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Family Day


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Thanks to our Provincial do gooders Monday is "FAMILY DAY" What a crock!!!

Published reports said Family Day will cost smalll to medium businsses 2 Billion in extra pay this Monday

Another hardship for small business to have to pay extra hard earned and now harder to get money on a frivilous day off for SOME!! Many people DO NOT get FD ie: Federal employees or people who already have 9 stats off.

What happens when the parents DONT get FD off How do they CELEBRATE FD with their family?

Waddaya think?:mad:


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Do you want Christmas and Easter and Canada abolished too?

And of course federal employees don't get Family Day - it's a provincial stat day, not convered in their collective agreemtns (for now). Federal employees already get PLENTY of time off, they can take one of their 5 weeks vacation days on Feb 16 if they like.

I think that a company that can't afford a statutory holiday is poorly managed. The work year is about 200 days, so 1 day is .5%. Maybe companies have too many employees for this tough economy and should fire .5% of their employees, or 1 in 200. Or cut wages, if their costs are too high.


Jan 19, 2007
Terb Day

I think the terb members should get a TERB day too ... where we get to see our favourite for free .. :D


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Oh thats a great fucking answer Cut the wages of the employees fire them because YOU mis managed the company !!!!!!!! Most small busines are just trying to hang on They dont get hand outs like Auto firms etc. Give your head a shake!!!!:mad:

I guess Hangman is secure in his job or doesnt have one!


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
I'm just saying a company that close the the wire that it'll go out of business due to a single extra day off is mismanaged.

I didn't mismanage anything. As a small business owner, I paid my employees properly on all stat holidays, and it wasn't a problem. But if it were, then I would definitely review my costs and trim where necessary.

If you can't run your business according to the law, then you're not competitive.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Hangman said:
I'm just saying a company that close the the wire that it'll go out of business due to a single extra day off is mismanaged.

I didn't mismanage anything. As a small business owner, I paid my employees properly on all stat holidays, and it wasn't a problem. But if it were, then I would definitely review my costs and trim where necessary.

If you can't run your business according to the law, then you're not competitive.
Family Day is McGuinty's answer to helping Ontario remain competitive in today's economy. Fracking idiot.

I'm an outside sales rep. If I don't sell, I don't make money. And I am not impressed that the government has taken money out of my pocket so that some wank somewhere gets a day to spend with his troll children.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
Compromised said:
gets a day to spend with his troll children.
Troll Children????

How nice of you...:rolleyes:

BTW - I am working tomorrow. I know a few others who are as well. It is not a holiday for everyone. I would love to stay home for another day with my children - but instead got to enjoy a day out to the movies with them today. So a day for family is nice, but I choose to spend the time I have with my kids as much as possible through out the year.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Compromised said:
Family Day is McGuinty's answer to helping Ontario remain competitive in today's economy. Fracking idiot.

I'm an outside sales rep. If I don't sell, I don't make money. And I am not impressed that the government has taken money out of my pocket so that some wank somewhere gets a day to spend with his troll children.
If its all about the money, maybe you should work weekends and Christmas too.
Or sell better the rest of the year so you can afford to take Family Day off.
Or move out of Ontario. Seriously, I can't believe people complain about a HOLIDAY.
I'm going to spend it with my family and not whine about the cost.


Apr 7, 2005
JohnFK said:

We're already fucking overworked and stressed out. This is a bit of a break during the winter blues.

People will be more productive.

It's been well documented that a societies health is directly related to their work habits. In France, the work week is 35 hours max. Most businesses hire extra people to make up the so-called 5 hour shortfall to North American business. The French are also among the healthiest and less stressed in the world. Go figure.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Hangman said:
Do you want Christmas and Easter and Canada abolished too?

And of course federal employees don't get Family Day - it's a provincial stat day, not convered in their collective agreemtns (for now). Federal employees already get PLENTY of time off, they can take one of their 5 weeks vacation days on Feb 16 if they like.

I think that a company that can't afford a statutory holiday is poorly managed. The work year is about 200 days, so 1 day is .5%. Maybe companies have too many employees for this tough economy and should fire .5% of their employees, or 1 in 200. Or cut wages, if their costs are too high.
Where the fuck do you get 5 weeks off for federal employees? Unless they are there for a sufficiently long time, they get abut the same vacation days as most other people do.


