You can have an opinion on the 737 that it's a shitbox. Free world. Differs from the guys I know who fly them. Most are happy they've made it into the big leagues.
Kind of like this guy who preferred the 737 to the MD80.
I never said all FBW designs are faulty. I said they are not immune to problems.
You can have an opinion on the 737 that it's a shitbox. Free world. Differs from the guys I know who fly them. Most are happy they've made it into the big leagues.
Kind of like this guy who preferred the 737 to the MD80.
I never said all FBW designs are faulty. I said they are not immune to problems.
You can have an opinion on the 737 that it's a shitbox. Free world. Differs from the guys I know who fly them. Most are happy they've made it into the big leagues.
Kind of like this guy who preferred the 737 to the MD80.
I never said all FBW designs are faulty. I said they are not immune to problems.
Looks like you'll do anything to get an argument. You can't take it at face value that I say from personal experience, that it doesn't hand fly very well compared to all the other jets I flew. You have to dig up some obscure blog, and bingo, there's your expert rebuttal.
The pope could have written an opinion about B737 handling, and you would have taken that at face value, because you're obsessed to oppose an opinion on a matter that you know nothing about, just to satisfy your ego that nope, you know better, even though you've never flown one.
A lot of real pilots are questioning the above blog, comparing the 737NG with an MD80, that is one generation older, and then declaring that the 737 is great to fly. If he thinks that the EICAS trims the engines, he didn't pay much attention on his 737 ground school, and I wonder how he passed his FAA oral. He's confusing the EICAS (Engine Instruments and Crew Alerting Systems) with the EEC's (Electronic Engine Control). A blunder that reveals an impostor.
His carry-on about 737 versus MD80 performance difference giving better margins is utter bullshit. It doesn't matter that the 737NG has more thrust: both must meet the same balanced field length performance requirements, including especially 2nd segment climb performance of 2.4% climb gradient on a single engine. They load up the aircraft up to that performance limit, so it doesn't matter what the total thrust is. Just that the MD-80 will carry less weight in order to achieve the same minimum performance. Having more power on the take-off roll reducing time on the runway is also bullshit because all airlines employ reduced thrust techniques, using the full balanced field length, in order to reduce the wear and tear on engines and because of noise considerations. Nobody routinely uses full thrust take-offs, unless there's wind shear or you're at your performance limit maximum take-off weight for the density altitude and runway length limits.
Then there's this:
the MD-80 is famous for it’s slow acceleration–I’ve been there MANY times–and when you’re escaping from windshear or terrain, I can promise you the pucker factor of the “one, Mississippi, two Mississippi” on up to six to eight seconds will have your butt chewing up the seat cushion like horse’s lips.
It's 8 seconds from idle to max thrust. But how did he get into a position, MANY times, of having to do a windshear escape manoeuvre from idle thrust? Or never mind idle thrust, doing so many times a windshear escape manoeuvre? Doesn't he pay attention to the weather radar and avoid severe weather? Is he suicidal? Looks also like he likes pointing his airplanes towards mountains, given the MANY times he had to do a GPWS escape manoeuvre? If you're on approach, the engines are spooled up, not idling, so that you can get near instant thrust in case of a go-around, and that applies to JT8D-XX MD80 engines . Sounds like the experience of a Microsoft Flight Simulator pilot, and/or a guy who's got 75 hours in a Cherokee.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet, especially from those who try to mask their ignorance with fancy buzzwords.