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Ethical question regarding Genital Warts


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Jul 15, 2013
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Best thread title of the day :clap2:


May 21, 2003
In fairness, she said she was immunized for the strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer. The strain(s) that cause warts are different and aren't cancerous. But still, warts are disgusting and she's disgusting. I've have to think about informing the province. Thanks for the input guys. I really would have liked a SP's perspective too.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
In fairness, she said she was immunized for the strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer. The strain(s) that cause warts are different and aren't cancerous. But still, warts are disgusting and she's disgusting. I've have to think about informing the province. Thanks for the input guys. I really would have liked a SP's perspective too.
You are a well meaning guy for which I respect and commend you for being.

But you are misinformed and she is delusional and looking for some way to twist her condition into some configuration that is somehow acceptable for her to continue to earn a living.

IF she was a decent human being she would go to the Doctor, fully disclose her profession and health history and then ask if she is putting other people's health at risk. But like most people, she really doesn't think or truly empathize with the pain she may cause to so many people and will just go on her merry deluded way.


May 21, 2003
Thanks SchlongConery. But what part am I misinformed about? I looked up on reputable websites like webMD and others about cancer causing strains of HPV differing from wart causing strains. Maybe, I misread the information or maybe those sites were wrong. I would genuinely like to know the truth. But I agree, she's selfish. Even if she have the cancer causing strain she would still see clients. I've known her before she entered the biz and she always had anti-social behavior traits.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
SchlongConnery is right. It is flat out unethical. I don't know if it is illegal, but should be. It is flat out dishonest unless she discloses to her clients head of time. Thus the ethics are crystal clear. No gray area. You're infecting someone with a lifetime affliction. They should have a say in that matter.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Hi Hardy2003

If she was born after 1993 she may have been immunized with the 3 shot course of vaccination. There are two varieties. The Gardasil vaccine protects against more strains of HPV than the other one. However, there is a new one introduced just last Dec 20i4 called Gardasil 9 that protects against more strains. Some of which are responsible for 20% of cancers.

Where her story falls apart is as follows:

1. IF she were indeed vaccinated against HPV, then she obviously contracted a strain that the vaccine did not protect against. OR she did not follow the full 6 month course of vaccinations and/or the vaccine did not protect her against a strain that it should have.

2. Non- Cancerous Geneital Warts: Both vaccines are supposed to protect against the two strains of HPV that are responsible for 90% of the (non-cancerous) genital warts. IF she WAS vaccinated and it was effective, then she shaw contracted a different strain of HPV genital warts.

2. Cancerous Genital Warts: The claim that the vaccine (variably) protects against 40% - 70% (see below) of cancer causing HPV strains still leaves the possibility that her strain can be one of the others comprising from 30%-60% (see below) that may cause cancer.

In summary, unless she has had the warts biopsied and the strain conclusively identified, then she has no idea whether they are possible cancer causing strains.

Furthermore, ANY genital warts whether they are possibly cancer-related strains are very alarming and distressing for anyone who might get them. Imagine some guy who hooks up with her then transmitting them to his wife/partner whose next Pap smear turns up HPV lesions? How is that going to affect those people? What about if he gets oral HPV and kisses his children and then get it or get it in their eye etc?

The biggest thing is WHERE they are located. IF they were located on her cervix or internally, then condoms offer excellent protection and she could reasonably safely carry on CFS and other business if she does not permit DATY or digits.

If she had them externally on her vulva, anus or genital region that is a different story.

Both vaccines protect against the two HPV types (HPV-16 and HPV-18) that cause 70% of cervical cancers, 80% of anal cancers, 60% of vaginal cancers, and 40% of vulvar cancers.[SUP][7][/SUP] These HPV types also cause most HPV induced oral cancers, and some other rare genital cancers. Gardasil also protects against the two HPV types (HPV-6 and HPV-11) that cause 90% of genital warts


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
For those interested, here is an excellent wikipedia article on HPV

While Gardasil is primarily directed towards young women, there is a movement to vaccinate boys as well. If I had a girl or a boy I would certainly have them protected with the Gardisil 9 vaccine as early as age 9, as would I have my girls.

I would STRONGLY recommend ANY women, at any age, in this business to get vaccinated against HPV using the latest Gardisil 9 vaccine... even at your own expense. The simple numbers of possible exposures pretty much guarantees you will be exposed to the HPV virus' at some time. The cost of the vaccine is less than a day's income for many and a great investment in yourself.

In fact, I may get vaccinated with it myself even though I am well past the age in which it is said to provide the greatest benefit. It seems the only downside is cost and that it might be a waste of money. And isn't that we are all doing here?


May 21, 2003
Thanks for the knowledge SchlongConery. I really appreciate your effort in researching and sharing this information. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. She on the other hand is a sociopath and a liar.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Thanks SchlongConery. But what part am I misinformed about? I looked up on reputable websites like webMD and others about cancer causing strains of HPV differing from wart causing strains. Maybe, I misread the information or maybe those sites were wrong. I would genuinely like to know the truth. But I agree, she's selfish. Even if she have the cancer causing strain she would still see clients. I've known her before she entered the biz and she always had anti-social behavior traits.
Never get too caught up about what you read on the Internet even if it's from a "reputable" web-site like webMD. If you want medical advice, talk to a physician and definitely not Wikipedia. Even then, they will tell you that infections (sexually transmitted or otherwise) are not 100% sure things. Like anything else in life it depends. You can be the healthiest person on earth, take every conceivable safety measure and still get infected. And you can be in the worst health of your life and not get infected.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
SchlongConnery is right. It is flat out unethical. I don't know if it is illegal, but should be. It is flat out dishonest unless she discloses to her clients head of time. Thus the ethics are crystal clear. No gray area. You're infecting someone with a lifetime affliction. They should have a say in that matter.
So should it also be illegal or unethical for a client to see a SP if they have an infection? It's everyone's responsibility to act responsibly.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
So should it also be illegal or unethical for a client to see a SP if they have an infection? It's everyone's responsibility to act responsibly.

