Mirage Escorts

Escorts using personal pics to advertise


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Got into a discussion on another board. The member and I disagreed on one point.....

Scenario: New escort advertises online. In her had she uses some selfies that she also posts on her twitter or Fb account...... I think its fair to say that a lot of people may reverse search these photos to ensure they are in fact of the escort, and not stolen. During such a search, you may find the links to her personal social media accounts, including her real name and other personal pics.

Case in question, because a group of individuals found out the escorts name, and had access to her social media, some pics were posted that she had not used in her ads.

(disclaimer: the escort already used pics of her full face in her own ad - however, she can control her ad, how long its posted and what gets posted. She can put pics up or take them down at will..... she can't control what others post in threads on boards).

My opinion.... Discretion is a 2 way street. Don't do anything to her you wouldn't want done to yourself. I mean, your license plates, phone numbers, even headers from emails and IP's can be traced.... then posted.

Other takes: If she's stupid enough to post personal pics from her social media in an escort ad, then she gets what she deserves. She did it to herself first.

My question is..... is it fair game to post any of this info about her,even just a pic without a name, or is that dirty pool?

Your thoughts?



Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
I am leaning towards the other take on this. When you make something personal like a photo available to the public, you do not get to complain. And how dumb is she anyways, if they had access to the rest of the photos it means her facebook page including photo albums were available to everyone. She was asking for it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
No one should post anything anywhere on the web that they can't live with if it gets back to them. But no one will follow that rule carefully, they'll just hope they've minimized their risk enough. Roughly the same rules should apply in the cyber world as in the real one: A person's work life is the business of their clients, suppliers, customers and fellow workers, and none of anyone else's. Similarly, their private life is no business of their her work world. These principles can't be turned into rules or laws, and require us all to try to keep them straight, clear and functioning. There will always be those tempted to break them whether for their own advantage or just for malicious pleasure.

However, in all of life, there are consequences when you break the rules, and in this case she did that by using the same fotos for work and privately. Every bit as thoughtless and self-destructive as using the company resources to organize and run your wedding invitation operation. She ran the risk; let's hope she encounters a better world than I fear she will. But no one else needs to pile on and make it worse. Post her pix if it's useful, but with all identifying info removed if you don't want to be seen as evil scum taking advantage of the naive.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Ethically-speaking, I would not share or publicize her pics on her social media.

Legally, they may be in the public domain but to use them against her will may not.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
More in general then..... The internet tools we use might as well be called internet for dummies. Some people have no idea that this stuff can be traced. Yet they post on FB and use email. This was not the only girl I've seen use pics in both ads and her own social media (oh, that pic of me is really cute, I'm putting it on my FB!!!) Happens all the time. I was with an escort who got an anonymous call to her cell, the guy called her by her real name and told her when she walks her dog... then hung up. I told her at that point to change the security on her FB, but I seriously doubt she listened based on how well I knew her.

The cruel reality is, there are a lot of people out there who fill their spare time trying to trace people..... Some people get obsessed with it. Its creepy..... really creepy. What's even more creepy is that they don't even realize how creepy they are being.... I mean by definition, you're creeping someone's social media.


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
And you never 'creeped' on someone's social media? I probably won't get an honest answer lol


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
My question is..... is it fair game to post any of this info about her,even just a pic without a name, or is that dirty pool?

Your thoughts?

never, never , never. why create a problem for this girl? instead - maybe tell her what she has done and leave it at that


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
And you never 'creeped' on someone's social media? I probably won't get an honest answer lol
I have creeped Social media pages, reversed searched back page photos, used headers to obtain IP and reverse searched senders.....

I have never posted anyone's personal photo's, or information online.... Curious if you'd have an issue with it? Where do you draw the line?

Edit: Never mind..... Just read your post above and I see where your stance is .


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006


Yes he's back, back again
Feb 15, 2013
I do think girls need to be more careful with their personal information. I know of one Toronto SP who registered her escort domain name using her real-life personal name and worse, her real-life address; the info is accessible to anyone smart enough to do a WHOIS lookup (not exactly a high barrier to entry). It's pointless to argue about the rightness or wrongness of looking up the info on a forum like this, because anyone who'd use the info for nefarious purposes isn't going to be dissuaded by our anonymous disapproval here. Be safe!