Feb 17, 2007
"My last few months have been racked with guilt and shame over a horrible incident and the need to purge myself has become overwhelming. So I turn to you for a compassionate ear.
Last summer, I took my girlfriend, I'll call her Helen, and her son, I'll call him Patch, to a water amusement park, attempting to nurture the bond that was forming between us. After a busy morning of paddleboats and bumper cars, we took a moment to refresh ourselves with a hardy lunch of chili dogs, cheese fries, and lemonade.

Relaxing under shade trees, Patch smiled a chili-smeared grin, as the sun cast its languid glow over the park. With the leisurely picnic ending, we hastily dispersed to the changing rooms, in anticipation of our next adventure—the giant water slide.

During our first run, I noticed a gnawing, internal discomfort, although the first sure signs of brown-capping weren’t apparent until Patch and I climbed the half-mile of stairs to the summit, for our second run. Unfortunately, I had taken the opportunity, to wear a most-revealing, blue Speedo, in the hope of further enamoring myself to the beautiful Helen. Lord knows, I have the body to accommodate such a blatant, public display of manhood.

However, I soon began to regret my decision, for the sharp, cut of the elastic dug into my swelling, gaseous abdomen. My intestines were bubbling like a whirlpool. By the time we reached the loading platform at the summit, I was squirming in wretched misery. Considering my options, I surmised that taking the slide was far more promising than fighting my way back down the stairs, through the crowd. Thank God I was next in line. My trouble would soon be over. The only obstacle before me was an elderly German tourist, staring pensively at the wild rapids. With obvious reservation, he shuffled slowly toward the mouth of the blue tunnel. Beyond the point of pleasantries, I bellowed, “Come on, Pops! Shake a leg!”

Turning toward the acne-pocked boy who was managing the ride that day, he made a feeble attempt in his native tongue to communicate his apprehension. I had no other choice! The brown star pulsated—nearing supernova. The manager boy recoiled in shock as I pushed the old man down the slide, headfirst. Cursing me with hostile foreign jibberish, he disappeared around the first turn. In an instant, I followed, hurling myself down the slick, plastic vortex.

The fury of the slide was incredible. Rolling and spinning, I gathered speed quickly. The angle of the chute dipped to nearly seventy degrees, increasing my velocity as I careened from side to side, the water turning to white, angry foam. Ricocheting from a high, banking wall, the impact smashed me like some fecal-laden pinata. I lost control, discharging a foul, liquid trail.

A child screamed somewhere behind me, as I slid toward certain humiliation below. Frantically, I grabbed at the back of my Speedo, in a desperate attempt to flush myself clean. To my dismay, a fetid school of dung-guppies spilled into the churning maelstrom.

Nearing the final turn, the old man was standing upright in the tunnel in front of me, I’m sure, to exact some sort of revenge. His sinewy muscles were tensed, rage filled his dilated eyes. But with youth, and gravity, on my side, I swiftly took him out at the ankles. A palsied hand grabbed me as we tumbled out of the chute, and into the pool.

Moments later, a wailing boy fell behind us, riding the crest of a polluted wave. Thinking fast, I collared the old man, and dragged him onto the concrete deck. A lifeguard confronted us as people ran screaming from the pool in pale-faced terror. I explained to the guard how the old man had soiled the waters, how obviously the speed and excitement had proven too much for a man of his age and condition.

Unable to comprehend my story, or explain himself, the old man could only respond with a flurry of incomprehensible shrieks, vective, and obscene gestures. I suggested that he was hysterical from embarassment and that in the best interests of everyone that he be removed from the park—immediately.

The guard eyed me with suspicion, but had no alternative but to believe my story. Fortunately, the force of the waters had washed me thoroughly of any incriminating evidence. I gathered Helen and Patch, and made a dash for the parking lot. I’m sure the truth eventually surfaced, but not until we were safely on the interstate, heading back home."


New member
Dec 22, 2007
I think Hangman is right on the mark.
If your small business is hanging by a thread/on the brink of bankruptcy then the extra statutory holiday is the least of your worries. The fact that there may be a lot of Joe Blow Mr. Small Bussinessmen out there who are operating on razor thin margins is no excuse.

Admittedly simplistic--but if people want to buy something, they will still likely buy it. They will just have to wait until Tuesday--so, considering that all competitors are closed as well, no sale is actually lost.

Let me guess, spankingman is constantly selling a panicked, gloom and doom, we gotta be infinitely more efficient story to his staff, only hires people who have no families and willing to sacrifice to "move up the ladder" and have no life, mindfucks them on a regular basis, and guilts them into working overtime for no pay on a weekly basis, then at the end of the day heads back to his Rosedale lair in his SLK AMG while his staff have to wait for the bus or carpool home--how'd I do?