Yes, it should be, and IS illegal. It is considered assault. And it is immoral.

But why are you trying to defer or redirect the discussion?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Never get too caught up about what you read on the Internet even if it's from a "reputable" web-site like webMD. If you want medical advice, talk to a physician and definitely not Wikipedia. Even then, they will tell you that infections (sexually transmitted or otherwise) are not 100% sure things. Like anything else in life it depends. You can be the healthiest person on earth, take every conceivable safety measure and still get infected. And you can be in the worst health of your life and not get infected.
This is a relatively meaningless platitude that everyone spews. Why do you even bother saying it? Do you think that ONLY a physician can research a specific condition and comprehend what they read? Trust me when I say that you HAVE to be YOUR own advocate and get yourself educated and knowledgable when it comes to your own medical issues. OF COURSE you go to the Doctor but it is better to go there with some knowledge so your time is better spent.

Also, tell me how you propose the OP would go about seeing a physician to have some discussion regarding an STI that he doesn't even have? Even at the best of times, with your OWN medical problem the Doctor only has a limited amount of time to explain things to you. They are not teachers, they are physicians and are there to treat you, not explain every little detail.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
This is a relatively meaningless platitude that everyone spews. Why do you even bother saying it? Do you think that ONLY a physician can research a specific condition and comprehend what they read? Trust me when I say that you HAVE to be YOUR own advocate and get yourself educated and knowledgable when it comes to your own medical issues. OF COURSE you go to the Doctor but it is better to go there with some knowledge so your time is better spent.

Also, tell me how you propose the OP would go about seeing a physician to have some discussion regarding an STI that he doesn't even have? Even at the best of times, with your OWN medical problem the Doctor only has a limited amount of time to explain things to you. They are not teachers, they are physicians and are there to treat you, not explain every little detail.
You should get yourself educated and knowledgeable about your own medical issues, but relying only on a few Internet articles hardly constitutes research. You might as well take health advice from Dr. Oz that has given totally wrong advice.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Yes, it should be, and IS illegal. It is considered assault. And it is immoral.

But why are you trying to defer or redirect the discussion?
Because it's all too easy to criticize and pile on a SP on this board (even if it is deserved), yet no one seems to ask themselves if they have acted responsibly and ethically. There are clients out there that might have taken a chance even if they had an STI. It's not a redirect, but a good question to ask ourselves.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
You should get yourself educated and knowledgeable about your own medical issues, but relying only on a few Internet articles hardly constitutes research. You might as well take health advice from Dr. Oz that has given totally wrong advice.
Who said anything about "relying on a few internet articles"?

Do you just assume that everyone is stupid and can't seek some information on their own? That they can only seek information from an M.D.?

Without going into personal details, I and several friends and close family members have benefitted incredibly from my research turning up treatments and procedures that our/their specialists were not even aware of. They were extremely appreciative of bringing new information to them. I recall reading somewhere that Specialists could not keep up with reading 10% of the research published even if that is all they did all day! Never mind a Family Doctor.

Again, with all due respect my friend, you really should reconsider parroting meaningless platitudes.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Because it's all too easy to criticize and pile on a SP on this board (even if it is deserved), yet no one seems to ask themselves if they have acted responsibly and ethically. There are clients out there that might have taken a chance even if they had an STI. It's not a redirect, but a good question to ask ourselves.

While I agree that it is a pretty bad human that would knowingly risk infecting another human, a provider of sexual services may see a hundred different people in a week. Several thousand in a year. A really busy client might see 100 in a year.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Who said anything about "relying on a few internet articles"?

Do you just assume that everyone is stupid and can't seek some information on their own? That they can only seek information from an M.D.?

Without going into personal details, I and several friends and close family members have benefitted incredibly from my research turning up treatments and procedures that our/their specialists were not even aware of. They were extremely appreciative of bringing new information to them. I recall reading somewhere that Specialists could not keep up with reading 10% of the research published even if that is all they did all day! Never mind a Family Doctor.

Again, with all due respect my friend, you really should reconsider parroting meaningless platitudes.
Earlier you quoted a wikipedia article, which is not the most accurate source of information out there. The nature of the site (anyone can change the content of an article) should make you question it's accuracy. I'm sure you consulted multiple sources (maybe even talked with a health pro) for medical advice before sending them to a specialist. Even then, the specialist would also run tests to confirm the information. That what I was trying to say to the OP earlier; not to take information at face value especially on the Internet!

I definitely did not say that "everyone is stupid and can't seek information on their own." If you're going to put words in my mouth, at least get them right!!

You really should consider not jumping to conclusions especially when they are totally wrong!

I'm honestly not trying to fight with you, just trying to have an actual discussion!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
While I agree that it is a pretty bad human that would knowingly risk infecting another human, a provider of sexual services may see a hundred different people in a week. Several thousand in a year. A really busy client might see 100 in a year.
There is no definitive way to know how many people an escort or client might see in a year, but you are right that the former would see a lot more. That's why earlier I said that both clients and SP's need to take responsibility for their health!
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