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I do think girls need to be more careful with their personal information. I know of one Toronto SP who registered her escort domain name using her real-life personal name and worse, her real-life address; the info is accessible to anyone smart enough to do a WHOIS lookup (not exactly a high barrier to entry). It's pointless to argue about the rightness or wrongness of looking up the info on a forum like this, because anyone who'd use the info for nefarious purposes isn't going to be dissuaded by our anonymous disapproval here. Be safe!
It isn't pointless at all. I'll bet for some, its quite educational. Actually, you've just added to my education. :)



Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
I have creeped Social media pages, reversed searched back page photos, used headers to obtain IP and reverse searched senders.....

I have never posted anyone's personal photo's, or information online.... Curious if you'd have an issue with it? Where do you draw the line?

Edit: Never mind..... Just read your post above and I see where your stance is .
Where do you? You didn't answer the question.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
One girl from SRM told me she had a stalker who went to fb & messaged her friends etc about her job

Many girls (esp the ones just starting out) make all kinds of mistakes with personal emails or phone numbers that could easily haunt them later on


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
coincidentally I just discussed this with a terb gent in chat. He visited a lady in her condo, and her real name was indicated on the building directory when he buzzed. He didn't tell her that he knew her name, instead he went home and creeped her facebook page.

He justified it by saying he wanted to know what kind of info some creep could find out. Well newsflash buddy .. you're that creep. I know it might be unnerving at first, but I'm betting the lady would rather he arrived and advised her immediately 'hey I saw your real name on the directory, might want to change that' that go home and creep her on FB.

Things that are posted on the internet are usually there forever. Makes you think twice about what to post, what to share, what to blog about etc... doesn't it?

and no ... that's not my real licence plate in that pic ; )
If it's an accidental disclosure that isn't permanent, I usually keep it to myself.

If it's an unwitting permanent disclosure, it would be nice to let her know and keep it to oneself.

I can understand a guy being a curious cat just for a peek, but it's creepy beyond that.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Common courtesy would urge people not to disclose what she has not chosen to include in her ads... But what is considered as common positive behavior is not what most people use the internet for, unfortunately. Some girls may not have had the foresight to prevent such breaches into their personal life... But only a mean person with selfish and possibly malicious intent would go out of their way to have that girl's mistake known to everyone else. The internet does not allow for fair game as long as there are people who are technologically inclined willing to take advantage of the unawareness of others. Anonymity enables people to live out their jerk personas openly without consequence while undeserving people are helplessly victimized. It is also worth noting... Once on the internet, forever on the internet... One little mistake could have lasting consequences. It is not worth potentially ruining someone's need for privacy just to inform others' hobbying decisions.
If she's wearing a short skirt is she "asking for it" to be sexually assaulted?
No? Then why do some think she's "asking for" her privacy to be violated by posting pics not associated with her escort persona? Some of us are more technically adept than others. That doesn't excuse taking advantage of those who aren't.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
If she's wearing a short skirt is she "asking for it" to be sexually assaulted?
No? Then why do some think she's "asking for" her privacy to be violated by posting pics not associated with her escort persona? Some of us are more technically adept than others. That doesn't excuse taking advantage of those who aren't.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
is it fair game to post any of this info about her,even just a pic without a name, or is that dirty pool?
Quite clearly "dirty pool!"

What an SP chooses to post is their business, one of us on the other hand posting information about someone's real name, real photographs, saying Ooo look here - is there really any question that this is indefensible?

The most one might do is a general statement such as: "I enjoyed being able to see what you looked like, however, you need to be very careful about things like that, there are a lot of creeps on the Internet.

As to "creeping" it seems to me that the real issue is talking about what you have found out or using if for improper/nefarious purposes not "creeping" in and of itself.

Jessica S

Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2012
The Internet can be a very tricky place when it comes to privacy. Mistakes happen, if you happen to find out an SP's real name, address etc you should point it out to her. She can then choose to change certain things to better protect her privacy. It's not cool to post it to other members of the board or anywhere else as a matter of fact. Can you imagine if SP's started to creep their clients and posted it online? Let's keep things hush hush on both ends. ;)
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