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
shakenbake said:
Where the fuck do you get 5 weeks off for federal employees? Unless they are there for a sufficiently long time, they get abut the same vacation days as most other people do.
Exactly. "Sufficiently long time". Hell, I know people (several) who get 24 days of leave a year with only a year working for the federal government. I know of which I speak.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
dj1470 said:

It's been well documented that a societies health is directly related to their work habits. In France, the work week is 35 hours max. Most businesses hire extra people to make up the so-called 5 hour shortfall to North American business. The French are also among the healthiest and less stressed in the world. Go figure.
Ok lets, with some real life empirical data.

France has an extremely high unemployment rate and one of the most uncompetitive and unattractive investment markets in the developed world. Businesses all around France lowered salaries to make up for the lost labour, contrary to the promised ideal of more pay with lower work hours. People have to do more work for a lowered salary because employers really don't want to take someone on just for 35 hours a week. People lose morale, not be "more produtive" when there are fewer workers with massively increased higher per hour production quotas. The promised increase in jobs has not occured, especially now in recessions where people need it the most.

Contrary to the claim that it will "help" poor people or its for the peoples "own good", in reality it hurts the people who need it the most. Single mothers and poor people with families get hurt the most because they have to work overtime to make ends meet. A limited by law work week which discourages allowing overtime with the extra pay rate causes people who just want to work hard (otherwise known as "the rich") become criminals as they try to find work in a black market. Government infringing on a persons right to work ignores, discredits, undermines and mocks the people who want to get on and make something of themselves and build a better life for them and their families.

Surveys measuring satisfaction and quality of life do not suggest French workers became more "happier" as promised, than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe after the enactment of the law.

Not surprsingly, like all government programs which try to enforce policies outside its minimal role, it achives the exact opposite and almost always makes it worse than than before it interfered. The question of happiness is not that complicated.


Now lets look at flip side where people are paid crumbs to be bound and enlsaved for life with the exploitative, dehumanizing, unfeeling and 100% evil capitalst yoke around their neck, as an example lets look at America.

-"The truth is that most Americans don't feel particularly shackled. To begin with, an amazingly high percentage of them like their jobs. Among adults who worked 10 hours a week or more in 2002, the General Social Survey (GSS) found that 89% said they were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their jobs. Only 11% said they were not too satisfied or not at all satisfied."

-"There is no difference at all between those with above- and below-average incomes: nine in 10 are satisfied, as are people without college degrees. 87% of people who call themselves "working class" are satisfied."

-"But even if they are satisfied with their jobs, might they still be happier at the beach? Imagine asking people something like this: "If you were to get enough money to live as comfortably as you would like for the rest of your life, would you continue to work or would you stop working?" Certainly a high percentage would answer in the affirmative? Wrong again: In 2002, the GSS found that number to be less than a third of all workers. And once again, there is no difference between those at different levels of income or education. 69% of working class folks say they would keep working even if they didn't have to."

-"For most Americans, work is a rock-solid source of life happiness. Happy people work more hours each week than unhappy people, and work more in their free time as well. Even more tellingly, people with more hours per day to relax outside their jobs are not any happier than those who have less non-work time."

-"This may be one reason why Americans tend to score better than Europeans on most happiness surveys. For example, according to the 2002 International Social Survey Programme across 35 countries, 56% of Americans are "completely happy" or "very happy" with their lives, versus 44% of Danes (often cited in surveys as the happiest Europeans), 35% of the French and 31% of Germans. Those sweet five-week vacations and 35-hour workweeks don't seem to be stimulating all that much félicité. A good old-fashioned 50-hour week might be a better option."

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Hangman said:
If its all about the money, maybe you should work weekends and Christmas too.
Or sell better the rest of the year so you can afford to take Family Day off.
Or move out of Ontario. Seriously, I can't believe people complain about a HOLIDAY.
I'm going to spend it with my family and not whine about the cost.
I do work most weekends. And most evenings.

Lou Siffer

Evil Prick
Nov 15, 2007
I didn't read most of the thread. Can't be bothered really.

For the record I am one of those small businesses. And I gladly welcome the extra holiday for me and for my employees.

Too bad my US cutomers don't have the day off too. Otherwise I wouldn't even be online.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Cycleguy007 said:
It's President's Day in the US... and therefore- they have a day off as well.
It's a minor holiday. Major corporations and government will have the day off.

It's just another day as far as retailers are concerned.

Instead of having anything to do with Presidents, it seems to be a car and mattress sales day.

Are car dealers and mattress stores the same way in Canada?


