Make you stupid? Well, you certainly have not talked with any creative people -- artists, musicians, writers, philosophers, research scientists, theoretical thinkers, inventors, etc. -- who use it! It may impair mechanical and logical faculties for many, but it greatly enhances many other creative and meditative faculties... and if you have not engaged in sexual activities under its influence, then you are really missing some marvelous life experiences.
Smell of it? Only if you surround yourself with great clouds of smoke. Not at all if you vaporize or eat it. And do not smoke it. In fact, don't smoke anything other than fish! Well, OK, meat, too.
It isn't a cure for anything? You have not kept up to date on medical research. In fact, the research shows that it helps with a very large number of illnesses and diseases. There has been a ton of research over the past 15 years or so, especially in Israel, with some mind blowing revelations. And cannabis has been part of the pharmacopeia of the East for thousands of years and of the West for hundreds of years until the Great "Reefer Madness" Hoax was invented in the 1930's...
I have been using it on-and-off for many years recreationally and in meditation, but I do not drive or try to do anything requiring mechanical or logical/rational dexterity when medicated. More interestingly, I have been using it in a very methodical way to treat my arthritis for the past 4 years or so and it has helped immensely, to the point that my rheumatologist was amazed.
And you may be utterly shocked to hear that there is a lot of medical research and evidence suggesting that it may even
cure cancer! And no doubt that it greatly helps with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, PTSD's, Crohn's... Here's a useful link for you, if you wish to explore the subject:
If you are saying that it is important to understand and differentiate between its use, misuse and abuse, I agree totally! Many, many people abuse it because they think that, if a little bit is good, then a lot is better. The way I see it, getting stoned is abuse; getting a buzz and experiencing yourself and your environment in ways you had never experienced it before, is use!
Now, if you don't mind, I'll step off the soapbox. :yo: