Extra Benefits for Repeating with SP?


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Agree Exactly

ready2rock said:
I've always arranged it so that I would be the last session of her day. That way, she's not clock watching and you both can relax. Most of the ladies that are in this business are fascinating individuals & if you've enjoyed the physical aspect of your relationship, chances are you'll find her to be an engaging conversationalist as well. These ladies have some great stories!

There have been a lot of topics lately about guys getting addicted to, falling in love with, and/or thinking about asking their ATF to marry them.

Perspective. Just something to keep in the back of your mind.
Things get more and more comfortable. They need to trust you that you won't run to TERB and tell everybody that you got unadvertised specials. They need to feel that they want to do"a little more" and you have to meet all their other criteria which usually means you are clean, well groomed, gentlemanly, fun, not demanding, I will say generous although some will disagree. If they are not embarrased to be seen out with you, it will work up to restaurants or a drink out, ordering take out is fun.

If you really want to wreck it and have a new name Bobbit just go bragging that you got extra.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA

Rockslinger said:
This is interesting. Are there clients who actually visit the same SP once or twice a WEEK? For how many weeks?
For years.

Infinite variations can and do work, including formal or informal 'Frequent Flyer" rates and "Group Rates" (2-3 gals at a time might be discounted if they are genuine gal pals & lovers).:D
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A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
When you are booking a "regular" appointment keep in mind that no matter how comfortable you and she get it is still, at it's base, a business relationship. I have had a few bad experiences with so-called "regular" clients who think that because you're "friends" they can take certain liberties... like the ol' drink & dial during my off hours, or show up and tell me they don't have my rate & they'll make it up next time.

I tend to be very generous with my time, especially if I really enjoy the company of the person - I am sure I am not the only one. After all, I am a person and enjoy good company as much as the next girl. But the quickest way to go from getting a little special treatment to a "work to rule" or no availability situation is to start taking advantage of a girls generousity. ALWAYS abide by the orignal business arrangement and consider that the boundaries within which your relationship exists. It can still be a sincere, fun relationship. Money does not mean that you can't be friendly with the girl on a genuine level to a certain degree. A good analogy I think is many of you participate in work-related social activities with your colleagues, including your boss. Your boss is a great guy, fun at the annual parties... until he decides to dock your pay or take away benefits while still expecting the same work & involvement from you.

Anyway.. just a little food for thought. I've had this problem more than once and thought it worthwhile to pass along.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I've found mileage does increase, and I think Gen nailed: comfort level. The more you get to know each other (or she gets to know you), the more comfortable you get.

I've had a couple where it was instant clicking, but that is not the norm, it usually takes time. And YMMV, as always.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I find the more you see an SP and you are nice to them they are nicer to you and the menu and time gets longer. But never push or they will get mad and things will never get better. Just be nice to the ladys and they will be nicer to you.


New member
Jan 20, 2004
I thought I was special until she broke my heart :(

Yea, I shoulda known it was an act all along... meh... life sucks heh... at least now I'll have money to spend on.... hmm no clue : )

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
Lurch said:
I thought I was special until she broke my heart :(

Yea, I shoulda known it was an act all along... meh... life sucks heh...
It is not always an act. But it can be very precarious maintaining the boundaries, and our livelihoods depend on us doing just that. Food & shelter have a way of trumping casual realtionships or romantic involvements. It may have had nothing at all to do with you.


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
ultraviolet said:
This question is for both fellow hobbyists and SPs, do guys who repeat generally get more benefits?

Keep in mind I'm very new to all this, I just repeated with someone (she does not read this board, if she did I might not even ask this question as I try to maintain others' privacy as best I can within reasonable limits), and when I saw her for the second time, I got things that not only weren't YMMV, they weren't even on the menu at all. I did not ask, she took the initiative and I was surprised (though pleasantly).

So I'm curious if this is "standard", that if a guy repeats with an SP that generally they get better treatment?
I am not sure about benefits, but I have felt that the demeanour and behavious becomes a bit more friendly, polite, and courteous.
I do not repeat much as a habit, but those whom I liked I have repeated 3-4 times. It is my idiosyncrasy that I have adopted this NO repeat but may be 3 times habit I have occasionally broken it for some exceptional SPs who made me feel comfortable and shared some friendliness.



