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*Fake counterfeit American money guy going around* TIPS to help recgonize

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.

Scammer goin around giving girls FAKE PAPER photo copied 100$ American bills, CLAIMING its real and that were the croooks not accepting it
PLEASE helpful tips to know the difference between the fake and real cash. I kicked him right now,
Suuuuuch 2 fake $100 Americans, PAPER one ripped!!!!!

Please if you know any tips to tell real from fake help a lady out. xoxo
This guy was scary and called me the CROOK
But thats what these scammers do. From now on I think Ill take Canadian lol...

Imagine how many SPs believe him (he was so persistent) and he visits them for the full time with FAKE cash?!
Awful and disturbing. I almost want to report him, Im sure he does it ALL the time. SO messed up.
Thank God I caught it before we did our session. Completely FAKE paper money

RULE 1) Feel the texture of the paper. Counterfeit money will often feel distinctly different from authentic money.

Authentic money is made from cotton and linen fibers. This differs significantly from normal paper, which is made from trees. Real money is made to be more durable and should feel crisp despite its age; normal paper becomes torn and soft when worn.
The paper that banknotes are printed on is not sold commercially. Also, the chemical composition of the paper and ink is confidential. Even if you do not have much experience in spotting a counterfeit, you should notice a clear difference in texture.



Active member
Nov 14, 2009
The guy was a cheat and a sleeze. Good for you, Kadie, for sounding the alarm.

As an aside (and not to make light of the concerning matter to which Kadie is drawing attention), I am the proud possessor of several genuine Zimbabwe bank notes with a face value in the trillions. SPs who would like to meet a trillionaire and will accept these at face value are welcome to pm me. You can keep the change!

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
The guy was a cheat and a sleeze. Good for you, Kadie, for sounding the alarm.

As an aside (and not to make light of the concerning matter to which Kadie is drawing attention), I am the proud possessor of several genuine Zimbabwe bank notes with a face value in the trillions. SPs who would like to meet a trillionaire and will accept these at face value are welcome to pm me. You can keep the change!
Yup thanks sweetie! :adoration:
Was VERY upset about this last night/this morning.
Was totally 100% fake money. Then he had the balls to tell me I'm the CROOK LOL. FAKE PAPER MONEY!!!!
Actual American money is material so it doesn't rip within minutes.
This fake cash ripped it was a photocopy paper.

Some awful scammers out there. Will PM you sometime soon
Thanks babe!



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Bank tellers hold up bills to light. I think you can see spots in real money. I know this may sound like more trouble than not, but if you have any contact info including a plate #, the police will investigate as this fraud is a serious crime, along with counterfeiting money.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Thanks Nadia (you're smart & caring too besides all those other great attributes).

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
the US money has good security features, you will see a line with the denomination if held up in light, they have microprinting on them, you can also get one of those pens whose mark will turn black if it is a fake bill


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
Rub the bill on a white piece of paper, if some of the ink smudges off onto the paper , then its real.

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.

If I can help EVEN 1 SP stay clear of this loser counterfeit boy (no real man pulls this shit) I will feel a bit better about the situation.

Ladies please save his number and do not ever see this guy. He uses fake American $100 bills.... paper PHOTOCOPIED money then says you're a crook when you kick him out or begin confront him. Said hes from New Jersey yet when googling his number it shows he lives in Ontario (wont say which City).

He was caught off guard when I told him that I'm often in the states and have many friends there. He seemed almost shocked.

I know American money when I see it, many clients pay with American... It was SO easy to tell it was fake.

I can't believe he actually even tried this scam... Who would fall for this? He kept asking if I was drunk/high.

Maybe to see if he could trap me. I'm sure anyone under the influence of booze or drugs would have easily fell for this.

I was respectful and calm until he started yelling that it was real. He didnt even bother to change the serial number.

The bills had "49494949499" as the serial number. SUCH a bullshitter.
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