

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Coffee in Naples is more important that water.

They have something in place which I was told about as a youngster but until I saw it in action it just just a myth.
It translates to "a suspended coffee". Since the Napoletanos NEED coffee in their blood, coffee is always available even to homeless people.

It works like this: When someone goes into a "bar" for a coffee they sometimes pay for an extra coffee , paying for 2 coffees, therefore one is "suspended", so a guy with no money or very little can walk into a bar (I've seen it) and asks "is there a suspended coffee" the barista says sure there is and makes the guy a coffee. In theory when this guy gets some money he goes in to the bar and pays for his "suspended" coffee plus another one. I'm sure lots of times the coffee is just a free coffee.

This ensures there is always a coffee available to anyone that needs a "hit". I'm not sure if it's as popular today, but considering the homeless folks and the generosity of the Napoletanos I wouldn't doubt it.

Didn't mean to hijack...just a little sidebar :)


Dec 16, 2008
Starbucks coffee sucks, over roasted beans, grounds are pressed into the cup(makes coffee bitter) and idiot "barista's" who have no concept of what they are making. I tried Tim Hortons for the first time in years and i was shocked. The worst shit water I have ever had. It smells bad and tastes like crap. The most disturbing part was the lineup of morons waiting to pay money to pour that liquid excrement into their mouths. Can someone explain to me why this place is so popular? A friend of mine owns 3 TH shops and is a multi millionaire from the crap. He wont drink it. He says his success is based on "the mentality of working class sheep". Make of that what you will.
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