings" as well.

Man, I really miss heavyweight boxing matches. This MMA just doesn't cut it for me compared to the good old days of a badass boxing match!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Amazing to watch that clip and note how much bigger Ali was than Foreman. Taller, with a massive advantage in reach. Several times, Ali would just stick out his arm and hold Frazier back out of reach for Frazier.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
If you click on the link you can watch the documentary in its entirety on line.
Thanks Kirk. I will watch it, hopefully tonight. I loved the doc about the Rumble in the Jungle - the Ali/Foreman fight. I hope this one doesn't suffer by comparison. Anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend.

The UFC round card girls are way better than what they had back then.

Ali reminds of a bit of Anderson Silva with his precision strikes and the way he fights from a distance.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

Cruising around youtube found this.

Heart breaking watching the excerpts from his last fight.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts