Club Dynasty

ever woke up and asked yourself "WTF" did I do to get to this point


Dec 3, 2002
Northern Ontario
Somedays I think those in the third world countries are happier in one respect. Many times you see them with a smile on their face despite having to live in the biggest shit holes on the planet. I think they value each other more where as we are bombarded with so much materialistic shit here we miss the big picture chasing after crap we don't need. If you think of most of the causes which have created strife in any of your relationships it has likely been over money or something neither of you needed. It wasn't like shit honey you better work harder today or we are going to starve.

Just need to find a good woman who has similar views who doesn't come from berkeley (all that underarm hair not nice LOL).


Dec 3, 2002
Northern Ontario
No I'm not kidding no women from berkeley!!! really if I wanted to cuddle with a wookie I'd have tried out for a role with George Lucas on the last star wars episode.

As for the better spirit I don't know about that I may just be closer to spending $300 bucks to fly to winnipeg thats all : )

Just hoping friends can occupy my time between work so I don't spend time dwelling on it or I'll be headed west before you can say jimmy crack corn.
I find myself awake ( I rarely sleep) contemplating this same question.

WTF...How did I get here. IF I made other choice how would my life be different and you know what? I come to the same conclusion all the time. I wouldn't change a bloody thing.

My life is exciting and wondrous and each day is new. I feel lucky to know I have the choice to change it's direction anytime I please.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
"Oh and a word of advice don't listen to the old and screwed saying not to follow your heart if you know she is the one don't trade her for anything especially money you will only live to regret it." - CALLMEBOND

Well said Mr. Bond. Well said.

Don't listen to us. As one the live entirely differently than most it seems. This is the advice I give. I have never lost a lover to anything. I have buried 9 people though so loss is nothing new, but love is something I have never lost.

For the most part I am well adjusted and mostly happy. But I have never loved, so this hobby is a chance to see for an hour what it is like to be wanted. This is the reason why I liked the Love Sisterhood from Montreal. They seemed to be more than just a shag.

So yeah I do wake up wondering how the hell I got here. Like others have said though, life could be oh so much shittier. So much that it would keep a normal person up for nights in a cold sweat if they really though about it. Ever seen a proud Canadian General drunk under a bench frightened by what he saw? A friend did. Ever meet people trained to kill only to find out they were completely outclassed??? I have.

So while you maybe in pain. Take heart. You can still do something about it. You don't have to end up alone and sad. If you found love once, you can again. There are 6 billion of us after all.


Jan 18, 2004
All the choices we make, good or bad are our choices. We live with the consequences, positive or negative. The past is meant to learn from not to go through again and again. We can't go back and change what has been done. We can only forgive others and ourselves and make changes to live the way we want to live. I know from experience it takes a long time to get over things but I can assure you we all get are shit together. It just takes some of us a little longer than others.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Hey man...

Toroz said:
I lost her. :(

Boy's, don't EVER take your lady's heart for granted and think she will always forgive you for your male stupidity, because if she really does mean anything to you, you're playing with fire if you assume that. God, I'm such a fucking tool!

...just saw this...sorry to hear it happened.

You are totally right....and much to my own fucking surprise, I woke up yesterday to this fact. Was in a position to get a "freebie" from a "friend" whom I had already told that we need to maybe move on....she was so kewl about it...we agreed on a date to cut things off...she was even going out with other guys....convinced me hey, a couple more times before the agreed date was totally kewl, and besides, I owed her for cutting her off on such short notice....well we did the deed a couple more times...then the date came...(the 1st of the month)...except I get an invite to come over and watch the Colts / Pats game...I go...she is so chill, and the sex had always been good...and besides who will know? But...after the game and the food and the brews....I can't fucking believe it...I did the right thing. I got up, said "thanks for everything, but I am going to go home"...and did....because it was the right thing to do, and as good as the booty would have been, it would not have been worth the fall out if I had been found it.... will get another are one of the lucky many guys either hate women so bad or are so afraid of them that they never even get to have relationships know how wonderful they can be, and you now know how you have to respect and cherish them. You'll find someone else in time...

Again, sorry this happened....


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Hard to get, impossible to hold, straight as an arrow, like a burning fuse
In a long cold dawn, by the side of the road, a hopeless case, a perfect thing

Love is (love is) what you want it to be


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I actually did throw away a potentially great relationship in favour of work/money, and sadly yes, now I am regretting it.


Jan 18, 2004
smiley27 said:
For years I was chasing money and was missing only that. Now, when I have a few bucks in my pocket to spend on anything I want, I'm missing everything else.
I feel you brother, timing is a bitch sometimes.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I like to know how many people who are now divorce and "hate" each other, thought at the time they were getting married that they would love each other "forever".

Bet most all of them.

Get over of thinking of the past, it does no good and just gets you down. You really do not know how things might have been. All you doing is guessing.

You still have many years left in life, enjoy them. Get out and see other people or get a hobby or both.

I am single-and happy-have some money to spend, healthy...I don't think "what if I done this and what might have happen". It can drive you nuts. Stay active with meeting people, getting a hobby you enjoy, go online and read about whats going on in the world--if you do you see many have a poor nothing to look forward to in life world.

When I seen this thread I shook my head, WE have a good life. Think how things might have been if you were born in a third world country-like China--read about life in China, then you see how great of a life we all have.


Jun 21, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
I like to know how many people who are now divorce and "hate" each other, thought at the time they were getting married that they would love each other "forever".

Bet most all of them.
No the beginning you are thinking that your special person will be with you at the end of the world....then as time goes on you realize they will be the ones pushing you off the edge.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
tired old perv said:
Everyday I wake up and asked what the hell have I done with my life? I wonder at what point I made the wrong turn and headed down the spiral that has led me to massive depression. So bad, that if I have one drink, I must then drink till, I either run out of money, or can't fit anymore booze into my system.

I had a great career, lots of disposable income, and I threw it all away over a woman. One who went on to break my heart, destroy me financially, and cause all kinds of other grief.

I have asked myself daily, at all hours of the day and night, was the piece of tail worth being destroyed over?

I actually look forward to going to bed each and every night, mainly cause I can no longer stand to even be awake.

Escorts and strippers didn't help, ease any of the pain, but for a few moments. I often wonder why I didn't focus more on women in my teens then being career driven? I was so naive when i met what I thought was the one.

What the fuck did I do to myself over the last 25 years to get here?
you seem to be struggling with the same issue. you may need professional help to help you move forward.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
drlove said:
I actually did throw away a potentially great relationship in favour of work/money, and sadly yes, now I am regretting it.
I don't think it is good to dwell on the coulda shoulda woulda's of life. You favoured work and money at the time, and the relationship couldn't accomodate it. Had you gone the other route, you might be saying the same thing now about about the career/money. Hard to judge which way you'd be happier, so best not to wreck your head on it. Drive on, look forward, life is happening as you sit on your ass reading this. Get out there tomorrow, and smile.

Lyrics from Kodachrome:

If you took all the girls I knew
When I was single
And brought them all together for one night
I know they'd never match my sweet imagination
And everything looks worse in black and white
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