Discreet Dolls

etiquette when calling an SP

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
I by no means have the time to create an in depth account of what to do, and what not to do, but I did want to cover two issues that happen a lot.

I'm sure other girls have a few more suggestions to add as well.
Let me preface this by saying, this is not meant as a complaint against men that do call, cause we want you to call...we invite you to call ;)
but rather, some insight into an SP's world, and how best to communicate with one.

First of all, when calling a girl, don't assume that she can answer raunchy questions, or questions about her service. When you call, you are often calling a cell phone, meaning, we can be doing a number of things and are not necessarily in a place where we can talk openly. I think a number of girls will back me up here. It is polite to ask, is this a good time to talk? We can assume at this point that you need graphic details and can answer you accordingly. Trust me, this little formality goes a long way with me. There is nothing worse then being in a quiet coffee shop trying to get out of a graphic conversation gracefully.

Secondly, when calling an SP. 25% of all calls sound something like this.
"Hi, um, I was calling about your service. Can you tell me more"

Sounds innocent enough eh? Perhaps I am alone on this, but I won't take calls like this for a number of reasons.

~many calls like this go nowhere, after spending 10 minutes 'describing yourself".
~most callers that ask this have no idea who they are calling (common courtesy here, please know who you are calling first)
~some callers simply want a girl to talk about sex with them
~most repeat ie. problem callers start their call like this. (those guys that call 6 times asking about our service)
~this is often the most basic line that a client who is drunk or high can blurt out

and lastly
~wherever my number is listed, so is my website and details. again, it is polite to look these over before calling.

If you are sincere about booking, chances are, you know who you are calling, and can demonstrate this. "Hi, Maya" or.."I saw your website..I have a question...." Secondly, wherever my number is listed, so are my details. There is no reason to 'describe myself". Callers that want me to describe themselves are often those wacking off to the sound of my voice. lol. Trust me, it happens, often. Now I put my foot down.

A client who has taken the time to look over my basic info is a good client indeed. It is much appreciated. It shows to us that you are in fact sincere, and not just wanting to talk to someone about sex. Its shows that you value my time and energy.

hopefully this explains a bit to the few of you who have had no luck booking with women, (me especially) or felt they were treated abruptly on the phone.

the basic day to day BS that any SP endures can turn a sweetheart into an abrupt bitch on the phone. answering calls is the area where we receive the most harassment. please keep this in mind.

Happy Hobbying,

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The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
this is why i don't book on the phone and use my phone for confirming appointments only
i would like to add sorry to anyone who calls me to book and leaves a phone number to contact them {I don't book over the phone email me or pm me}
i stopped returning calls a couple of years ago when a client invited me to call him back and his kid answered the phone {NOT COOL}

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Maybe if all of us were great speakers and knew just how to talk with the ladies, we would not being needing a SP in the first place :cool:

The ones who call while they are drunk are jerks, the same with the guys looking just to hear a pretty voice but I guess some of us lack the social skills needed in life.

Theres agency's that will take all the calls for you ladies and weed out the jerks--hopefully.

Nobody ever said a escort job is easy, if I was a gal, I sure could not do it.


Jan 31, 2005
Miss Maya Blue said:
Secondly, wherever my number is listed, so are my details. There is no reason to 'describe myself".
I always ask this question, even while staring at the details on the website. It is a check to see if the SP is lying about her stats. If the stats on the website that I am staring at are different in any way from what the SP on the phone says it is a sign of B&S.

Being rude in response to this question is also a good sign that the SP has poor service.

So it is a good question for clients to ask no matter what.


New member
Jan 5, 2007
fuji said:
I always ask this question, even while staring at the details on the website. It is a check to see if the SP is lying about her stats. If the stats on the website that I am staring at are different in any way from what the SP on the phone says it is a sign of B&S.

Being rude in response to this question is also a good sign that the SP has poor service.

So it is a good question for clients to ask no matter what.
The "describe yourself" question is the worst! This is why sp's spend time and money on photos and websites. In most cases, as I am sure that you will agree, taking a look at the pictures and reading the description you can pretty well tell if it is bs or not. This will be a far better indicator then anything she says on the phone. I have always been much more responsive to questions like, "Is your hair still short like in your photo in the black dress." A more pointed/respectful question that says I took the time to review your site and this is a serious inquiry. It also says not only am I serious but I value the time you have spent on preparing this (website) and know that you don't want to spend hours on the phone repeating yourself.



Jan 31, 2005
AliseAmery said:
In most cases, as I am sure that you will agree, taking a look at the pictures and reading the description you can pretty well tell if it is bs or not.
I don't even bother calling those numbers.

This will be a far better indicator then anything she says on the phone.
Not in my experience. I have called a lot, over a lot of years, and you can get a lot of information over the phone. It is not what the SP says, it is how she says it, whether it agrees with other things that have been said, and so on. Actually you can get a lot out of just listening to an SP's voice for awhile--it's often carries clues about age, attitude, and so on, so any question that gets the SP talking for a minute or two is good. "Describe yourself" works for that too.

A more pointed/respectful question that says I took the time to review your site and this is a serious inquiry.
Much more likely to catch an SP lying if you do NOT point out that you are looking at her website and comparing notes. She may have posted different descriptions in different places so you don't want to give her a clue as to which description you saw, for example.

An SP who is always honest with clients may not appreciate how much trouble clients have with SP's who are not.