Apr 24, 2005
binderman said:
For most Americans, work is a rock-solid source of life happiness.
There is a historical reason for this. When one looks at the waves of immigrants to the U.S. what one notices is that the U.S. has always been a magnet for the bold, the risktakers, the ambitious and the industrious. This changes in the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent generations.

The most recent wave of immigrants to the U.S. are the Asians and you could not find any group that are more ambitious and industrious. Do you know how many hours a Korean storekeeper works? It is at least 80 hours.
If they ever lift the quota, California universities would have an 80% Asian student population.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Quite a story ...

Shaunhorny said:
"My last few months have been racked with guilt and shame over a horrible incident and the need to purge myself has become overwhelming. So I turn to you for a compassionate ear.
Last summer, I took my girlfriend, I'll call her Helen, and her son, I'll call him Patch, to a water amusement park, attempting to nurture the bond that was forming between us. After a busy morning of paddleboats and bumper cars, we took a moment to refresh ourselves with a hardy lunch of chili dogs, cheese fries, and lemonade.

Relaxing under shade trees, Patch smiled a chili-smeared grin, as the sun cast its languid glow over the park. With the leisurely picnic ending, we hastily dispersed to the changing rooms, in anticipation of our next adventure—the giant water slide.

During our first run, I noticed a gnawing, internal discomfort, although the first sure signs of brown-capping weren’t apparent until Patch and I climbed the half-mile of stairs to the summit, for our second run. Unfortunately, I had taken the opportunity, to wear a most-revealing, blue Speedo, in the hope of further enamoring myself to the beautiful Helen. Lord knows, I have the body to accommodate such a blatant, public display of manhood.

However, I soon began to regret my decision, for the sharp, cut of the elastic dug into my swelling, gaseous abdomen. My intestines were bubbling like a whirlpool. By the time we reached the loading platform at the summit, I was squirming in wretched misery. Considering my options, I surmised that taking the slide was far more promising than fighting my way back down the stairs, through the crowd. Thank God I was next in line. My trouble would soon be over. The only obstacle before me was an elderly German tourist, staring pensively at the wild rapids. With obvious reservation, he shuffled slowly toward the mouth of the blue tunnel. Beyond the point of pleasantries, I bellowed, “Come on, Pops! Shake a leg!”

Turning toward the acne-pocked boy who was managing the ride that day, he made a feeble attempt in his native tongue to communicate his apprehension. I had no other choice! The brown star pulsated—nearing supernova. The manager boy recoiled in shock as I pushed the old man down the slide, headfirst. Cursing me with hostile foreign jibberish, he disappeared around the first turn. In an instant, I followed, hurling myself down the slick, plastic vortex.

The fury of the slide was incredible. Rolling and spinning, I gathered speed quickly. The angle of the chute dipped to nearly seventy degrees, increasing my velocity as I careened from side to side, the water turning to white, angry foam. Ricocheting from a high, banking wall, the impact smashed me like some fecal-laden pinata. I lost control, discharging a foul, liquid trail.

A child screamed somewhere behind me, as I slid toward certain humiliation below. Frantically, I grabbed at the back of my Speedo, in a desperate attempt to flush myself clean. To my dismay, a fetid school of dung-guppies spilled into the churning maelstrom.

Nearing the final turn, the old man was standing upright in the tunnel in front of me, I’m sure, to exact some sort of revenge. His sinewy muscles were tensed, rage filled his dilated eyes. But with youth, and gravity, on my side, I swiftly took him out at the ankles. A palsied hand grabbed me as we tumbled out of the chute, and into the pool.

Moments later, a wailing boy fell behind us, riding the crest of a polluted wave. Thinking fast, I collared the old man, and dragged him onto the concrete deck. A lifeguard confronted us as people ran screaming from the pool in pale-faced terror. I explained to the guard how the old man had soiled the waters, how obviously the speed and excitement had proven too much for a man of his age and condition.

Unable to comprehend my story, or explain himself, the old man could only respond with a flurry of incomprehensible shrieks, vective, and obscene gestures. I suggested that he was hysterical from embarassment and that in the best interests of everyone that he be removed from the park—immediately.

The guard eyed me with suspicion, but had no alternative but to believe my story. Fortunately, the force of the waters had washed me thoroughly of any incriminating evidence. I gathered Helen and Patch, and made a dash for the parking lot. I’m sure the truth eventually surfaced, but not until we were safely on the interstate, heading back home."
A 1 Player couldn't have told it any better - what's it got to do with Family Day, though?:confused:
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