Emily J


New member
Mar 30, 2012
I have been "stuck" on seeing the same SP for sometime now. I enjoy our visits so much that I dont want to risk seeing another and wishing I had stuck with my regular girl but I figure thats part of the beauty of this hobby so I recently decided to see Emily J. What a joy she is. She definitely went out of her way to make sure I was comfortable and satisfied. Our chemistry wasnt all there but thats not a strike against her by any means. Im glad we met. She came across as very professional and genuine at the same time.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
She works at the service she provides, attempts to make it personal as well.
Emily J is a professional. Just saw her again today. I think you should all know that she recently purchased some books regarding various aspects of sexuality (she was tired of going from website to website, although I'm sure she'll keep doing that, of course).

I can't afford to sample all the quality providers in this town and so can't start a list of any real authority. But if we could put together a list (and it wasn't subjective HAH!) she'd be on it. The backpage options are always going to be attractive for the "need new" crowd but Emily J and her ilk are what guarantees that we can find quality (and you can see if she fits your criteria easily as she is pretty visible).

I love that she's in this for the right reasons.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
Gotta add to this thread again. Some of you may remember I posted that I saw Emily for my birthday 2 years ago (when she was with Pink Kitty -- my first PK girl) and she greeted me with chocolate cake. Well, I recently saw her again for my 3rd straight birthday visit with her. It's a nice little tradition we've got going. And, I got another sweet treat this time around (and not just her natural offerings which are great); an Oreo cupcake and gourmet cookies!!! (cupcake was topped with a candle, and my wish came true again!!) If this sounds overly-flowery for the cynical out there, give yer head a shake because this is the type of service provider she is (or maybe just for the mutual-respect crowd).
Yes, this is an endorsement for Emily (and the other good SPs like her). Buy Local!!!


Jan 5, 2013
I met Emily a while ago now through the other board.
Quite frankly speaking, it was no where near what was hoping for.
I understand that people can not be "on" all the time, but I was very disappointed.
I was polite and respectful in all my correspondence and when we met, but she really never seemed to be into it at all. Maybe it was that day, or maybe she just did not connect with me.
Anyway, I have never gone back as I am once bitten twice shy. Not sure if I want to spend the money and risk not connecting and having another so so time.

But then I see all of these fantastic reviews. Undecided....

My $.02....


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Well, in reading this thread, she's probably just burned out, so don't kick yourself. It happens. Just move on to someone who's fresher in the biz.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
She's also changed in appearance... Nothing stays the same.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I'm not trying to discount or discredit anyone else's opinion but I can say Emily has been good with me, as you can tell from my accounts. So, I guess what I would suggest is that you keep up your search until you find the one that does click for you. And, you gotta admit, from her website and her blog, that Emily is dedicated to this profession of hers. Give her that, even if she doesn't match your ideals. Actually, she didn't physically match my ideals at first, either, but others' reviews intrigued me, I took a chance and saw her and then my ideals changed to fit her in (intangibles, etc.). Anyway, we should all be lucky enough to find providers of good service, eventually, right?


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
I'm not trying to discount or discredit anyone else's opinion but I can say Emily has been good with me, as you can tell from my accounts. So, I guess what I would suggest is that you keep up your search until you find the one that does click for you. And, you gotta admit, from her website and her blog, that Emily is dedicated to this profession of hers. Give her that, even if she doesn't match your ideals. Actually, she didn't physically match my ideals at first, either, but others' reviews intrigued me, I took a chance and saw her and then my ideals changed to fit her in (intangibles, etc.). Anyway, we should all be lucky enough to find providers of good service, eventually, right?
Agreed. Attraction is important. But clearly when you see the reviews about Emily, Rebecca, Madison. People have dropped the search for attraction and settled for service. It's like a float above the wife... Lol.

Emily J

Service Provider
Jun 12, 2012
I met Emily a while ago now through the other board.
Quite frankly speaking, it was no where near what was hoping for.
I am also disappointed. I am unable to recall who you are and reflect on our time together, what went wrong, or consider what could be done differently moving forward. I am sorry that we did not click on that day.