Jan 31, 2005
One further benefit in "describe yourself" with B&S SP's: It makes it much easier to walk away if the SP turns out to be different than just described moments ago on the phone.

Otherwise a B&S SP might accuse the client of being confused about which description he saw, etc.

If an SP outright lies to me on the phone I do not pay cancellation fees. If it was my mistake I do.


Jan 31, 2005
Amazon_woman said:
Fuji, you sound like you are going in with a negative attitude toward SPs to begin with.
No, not at all. Just as it's a reality for you that there are problem callers it is a reality for me that there are SP's who lie. I do not think the steps you take to deal with problem callers make you negative or cynical towards clients, nor do the steps I take to avoid lying SP's make me negative or cynical to the rest.

It's just reality that there are people out there that are less than honest on both sides, and as a result there are some unfortunate extra steps that we all have to take to
avoid wasting our time.

Asking an SP to describe herself is one of the steps I take to avoid wasting my time. It's not from negativity or any cynical attitude, it's from years of gradually realizing what does and doesn't lead to a waste of time.

Perhaps if you actually research well-reviewed SPs who HAVE put time and money into photos and a website
I agree with the "well reviewed" part of that, and with a well reviewed SP I would not ask so many questions--that doesn't stop me, though, from booking SP's who are not well reviewed after doing the kind of homework I described above.

Pictures on websites, on the other hand, are often fake, even when they look real; and not all B&S SP's advertise for free--many of them spend money on pictures and websites and buy expensive advertising.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
I very rarely call SPs..Almost always deal on email only..

Sometimes the SP insists I have to talk to them on the phone before I can book.

If the SP is someone I really want to see I will talk briefly on the phone with them..

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The pictures are real but they are "touched up".

I had it happen once to me, she claimed to be about 10 years older than I like going with but gee her pictures look so good. When I was in town we decided to get together for a nice meal, my treat. When I first seen her I knew it was her but then the first thing after I thought she must be 50 years old :eek:

Was a nice gal and we did enjoy our time together-never went father than the meal.

lesson learned, never just go by how the gal's pictures look !!

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
No, you are twisting my words. If some do it and it seems so, you just can not go on how the pictures look, no matter how many are posted.

You need to ask a few questions even if she has a great web site-which she did. Even then you never know until you meet in person.

Its too bad people lie about their age, I think sometimes the guy feels like he needs to see them anyways even if hes surprise that her pictures look much better than she does in person.


Jan 31, 2005
Amazon_woman said:
So you encounter one SP who touched up her pics and now you can generalize that to ALL SPs? Too much.
Unfortunately there's a lot more SP's out there than one who put up fake information :(

I suspect it really is hard for those of you who are honest to appreciate just how many liars we encounter.


New member
Apr 21, 2007
This is an excellent post, Miss Maya Blue.
Thanks for sharing this with Terb members, I'm sure most will recognize the nonsense most of you have to deal with.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
At the risk of agreeing with Fugi, there are enough b/s indies/agencies out there that is appropriate to ask about the pictures that have been posted. It makes sense to have an understanding, that the person you will meet is the person in the picture, and it does actually reflect current day reality.

If one doesn't ask about the images before hand it could get really disappointing when one meets the SP. It is easier to cancel an appointment if one states that the images posted don't reflect reality then trying to explain on a door step why you do not wish to continue that date.

I know that the ladies that have posted in this thread do post images that are reflective of reality but many don't. You also have to remember not everyone uses the boards to research their encounters.


Dec 27, 2006
The real Amazon_woman

Amazon_woman said:
So you encounter one SP who touched up her pics and now you can generalize that to ALL SPs? Too much. :rolleyes:
I personally know several SPs who do NOT touch up their photos. The only edits made are overall colour adjustments and/or blurring/editing identifying features (i.e. face/tatts), myself included.

actually you look better in rl then in the pictures. IMHO


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Miss Maya Blue, with reference to your point about speaking on a cell phone in a public place, what would your reaction be, if questions about which services are available were initiated by the caller, to which you could answer "yes" or "no"?

Before making an appointment, I'm sure a lot of guys would like to know what they might expect, ie: no kissing/LK/LFK/DFK; CBJ/BBBJ; MSOG; DATY; Greek, etc. Some SPs might be offended by such inquiries, while others might be fine with it, as it would weed out the callers who were looking for something they weren't going to get. What is your personal opinion on this, and would it likely be representative of most other SPs preferences?

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco

well, to answer your question, bobis, i don't mind specific questions about my service, provided the caller is courteous and has demonstrated he has done some research and knows who he is speaking with. again, asking, "is now a good time to talk?" is one of the first questions you could ask. if it is not a good time, I will always indicate when would be a good time to talk, and often, that can be in 5 or 10 minutes. SP's generally want business so it is in our interest to take your questions...but again...etiquette goes a looong way here.

i feel bad, but i often turn down guys..who could be nice people, and great clients, simply because of their phone mannerisms. just as fuji is looking for a sign, we too are constantly judging as well. and why not? there is always a steady flow of clients. its easy to write someone off just because of the way they handle the initial phone call, and move on.

but i do maintain, as cold and bitchy as we might be on the phone...i dont agree that it is at all indicative of a girls attitude in person. a bitch in person wouldn't go very far in this business. so fuji, your questioning a girl may be ok for verifying stats, but it is not be the best way to determine her attitude.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Occupational Hazard.

There's BS in all industries.

Try waiting for 6 months to be paid for your sevices.
Toronto Escorts