Pickering Angels

Escorts, please speak up, "When men buy sex they enslave women"


Dec 6, 2004

"Men need to stop kidding themselves: Victor Malarek's books makes it clear that when they buy sex, they perpetuate the system that enslaves millions of women and children."

I would really like to hear what the escorts who read this site think of this article and the book. I admit that I think the article is rubbish and am hoping to hear some opposition to it.

Apparently, ALL women in this profession are lying to themselves and are miserable. Natalie McLennan, by her own admission, New York's former #1 escort, believes it.

I might ignore it, but I think these people have a political agenda, and god knows, maybe they have some influence.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I agree with him if we're talking about sex trade slavery found in every country, women who have a drug dependency that we're perpetuating or desperate women who are in poverty with no other means to survive. All these situations exist in Toronto.

But he doesn't realize many (most?) escorts choose their career because it's good money where they have a lot of control. Some even feel empowered because of this choice, how many people can say this about their employment?


Registered User
Aug 5, 2008
drinkin your milkshake
moresex4me said:
Not really... and not very many SP's. It may be a conversation that isn't meant for our ears.

didnt mean just my thread. lots of discussion on previous malarek threads.
not going to take the time to look for them but im sure you have seen them


New member
Mar 18, 2009
ahahooper said:
didnt mean just my thread. lots of discussion on previous malarek threads.
not going to take the time to look for them but im sure you have seen them
I read a couple, but Malarek is such a sensationalist that's it is hard to get through.

I still don't recall many SP's chiming in, but again it may be a conversation not meant for us. Most SP's I've met have been professionals, and they definitely treat us as clients or potential clients, which means they do watch what they say around us.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Funny, we still refer to women having sex with men as women being enslaved to us......well, we are enslaved by our sex drives and for once, I'd like someone somewhere to say that women are having sex with men....AND getting paid to do it....now, I wish I could get the same EMPOWERMENT!!!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Play this tune as you read what I have to say:



Everyone is out for themselves, the johns, the SPs the MPs, and yes, even Malarek is out for himself. There are no shortage of women wanting to trade sex for gain. Otherwise they would be working at the local Timmies.


Dec 6, 2004
I did a search under Malarek and under McLennan, but somehow missed ahahooper's thread. Oops.

Is it possible that SPs have simply not seen either ahahooper's thread or this one? After all, if SPs were trying to drum up business, then I assume they would also wish to contradict the article, which paints such a negative picture.

I think the article is dishonest in the way that most criticism of the escort industry is dishonest, in that it conflates exploitation of children—which I believe the vast majority of terbites abhor—with "arrangements" between consenting adults.

The article also portrays all escorts as abused and with low self-esteem.

That picture does not jibe with my experience with the women I have met as a john.

I don't know if anybody listens to people like Malarek, but if he had his way, we would all be in jail. That is troubling. His portrayal of me, and people like me, is simply wrong.

I honestly believe that no SPs have seen this thread, or else they simply find the subject tiresome and don't wish to talk about it. Or maybe, they don't want to say that SPing is a job with its ups-and-downs, with some assholes and some decent folk (like any job), since that would ruin the "mystique."

But I honestly don't know for sure. I'd like to hear what some SPs have to say.

Roger Melon

New member
May 3, 2007
I think it's self-righteous assholes like Malarek who perpetuate the insane laws and mores that lead to sexual slavery and exploitation. One has to think that sex is evil or dirty to make the generalization that all men who buy sex enslave women. The fact is that some men are willing to pay for sex and some women are willing to sell it. In societies like Amsterdam and to some extent Canada this enterprise is allowed to take place without slavery or exploitation. Unfortunately there can still be instances of immigrants being forced to work or underage sex workers, but I would argue that it's a lot easier to regulate this sort of thing when the entire trade isn't taking place outside of the law. Many of us have to work to support ourselves, and often these jobs involve physical labor. Why is it that sex workers are "slaves", while waitresses, construction workers and window washers aren't?

The sex trade is the oldest profession. It's not going away. Unfortunately pompously trying to enforce morality on others seems to be the second oldest profession.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Does that mean when a client hires me to go to court for them, that they enslave me???!! Escorting is a business like any other. The only problem is that so many aspects of it are criminalized and the rewards are so high that it attracts dubious people and situations sometimes.

Malarek's books are sensationalist, money-reaping trash.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
"SPing is a job with its ups-and-downs, with some assholes and some decent folk (like any job), since that would ruin the "mystique."

I AGREE and not afraid to say it.

I think it's self-righteous assholes like Malarek who perpetuate the insane laws and mores that lead to sexual slavery and exploitation. One has to think that sex is evil or dirty to make the generalization that all men who buy sex enslave women. The fact is that some men are willing to pay for sex and some women are willing to sell it. In societies like Amsterdam and to some extent Canada this enterprise is allowed to take place without slavery or exploitation. Unfortunately there can still be instances of immigrants being forced to work or underage sex workers, but I would argue that it's a lot easier to regulate this sort of thing when the entire trade isn't taking place outside of the law. Many of us have to work to support ourselves, and often these jobs involve physical labor. Why is it that sex workers are "slaves", while waitresses, construction workers and window washers aren't?

it all go back to time when religion rule and so did men. This engrain in people head from early time so certain moral will always be moral. Some men will always feel they are one up on woman and while we aare not treat like second class people like in other country it still prevelant in our society. I often find some client i use to meet not all would be jealous or have some resent toward escort because of money and fredom they have. this is why you also see in this business men who are bitter against escort andnwhole business and go out of way to bring them down anyway they can. that is disturbing. i also think some men dont like women to have more power then them cause it hurt their ego and that they cant be in this business. i bet if religion didnt have big influence thousand of year ago men would prostitute themself in a second. some say this is ridiculous arguement cause what guy will admit to that but again it all go back to guy ego and who have power at the time. you can trace that back thousand of year and it still the same.being slave to hard labour job is accept in society cause it fit in with what was taught to us. it okay to kill yourself with hard job cause your working hard for family to take care of. it is mean to an end. an end that never end with dead end job.

One more thing to remember... you guyhere have front seat to see what heppen in this business. most people in society ignore it so they think it bad and disgusting. they have certqin belief and niot open to anything else. i have accept this..sad but true. it may take hundred of year for this to all change but i doubt it. remember homosexual? they more accept now but still have that stigma.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Madison: great post! Thanks for your input...but this speaker reminds me of a woman who was recently shown on the program "penn and tellers BULLSHIT" (they do shows researching obvious bs products, treatments, organizations or theories) and there was a woman who openly stated that "while there is no scientific study done, porn is directly related to rape..." and she went on to say she had NO accredation of any university college or other means of schooling on the subject.....

I find it SO funny that people "know" this stuff and will even try to argue that we ourselves aren't right in our knowledge or feelings.....

I have yet to meet an escort who even remotely seems to be victimized. I have inquired (especially with EEs due to all the sex slavery that does go on) and here are some of the responses:
"I quit when I met a guy, it only lasted a month because he just couldn't satisfy me sexually"
"Luckily I have never had a bad experience. All of the men I have seen are great and I really REALLY enjoy my work. Hell, I get PAID to have sex!! who in their right mind wouldn't want THAT???"
"The only problem I have is when I meet a client like you at the beginning of a shift. After you the only thing I want to do is go home and take a nap..."

I still find it funny how so many think a woman having sex is bad. Now I'm not saying that there aren't women who ARE victimized into this business, but to say that every woman who works as an escort is a victim? That's ludicrous at best.

As stated by others: so according to your speaker's logic, anyone who does anything for money is a slave.........

Just an added thought:

There have been many occasions where an escort leaves and I'm sitting here thinking "hey I've been victimized, she came here, came half a dozen times, had a free glass of wine, got $250.00 of my money, and I only came ONCE"....lol....seems to me she had as good or better time than I did...HEYYYYYYYY


OK, loud and clear:

I am not a victim.
I am not a drug addict.
I am not a single mom trying to raise a couple of kids.
I have never been abused.

I have never been forced to commit an act just for money that I wouldn't do otherwise - I have my own set of rules and I don't break them, especially just for dough!!!

I have a need to earn a higher than average income because of other things going on my life and because my 'real career' pursuit doesn't yet provide it for me.

Quite often, IMO only, I wonder if it is not us, 'the workers,' who are taking advantage of clients' weaknesses and impulses.

Certainly I know that there are women and children in this world who are enslaved in the sex industry. If I came across them somehow, I would do my best to help them. But I refuse to believe that everyone who participates in this bus., clients or workers, are also part of the problem, as Malarek and "Ms. Natalia" would have us believe. That's as ludicrous as blaming all bankers, stock brokers and businessmen for white collar crime!!
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