I typically only receive very positive feedback, so it is disheartening for me to read this. In my eyes, the best case scenario is for my guest to say something during our time together, so I can rectify the situation and ensure you leave happy & satisfied. I have two factors I am currently working on improving. I think it's possible that occasionally some people may be misreading my laid back and easy going go-with-the-flow nature, for something else. I love my job, and I love spending time with clients, but I am genuine, so I don’t try to be a porn star or put on an extravagant show. I provide a certain style of service (which is clear on my website), and it's not go-go-go-fuck-fuck-fuck, it's a lot more subdued. Also, I do lean towards the submissive side. So while I have no problem leading the way when required, and I am certainly up for a wide range or activities, I really appreciate when my clients to communicate and tell me what they like, what they want, what they want to do to/with me, etc. I could spend the whole encounter ever-so-slowing licking and sucking your tasty hard cock, unless you actually verbally tell me you want to do something else.

Second, I’ve been burned a few times now by people misreading me “having a good time”, and making them feel special, for me wanting some kind of personal relationship from them outside of work. It’s an ongoing fine line I straddle, so I try not to give off verbal of physical cues that could be misread, while at the same time expressing that I really am enjoying myself and your company.

All this said, I wish that every two people could always connect, always be on the same wavelength, always understand each other, unfortunately we can’t, and that is just the nature of human relationships.

She's also changed in appearance... Nothing stays the same.
Since we haven’t personally seen each other since my first month in the business two years ago, I can only assume this comment is relying on my photos. To which I say, yes of course, we all change. I’m a few years older, maybe a few more blemishes, a few extra pounds, but fortunately, I am not afraid to embrace these things, and I feel great. I am the happiest, overall internally healthy and most stress-free I have ever been in my life. I am also very self-aware and I know I am not perfect. On my website I do not use excessive and exaggerated adjectives to describe my physical appearance. Instead, I opt to highlight my other many positive features, skills and assets. Luckily, as I learned early on, there is room for a diverse range of physical appearances and personalities in this business.

Also, my photos are clear & not over edited, up-to-date, with the last of which taken only three months ago. While I’ve always dated all my photo albums so there was no misunderstandings, I did take a look at my website this morning after reading your comment and chose to delete photo albums that were older than 18 months old.

Well, in reading this thread, she's probably just burned out, so don't kick yourself. It happens. Just move on to someone who's fresher in the biz.
Thank you for your input. While I am sure that it ultimately comes from a place of deep consideration for my health and well being, I actually feel that I am at the top of both my personal and professional game. I believe that I am a profoundly better provider than I was two short years ago when I entered the industry. I've gained a wealth of experience, fine-tuned my hostess skills, and developed my personal intimacy expertise.

I would hope that most clients don’t agree that providers have a "shelf life" of two years or less, or they would be missing out on some of the mind-blowing experience and knowledge of the male species that many of the wonderful ladies in the industry have to offer.

Of course not every two people can click, but I work hard to represent my style of service accurately in my advertising, and ensure every client leaves satisfied. My large and growing base of regular clients tells me I am doing something right. And I ever felt my service was lacking or that I was "burnt out", I would leave the business and go back to my previous career in a heartbeat. For now, I still love my work, my clients, and their delicious cocks! :)


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Thank you for your input. While I am sure it comes from a place of deep consideration for my health and well being, I actually feel that I am at the top of both my personal and professional game. I believe that I am a profoundly better provider than I was two short years ago when I entered the industry. I've gained a wealth of experience, fine-tuned my hostess skills, and developed my personal intimacy expertise.

I would hope that most clients don’t agree that providers have a "shelf life" of two years or less, or they would be missing out on some of the mind-blowing experience and knowledge of the male species that many of the wonderful ladies in the industry have to offer.

Of course not every two people can click, but I work hard to represent my style of service accurately in my advertising, and ensure every client leaves satisfied. My large and growing base of regular clients tells me I am doing something right. And I ever felt my service was lacking or that I was "burnt out", I would leave the business and go back to my previous career in a heartbeat. For now, I still love my work, my clients, and their delicious cocks! :)

Hello Emily!

I must jump in say first of all your responses are classy, well written and heartfelt.

Secondly, my intent really was to tell the OP to simply forget it and move on. Apparently I caused quite the shit storm with my possible explanation for the service the OP received. Hmm...obviously not the best choice of reasons.

I am sure you are wonderful and have many clients that appreciate you and your virtues.


Jan 5, 2013
Thank you for the response, I appreciate it.
Just for the record, I was by no means bashing, just highlighting my encounter.
Thank you...
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