Active member
Sep 16, 2004
S.C. Joe said:
Unfortunately my experiences have not been as good with repeat dates. Just tried it a few times so maybe it was just bad luck. But every time so far--the past 5 years--second dates were just as good or not as good as the first. Not once I thought they went better:confused:

True trust is easier between us but maybe the thrill was missing. It was like she thought I was "falling" for her....here is some quotes I can recall......

Me...wow $250 is kind of steep (first date was back in Niagara for $180) SP.."well you were the one who decided to book me, he he" (that gal went form great to poor in just 3 dates)

Seen another lady for the second time just last week....me, "well maybe we see each other again sometime"....SP..."well you know where to find me, HA HA"

Another SP I seen 2 nights in a row....service was the same but I didn't seem to enjoy her as much...

Now disclaimer...it may be more my fault, I do seem to get bored quicker than other guys and am very picky it seems. In the distance past mid to late 20's I found repeat dates always better but now some 20 years later its not longer true.
And that is the whole real truth, and I fully agree with it.
This is most of the time a heartless business, and we must feel lucky if we got anything beyond the business bargain.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
This sure is a long thread to state the intuitively obvious. But what if the SP finds you unpleasant as a client? Not dangerous or demanding, just unpleasant. Then she might decrease the level of service to thwart your attempts at becoming a regular :) LOL

I once got CIMSW from an SP not known for that as a treat after several sessions.


Apr 24, 2005
saliksalik said:
This is most of the time a heartless business, and we must feel lucky if we got anything beyond the business bargain.
Talk about heartless business! I was seeing this RMT for over 2 years and paying the full retail price. Then I told her that I was "between projects" and could she adjust her price accordingly. She said "no".


Apr 24, 2005
I was with this SC dancer for over a year. From day 1, she let me "have my way" and gave me freebies and even told me her real real name (not her fake real name). Then one night she took me for GRANTED:( . Didn't give me a freebie and "wouldn't bend over backwards" for me because she "didn't feel like it".


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Once a week

Rockslinger said:
This is interesting. Are there clients who actually visit the same SP once or twice a WEEK? For how many weeks?
I have been visiting my ATF once a week (when I am in town) which is about 7 months a year, for about two years. When out of town in Vancouver I see 2 girls from www.carmanfox.com about one a week alternating.


New member
Jun 3, 2009

Hangman said:
This sure is a long thread to state the intuitively obvious. But what if the SP finds you unpleasant as a client? Not dangerous or demanding, just unpleasant. Then she might decrease the level of service to thwart your attempts at becoming a regular :) LOL

I once got CIMSW from an SP not known for that as a treat after several sessions.
Bareback is the usual upgrade when they are really comfy. BBBJ and even BBFS. mmmmm

Keep in mind, if you are a really good date, they want to keep you coming back to build up a roster of about 70-80% regulars and the rest new guys to grow the biz and replace wandering regulars. This is a really balanced negotiation but you don't have to be blunt. Everybody knows what is going on when one side says "I would be happier if....."


Once a n00b always a n00b
Mar 7, 2006
Sukdeep said:
...and don't count on get the same extras every time. It depends on her mood, etc.
this. i developed a relationship after 3 visits with an SP who i had immense chemistry with, to the point that she'd call me when she's bored or done with other clients and we went to movies and dinners. she even slept over at my place one time, free of charge.

very soon after, i had a SO so i stopped (and the SP stopped calling) so that was it.

no more SO but i'm debating whether i should go back to that SP! :eek:


Apr 24, 2005
Mrbig1949 said:
Bareback is the usual upgrade when they are really comfy. BBBJ and even BBFS. mmmmm
This thread is really getting interesting. So, BB would be an upgrade for the guy. Besides the income stream from regular bookings, what, if anything else, does the SP get (tips, gifts, Maple Leaf season tickets:) , etc.)?

BTW: Some of you guys are really regular with your ladies.


Apr 24, 2005
S.C. Joe said:
I knew something bad must have happen to you and I prayed for you every night that is why you did not die
Wonder what she would have said if you had died. Anyway, I place more faith in the medical system and my own will to survive than some SP taking credit by maybe or maybe not praying.
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